
Not only Paraguay, but also Guatemala, which Tsai Ing-wen has just visited, has also begun to light up the "red light"

author:View the island by the sea

According to global network reports, since Honduras and the Taiwan authorities announced the "severance of diplomatic relations," media and public opinion on the island have begun to ponder a question: Among the remaining 13 "countries with diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities, who will be the next country to "break off diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities? In response to this, the island's eyes were initially set on Paraguay.

Not only Paraguay, but also Guatemala, which Tsai Ing-wen has just visited, has also begun to light up the "red light"

Figure 1: Tsai Ing-wen

Why does public opinion on the island think that it is Paraguay? I am afraid that this point starts with Honduras. One of the main reasons why Honduras will "sever diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities is that it feels "unfair" and psychologically unbalanced. The Taiwan authorities invested a large amount of money in Lithuania, and Honduras and Paraguay turned red after seeing it, and they also asked the Taiwan authorities to invest, and the result? The Taiwan authorities did not take any action from beginning to end. Now, Honduras has chosen to "sever diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities, and Paraguay, which originally proposed conditions to the Taiwan authorities, has naturally become the biggest object of public opinion on the island.

For example, Jiang Qichen, a member of the Kuomintang, said that Paraguay's current relations with the Taiwan authorities are very dangerous.

It is worth mentioning that not only public opinion on the island sees it this way, but even the Americans also see it this way. On April 5, Reuters reported that some policymakers in the United States believed that Paraguay was the most likely country to "sever diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities in the near future. In particular, on April 30, Paraguay is facing a general election, and if the opposition wins the election and comes to power, it is very likely that it will eventually "break off diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities in accordance with the demands of the country's agricultural lobby.

If we look at it from these perspectives, there is a great possibility that Paraguay will "break off diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities. But it is worth mentioning that according to the report of the global network, for the Taiwan authorities, Guatemala in Central America has also begun to light up the "red light".

It is estimated that the outside world may feel confused when they see this, didn't Tsai Ing-wen just return from a visit to Guatemala? Moreover, the President of Guatemala still vigorously touted their relationship with the Taiwan authorities in front of Tsai Ing-wen, could it be that Tsai Ing-wen went to Guatemala and accelerated the pace of "severing diplomatic relations" between Guatemala and the Taiwan authorities?

Not only Paraguay, but also Guatemala, which Tsai Ing-wen has just visited, has also begun to light up the "red light"

Figure 2: President of Guatemala

What's going on here? The reason is very simple, the voice in Guatemala calling for the establishment of diplomatic relations with the mainland and the "severance of diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities is getting louder, and many Guatemalan people believe that only by establishing diplomatic relations with the mainland can their country achieve greater development and make their lives better, especially when they witness the scene of those African countries achieving great development with the help of China, which makes them strengthen their belief: "maintaining relations" with the Taiwan authorities has no role at all for Guatemala, only the establishment of diplomatic relations with the mainland. In order to achieve long-term development.

Previously, public opinion on the island had carefully compared the advantages of the mainland and the Taiwan authorities, and the huge economic achievements made by the mainland made these developing countries envious, and the mainland brought them long-term development, and the Taiwan authorities simply could not do this.

At present, all sectors of Guatemalan society have issued calls for their governments to establish diplomatic relations with the mainland, it is worth noting that Guatemala is an elected country, can the Guatemalan government turn a blind eye to the voice of society?

It is worth mentioning that on April 6, Zhang Xi, a retired teacher in Toronto, also wrote an article in the island media, in which he questioned: How long can Guatemala stand up? Zhang Xi said that the term of Guatemalan President Jamaidai, who met with Tsai Ing-wen this time, will end this year, and the Guatemalan presidential election has begun on March 27, will the new Guatemalan president also "stand up" like Jamaidai?

Not only Paraguay, but also Guatemala, which Tsai Ing-wen has just visited, has also begun to light up the "red light"

Figure 3: Screenshot of relevant reports by media on the island

From this point of view, the current voices of Guatemalan society may have an impact on the country's presidential elections.

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