
#如果一个人能过, how do humans reproduce? #如果人类想要繁衍, in the natural environment, only by sexual reproduction of dioecious-and-female mating (male and female sexual mating) to reproduce.

author:Novelty Brother Vision

#如果一个人能过, how do humans reproduce?#

If humans want to reproduce, they can only reproduce in the natural environment by sexual reproduction through dioecious-and-female mating (male and female sexual mating). That is, the male testicles produce active sperm and the eggs produced by the female ovaries combine in the female uterus to form fertilized eggs, which are further conceived into early life embryos, and "conceived in October, given birth in one day" and finally give birth to new life.

However, in nature, there is another form of sexual reproduction, namely parthenogenesis. Females do not need individual males to reproduce by replicating their own DNA to produce sperm-free egg cells. Like aphids in insects, bamboo insects, thrips, spitting birds among birds. Although there has been no record of parthenogenesis in human history, "cloning" technology similar to this has successfully achieved cases where females alone can reproduce, and cloned Dolly the sheep is based on the ewe's egg cells and somatic cells to reproduce (asexual reproduction).

Theoretically, if a person wants to reproduce, he may be able to rely on "cloning" to reproduce, but at present, most of the reproductive organs of organisms are in female individuals (the hippocampus is the only animal known to humans that gives birth to offspring), that is, if the law allows, from the current human science and technology, women can "clone" to reproduce, because they have egg cells and "nursery bag" organs, and only extinction awaits men.

#如果一个人能过, how do humans reproduce? #如果人类想要繁衍, in the natural environment, only by sexual reproduction of dioecious-and-female mating (male and female sexual mating) to reproduce.
#如果一个人能过, how do humans reproduce? #如果人类想要繁衍, in the natural environment, only by sexual reproduction of dioecious-and-female mating (male and female sexual mating) to reproduce.
#如果一个人能过, how do humans reproduce? #如果人类想要繁衍, in the natural environment, only by sexual reproduction of dioecious-and-female mating (male and female sexual mating) to reproduce.
#如果一个人能过, how do humans reproduce? #如果人类想要繁衍, in the natural environment, only by sexual reproduction of dioecious-and-female mating (male and female sexual mating) to reproduce.
#如果一个人能过, how do humans reproduce? #如果人类想要繁衍, in the natural environment, only by sexual reproduction of dioecious-and-female mating (male and female sexual mating) to reproduce.
#如果一个人能过, how do humans reproduce? #如果人类想要繁衍, in the natural environment, only by sexual reproduction of dioecious-and-female mating (male and female sexual mating) to reproduce.
#如果一个人能过, how do humans reproduce? #如果人类想要繁衍, in the natural environment, only by sexual reproduction of dioecious-and-female mating (male and female sexual mating) to reproduce.

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