
If you don't like cold, drink hot! Warm and sweet! Nine kinds of warm sun warm stomach hot fruit tea, delicious and intimate sisters who do not like to drink cold drinks can be paired with a cup of warm fruit tea, the ingredients are simple, the method is simpler

author:Exceptional lark Y1

If you don't like cold, drink hot! Warm and sweet! Nine kinds of warm sun warm stomach hot fruit tea, delicious and intimate sisters who don't like to drink cold drinks can be paired with a cup of warm fruit tea, the ingredients are simple, the method is simpler, warm the heart and warm the stomach, hurry up and learn! Rice strawberry hot black tea ingredients: strawberry ■, black tea, rock sugar Method: black tea first brewed with boiling water, in the cut strawberry and rock sugar, put into black tea can be rice plum lemon tea ingredients: lemon door, small green orange, black tea, word plum, rock sugar Method: black tea brewed with boiling water, lemon door, small green orange, word plum, rock sugar into the teapot in turn, and finally pour black tea just good rice pomegranate tangerine peel tea ingredients: pomegranate, tangerine peel, apple, black tea, rock sugar Method: black tea first brewed with boiling water, In turn, put other ingredients into black tea, you can rice guiyuan hot black tea ingredients: guiyuan, black tea method: black tea brewed with boiling water, in the black tea put cinnamon into black tea rice honey pomelo lemon tea ingredients: grapefruit, orange, lemon door, rock sugar, black tea method: black tea brewed with boiling water, put other ingredients in the cup in turn

Michen Ti Jasmine Tea

Ingredients: green grapes, jasmine tea Preparation: first put the green grapes into a cup to mash out the juice, and then brew the jasmine tea with boiling water, pour the grape pulp into the jasmine tea can be rice Hong Kong style lemon tea Ingredients: lemon ■, rock sugar, black tea Method: black tea brewed with boiling water to cool, lemon ■ seeded and rock sugar put into black tea can be rice apple hot orange tea ingredients: apple, orange, lemon ■, rock sugar, black tea Method: black tea brewed with boiling water, and then put the fruit and rock sugar into the cup * Lemon passion fruit oolong tea Ingredients: orange, Lemon ■, passion fruit, oolong tea preparation: oolong tea brewed with boiling water, passion fruit into a cup, orange, lemon ■, and then put in the brewed oolong tea to learn these kinds of warming tea, meet three or five friends, chat while drinking tea, slowly enjoy this good time!

If you don't like cold, drink hot! Warm and sweet! Nine kinds of warm sun warm stomach hot fruit tea, delicious and intimate sisters who do not like to drink cold drinks can be paired with a cup of warm fruit tea, the ingredients are simple, the method is simpler
If you don't like cold, drink hot! Warm and sweet! Nine kinds of warm sun warm stomach hot fruit tea, delicious and intimate sisters who do not like to drink cold drinks can be paired with a cup of warm fruit tea, the ingredients are simple, the method is simpler
If you don't like cold, drink hot! Warm and sweet! Nine kinds of warm sun warm stomach hot fruit tea, delicious and intimate sisters who do not like to drink cold drinks can be paired with a cup of warm fruit tea, the ingredients are simple, the method is simpler
If you don't like cold, drink hot! Warm and sweet! Nine kinds of warm sun warm stomach hot fruit tea, delicious and intimate sisters who do not like to drink cold drinks can be paired with a cup of warm fruit tea, the ingredients are simple, the method is simpler
If you don't like cold, drink hot! Warm and sweet! Nine kinds of warm sun warm stomach hot fruit tea, delicious and intimate sisters who do not like to drink cold drinks can be paired with a cup of warm fruit tea, the ingredients are simple, the method is simpler
If you don't like cold, drink hot! Warm and sweet! Nine kinds of warm sun warm stomach hot fruit tea, delicious and intimate sisters who do not like to drink cold drinks can be paired with a cup of warm fruit tea, the ingredients are simple, the method is simpler
If you don't like cold, drink hot! Warm and sweet! Nine kinds of warm sun warm stomach hot fruit tea, delicious and intimate sisters who do not like to drink cold drinks can be paired with a cup of warm fruit tea, the ingredients are simple, the method is simpler
If you don't like cold, drink hot! Warm and sweet! Nine kinds of warm sun warm stomach hot fruit tea, delicious and intimate sisters who do not like to drink cold drinks can be paired with a cup of warm fruit tea, the ingredients are simple, the method is simpler
If you don't like cold, drink hot! Warm and sweet! Nine kinds of warm sun warm stomach hot fruit tea, delicious and intimate sisters who do not like to drink cold drinks can be paired with a cup of warm fruit tea, the ingredients are simple, the method is simpler

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