
Treat the liver, treat the large intestine first! Share a detoxification recipe, enteral liver disease elimination, sweep hepatitis, fatty liver

author:Dr. Liu of the Department of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Now many people have the problem of liver disease, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, fatty liver, liver cyst, hepatitis, etc., but it is found that no matter how to regulate the liver, thinn the liver, and clear the liver, the effect is not great.

Treat the liver, treat the large intestine first! Share a detoxification recipe, enteral liver disease elimination, sweep hepatitis, fatty liver

What's going on here?

In fact, Mr. Ni Haixia, a genius of traditional Chinese medicine, has long said: to treat the liver, we must treat the large intestine. If you blindly stare at the liver, but the stool is often not clear, constipated, often 7 or 8 days without going to the toilet, at this time, the liver problem can not be well solved.

This is because, anatomy, there is a blood vessel connected between our liver and the large intestine, and this blood vessel is also the only blood vessel in the body that does not have valves.

Treat the liver, treat the large intestine first! Share a detoxification recipe, enteral liver disease elimination, sweep hepatitis, fatty liver
It is with its existence that the blood or metabolic garbage in the liver can be transported to the large intestine in time, on the one hand, promote its peristalsis, and then discharge the turbidity and toxins in the body according to the trend.

Therefore, once the large intestine is blocked, these blood garbage will be depressed together, damp, hot, phlegm, and aggravate the damage of the liver. Moreover, because there is no valve, the turbid gas and dry gas in the large intestine will also flow back to the liver to a large extent, filling the liver and going to our stomach, making people often have nausea, stomach pain, poor appetite and other problems.

Treat the liver, treat the large intestine first! Share a detoxification recipe, enteral liver disease elimination, sweep hepatitis, fatty liver

Therefore, to treat the liver, we must treat the large intestine. Then I will share with you a recipe called: Da Chai Hu Tang. Clinically, it is also a basic way to treat various liver diseases, and you can make a reference.

First of all, there is rhubarb in this recipe, rhubarb can remove solidity, which can help excrete the stool in the body;

Treat the liver, treat the large intestine first! Share a detoxification recipe, enteral liver disease elimination, sweep hepatitis, fatty liver


There is also citrus fruit, which not only widens the intestine, but also can remove the swish water in the food, 2 flavors of medicine match, into the large intestine meridian, diarrhea laxation, break stasis;

Treat the liver, treat the large intestine first! Share a detoxification recipe, enteral liver disease elimination, sweep hepatitis, fatty liver


In addition, there is also peony medicine, which has the effect of nourishing blood and relieving pain, so as to prevent damage to qi and blood when diarrhea is accumulated.

Treat the liver, treat the large intestine first! Share a detoxification recipe, enteral liver disease elimination, sweep hepatitis, fatty liver


Next, is Chai Hu and Shuangqin, Chai Hu is good at thinning the liver, Scutellaria baicalensis focuses on clearing heat, and 2 flavor medicines, one main liter, one main fall, while clearing heat and dehumidifying, it can regulate the qi mechanism of the whole body smoothly, which is more conducive to the discharge of toxins in the body, and can also prevent the liver from becoming depressed and turning into fire, dampness, heat, phlegm;

Treat the liver, treat the large intestine first! Share a detoxification recipe, enteral liver disease elimination, sweep hepatitis, fatty liver


Finally, ginger and jujube strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the spleen and stomach are strong, which is also conducive to the smoothness of the stool and the recovery of liver function.

Then, the above is Da Chai Hu Tang, thinning the liver and treating the intestines, clearing heat and moisture, especially suitable for liver problems, often going back and forth between cold and heat, chest and flank bitterness, nausea, and patients must have constipation.

If necessary, you can use it after dialectical addition and subtraction under the guidance of a doctor, and the improvement effect is very good.