
She was the most beautiful woman in ancient times, but she was exiled because of a word

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Her name is Li Jiao'e, she is one of the most beautiful women in the Tang Dynasty and one of the most beloved women of Tang Xuanzong.

She was the most beautiful woman in ancient times, but she was exiled because of a word

Li Jiao'e was born in a wealthy family in the Tang Dynasty, and she was known as a beautiful woman since she was a child, and many people wanted to pursue her. However, she has never found the person she likes. Until one day, she met Tang Xuanzong.

Emperor Xuanzong of Tang was the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he was a man with a strong cultural atmosphere, he liked literature, music and poetry. When he saw Li Jiao'e, he was attracted by her beauty, and he felt that Li Jiao'e was the most beautiful woman in his life.

She was the most beautiful woman in ancient times, but she was exiled because of a word

Tang Xuanzong was very fond of Li Jiao'e, and he gave her an alias called "Taizhen", which means "too beautiful". He often gave Li Jiao'e all kinds of valuable gifts to let her live a carefree life.

She was the most beautiful woman in ancient times, but she was exiled because of a word

However, Li Jiao'e is not a woman who will only enjoy, she also has her own thoughts and opinions. One day, Tang Xuanzong asked her, "What do you think is wrong with me?" Li Jiao'e replied, "Your Majesty, you are a little greedy. ”

Tang Xuanzong was very angry when he heard this, and he felt that Li Jiao'e should not criticize him. So, he decided to exile Li Jiao'e to a remote place and let her live a miserable life.

She was the most beautiful woman in ancient times, but she was exiled because of a word

Li Jiao'e was exiled to a place called Shuzhou, where the mountains were high and the water was deep and the environment was harsh. She has no family, no friends, and only one person living alone. However, she did not give up her life because of this, and she still maintained her beauty and self-respect.

She was the most beautiful woman in ancient times, but she was exiled because of a word

During her years in exile, Li Jiao'e wrote many poems expressing her thoughts and feelings. Her poetry is full of yearning for freedom and a better life, as well as criticism and dissatisfaction with the rulers of the Tang Dynasty.

She was the most beautiful woman in ancient times, but she was exiled because of a word

In the end, Li Jiao'e's talent was discovered, and her poetry was sung, becoming a valuable treasure in the literary history of the Tang Dynasty. Her beauty and talent have become the object of admiration and praise for posterity.

She was the most beautiful woman in ancient times, but she was exiled because of a word

Li Jiao'e's story tells us that a person's beauty and talent are not the most important, but more important is a person's thoughts and character. Li Jiao'e's exile has strengthened her belief and pursuit, and her talent has been more widely recognized and inherited. Her story makes us understand a truth: no matter what setbacks and difficulties we encounter in life, we should maintain our beliefs and pursuits, and use our talents and character to create a better life and value.

She was the most beautiful woman in ancient times, but she was exiled because of a word