
The prime minister of the Tang Dynasty who mysteriously disappeared

author:A history of famous people

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In the middle of the Tang Dynasty, a prime minister named Li Deyu mysteriously disappeared on an envoy to the Liao Kingdom. Was he murdered? Or did he leave officialdom on his own? This mystery has caused countless speculations and discussions.

During the Tang Dynasty, Li Deyu was a prime minister who was highly appreciated by the emperor. He was talented, intelligent, and bold, and was known as the "heavy weapon of the country" at that time. However, in 780 AD, he mysteriously disappeared. At that time, he was on an envoy to the Liao Kingdom, but his mission returned, but there was no trace of Li Deyu.

The prime minister of the Tang Dynasty who mysteriously disappeared

People began to speculate whether Li Deyu was captured by the Liao people? Or did something happen? The emperor sent people to find out, but Li Deyu never appeared. In the end, the emperor had to declare Li Deyu missing and posthumously honor him as crown prince.

However, Li Deyu's disappearance has sparked more speculation and rumors. Some say he was murdered by enemies at court; Some say that he was lured by the Liao people and taken captive; Others say he was kidnapped by a mysterious organization because he learned their secrets.

A few years later, the political situation in the Tang Dynasty began to be turbulent, and after the death of Tang Dezong, Tang Xianzong ascended the throne. The new emperor began to reuse Li Deyu's protégé, and Li Deyu's son Li Wei also became prime minister. However, they cannot solve the mystery of Li Deyu's disappearance.

Until hundreds of years later, some scholars found an ancient twist when collecting historical materials of the Tang Dynasty. This note was written to the emperor by a general at the time about Li Deyu's disappearance. The compromise mentions that Li Deyu was fleeing the emperor's wrath because he secretly did a private thing for himself in the Liao state's mission.

What is this private matter? It is said that he had people secretly bring him back a woman. This woman was a beautiful woman in the palace at that time, however, the identity of this beauty was not simple, she turned out to be a mysterious outsider. It is said that she is from the Western Regions and possesses incredible martial arts and wisdom. This led to speculation that she might be a princess or a female general of some kingdom.

The prime minister of the Tang Dynasty who mysteriously disappeared

The Qianlong Emperor was attracted by the beauty and mystery of this beautiful woman and often invited her to meet her in his palace. Their relationship became increasingly intimate, and it was even rumored that the two had become husband and wife in private.

However, this relationship clearly violated the etiquette and system of the Qing Dynasty. The people in the palace began to talk about it, and some expressed concern that the emperor would lose people's hearts and even cause political turmoil.

One night, a scream suddenly came from the palace. The guards rushed to the scene and found the Qianlong Emperor lying on the ground, pale and breathless. Beside him, there stood a mysterious woman, who looked very calm.

This unexpected death puzzled people. It is suspected that the woman did it, but there is no conclusive evidence. Others suspected that the son of the Qianlong Emperor or other forces in the court were responsible.

The prime minister of the Tang Dynasty who mysteriously disappeared

Historically, the cause of death of the Qianlong Emperor has been disputed. Some believe he died because he took a lot of drugs, while others believe he was poisoned. And what kind of divine this mysterious woman is, and whether it is related to his death, has also become a suspense.

Regardless of the truth, the death of the Qianlong Emperor laid the groundwork for the decline of the Qing Dynasty. His successors did not have the power of domination, nor his wisdom and vision. This powerful empire began to decline until it finally collapsed.

History is always full of unknowns and mysteries that stimulate curiosity and curiosity. It is these unsolved mysteries that make history deeper and richer, and make us more eager to understand and explore.