
#Record a good life with micro headlines## Micro headlines cultivation plan# Planted a few clumps of chrysanthemums old, and planned to pinch and eat this spring. Who knew that recently discovered a strange phenomenon, chrysanthemum old shoots are been

author:The Yang family passed by

#Record a good life with micro headlines##Micro headline cultivation plan#

Planted a few clumps of chrysanthemums old, planning to pinch and eat this spring. Who knows that a strange phenomenon was recently discovered, the old shoots of chrysanthemums were gnawed by something. The first thing that comes to mind is birds, do they treat chrysanthemums as vegetarian dishes after eating bugs? So he secretly hid behind the window to observe, and did not see the birds lingering near Chrysanthemum Lao. Do they also know the so-called melon field and Li Xia, know to avoid suspicion, and save themselves from being wronged?

Still doesn't feel right, not like a bird.

Pay attention to the sun and find that many stems and leaves are shiny, like snot. I suddenly remembered slugs, would that disgusting guy eat chrysanthemum old?

I can't see it during the day, so I wait for it to get dark, shine a flashlight, and sure enough, three or four are lying on the shoots, eating quietly!

Slug scientific name slug, dark and humid places are many. I only knew that they liked to eat leftovers in the sewers, and I didn't know that they actually ate vegetables and ate them with young shoots.

Take a pair of scissors to cut it off.

Isn't it a little vicious?

#Record a good life with micro headlines## Micro headlines cultivation plan# Planted a few clumps of chrysanthemums old, and planned to pinch and eat this spring. Who knew that recently discovered a strange phenomenon, chrysanthemum old shoots are been
#Record a good life with micro headlines## Micro headlines cultivation plan# Planted a few clumps of chrysanthemums old, and planned to pinch and eat this spring. Who knew that recently discovered a strange phenomenon, chrysanthemum old shoots are been
#Record a good life with micro headlines## Micro headlines cultivation plan# Planted a few clumps of chrysanthemums old, and planned to pinch and eat this spring. Who knew that recently discovered a strange phenomenon, chrysanthemum old shoots are been

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