
1⃣️ Hyenas usually live in the grasslands and semi-deserts of sub-Saharan Africa and are one of the most threatening animals in the African savannah after lions, leopards and coyotes. 2⃣️

author:Happy animal observer

1⃣️ Hyenas usually live in the grasslands and semi-deserts of sub-Saharan Africa and are one of the most threatening animals in the African savannah after lions, leopards and coyotes.

2⃣️ Hyenas feed on mammals and often hunt in small groups of 10 to 20 animals, and as long as they are targeted, they will not want to escape. They can run at speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour, making them one of the fastest mammals in the world.

3⃣️ Hyenas are very sociable, and there is also a clear division of labor within the group, there are the leader of the group, the queen, there are also the younger brothers who are called, and there are those who are responsible for keeping a sentry when hunting to prevent them from being attacked by lions and other animals.

4⃣️ Hyenas' sense of smell is also very sensitive, even sharper than animals such as lions, and hyenas generally give priority to finding prey.

5⃣️ Hyenas' teeth are so sharp that they can easily crush bones, and the bite force can reach 800 pounds.

6⃣️ The reproductive rate of hyenas is very high, and a pair of hyenas can give birth to 12 cubs in a year, which allows them to better adapt to the African environment.

7⃣️ Hyenas can feed their young pups through vomit, which is also very rare in mammals.

8⃣️ The hyena is a symbol of courage, perseverance and firm will in the culture of indigenous peoples of Africa, with a sublime mystery.

In conclusion, hyenas can endure high temperatures and arid conditions and can even survive for days without water. In addition, hyenas have a very strong immune system that can fight off many parasites and diseases. The pack structure of hyenas is very stable, and members help and protect each other, which makes them better able to cope with various threats. Overall, hyenas are a very adaptable animal that lives in extreme environments, and its excellent survival ability and social behavior have attracted widespread attention and research.

1⃣️ Hyenas usually live in the grasslands and semi-deserts of sub-Saharan Africa and are one of the most threatening animals in the African savannah after lions, leopards and coyotes. 2⃣️
1⃣️ Hyenas usually live in the grasslands and semi-deserts of sub-Saharan Africa and are one of the most threatening animals in the African savannah after lions, leopards and coyotes. 2⃣️
1⃣️ Hyenas usually live in the grasslands and semi-deserts of sub-Saharan Africa and are one of the most threatening animals in the African savannah after lions, leopards and coyotes. 2⃣️

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