
Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of women's menopause, keep in mind 3 points to use safely

author:Dr. Yu Fang talks about health

In all kinds of proprietary Chinese medicine, I believe that everyone is familiar with the drug Liuwei Dihuang Pill, and many friends think that Liuwei Dihuang Pill is a special drug for men's "kidney tonification", but this understanding is actually a cognitive misunderstanding.

Some medical researchers have proved through experiments that Liuwei Dihuang Pill has obvious curative effects in the conditioning effect of a variety of diseases, especially in improving women's menopause.

Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of women's menopause, keep in mind 3 points to use safely

Start by understanding the 5 symptoms of menopause in women:

1. Deterioration of physical fitness

Once a woman enters menopause, it proves that women have slowly aged, and many bodily functions are slowly declining. For example, women may feel particularly tired if they move a little, and they may also have some symptoms of back pain.

Therefore, even after women enter menopause, they should exercise appropriately, so that they can better pass female menopause, improve their immunity, and improve their physique.

Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of women's menopause, keep in mind 3 points to use safely

2. Hot flashes

Hot flashes, flushes, and night sweats are the most typical symptoms of women entering menopause, and 80% of women will have varying degrees of symptoms during menopause. Patients often experience paroxysmal hot flashes that radiate from the chest to the head and neck and then spread throughout the body, due to unstable vasomotor function.

In the flushing area, there will also be fever, sweating and other symptoms, this state lasts for a short time, often at night, in the afternoon, which has a great impact on sleep quality.

Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of women's menopause, keep in mind 3 points to use safely

3. It is easy to appear mental, sensitive and emotionally changeable

Some people often have symptoms such as headache, fatigue, dizziness, excitement, easy irritability, depression, and even a few people will have mental illness.

Menopausal women must adjust their psychological pressure, face up to menopausal problems with an optimistic attitude, do not put too much pressure on themselves, maintain a good attitude, and actively cooperate with doctors for treatment, which will soon pass.

Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of women's menopause, keep in mind 3 points to use safely

4. Skin symptoms

Menopause also represents the aging of women, the most obvious manifestation of which is the change of skin. During menopause, women's skin begins to age, becomes dry and inelastic, wrinkles gradually appear in the corners of the neck, eyes and hands, and dull complexion, long pigmentation, and loose skin may also occur.

It is recommended that female friends can do some anti-aging measures, try to use anti-aging skin care products, and the improvement of skin condition can also improve the emotional instability of menopause.

Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of women's menopause, keep in mind 3 points to use safely

5. Joint pain

Joint pain is mostly a signal sent by menopause, and after entering menopause, the female estrogen secretion decreases and the body's ability to absorb calcium is reduced. Calcium deficiency is obviously very dangerous, which will accelerate the degeneration of joint bones, and even cause osteoporosis to produce pain.

The body has this condition, the joints are prone to pain, more indicates the arrival of menopause, should pay attention to calcium and estrogen supplementation.

Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of women's menopause, keep in mind 3 points to use safely

Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of female menopause

1. Hot flashes, night sweats, and five upset fevers during menopause

The typical symptoms of kidney yin deficiency are yin deficiency and fire, and the accompanying symptoms include five upset fever, sore waist and knees, dizziness and fatigue.

And many menopausal women in the menopausal stage, will also be accompanied by certain vasomotor symptoms, hot flashes, night sweats, five upset heat and other problems, are common discomfort symptoms in female menopause.

If it is proved to be a liver and kidney yin deficiency, taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills to nourish the liver and kidneys can play a role in improving related discomfort symptoms.

Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of women's menopause, keep in mind 3 points to use safely

2. Menopausal hypertension

Liuwei Dihuang Pill is a relatively stable and safe antihypertensive drug, carefully analyze its composition, cooked rehmannia has a strong heart, beef meat, peony peel, ze diarrhea is very beneficial to blood pressure reduction, and poria yam diuretic effect is very good.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that hypertension belongs to the categories of "headache", "dizziness", "liver yang hyperactivity" and so on, and the typical characteristics of kidney deficiency are dizziness and tinnitus. Liuwei Dihuang Pill replenishes the yin of liver and kidney, cleanses the fire of liver and kidney, and balances the yin and yang of liver and kidney well, so it has a relieving effect on high blood pressure.

Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of women's menopause, keep in mind 3 points to use safely

3. Systemic lupus erythematosus

Lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease, and "serositis" is the main symptom and manifestation of this disease.

Lupus erythematosus belongs to the reduction stage of corticosteroids, and patients can take Liuwei Dihuang pills orally, which can adjust the body's immune function and alleviate corticosteroid "rebound" and some other adverse reactions through its Fuzheng Peiben.

In this way, corticosteroids can reduce the damage of adrenal cortex endocrine function and inhibit adverse reactions.

Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of women's menopause, keep in mind 3 points to use safely

4. Treatment of itchy skin in the elderly

The kidney yin tonic effect of Liuwei Dihuang Pill can promote the secretion of androgens, thereby slowing down the atrophy of the sebaceous glands.

The itchy skin of the elderly is mainly caused by the decline in the function of the sebaceous glands of the elderly, so the use of Liuwei Dihuang Pills under the guidance of a doctor can effectively improve the itching of the elderly skin.

Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of women's menopause, keep in mind 3 points to use safely

Keep in mind 3 points for safe use

1. The food of the antidote should be avoided

Under normal circumstances, some foods that are easy to cure during the taking of Rokumi Dihuang Pill need to be avoided. Because Liuwei Dihuang Pill is made of pure Chinese medicine, if you do not pay attention to your diet during the period of taking, it is often easy to reduce the efficacy of the medicine.

Foods like common spicy foods, greasy foods, mung beans, white radishes and other foods are easy to reduce the efficacy of the drug, which may lead to halving the efficacy of Liuwei Dihuang Pills.

Therefore, in the process of taking Liuwei Dihuang Pill to condition the body, you should strictly pay attention to the relevant dietary problems, so that the diet is light, these foods that are easy to cure need to be strictly taboo.

Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of women's menopause, keep in mind 3 points to use safely

2. Healthy people should not eat casually

In daily life, many people take Liuwei Dihuang Pill as a tonic and health medicine. As a proprietary Chinese medicine, Liuwei Dihuang Pill also has certain drug toxicity, and it will also be treated for diseases after entering the human body.

Although Liuwei Dihuang Pill has the effect of tonifying the kidney, even if healthy people eat it in a short period of time without adverse reactions, long-term use of Liuwei Dihuang Pill may also have problems such as full stomach, loose stools, and loss of appetite.

Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of women's menopause, keep in mind 3 points to use safely

3. People with kidney yang deficiency / no obvious symptoms of kidney yin deficiency should not take it

Many people think that they are kidney deficiency or blindly take Liuwei Dihuang Pill without obvious symptoms, which is wrong, kidney deficiency is also divided into kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency.

Liuwei Dihuang Pill is a drug suitable for kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang deficiency and people without obvious kidney yin deficiency are not suitable for taking. People with kidney yang deficiency often not only do not relieve their condition after taking Liuwei Dihuang Pill, but also may make the situation worse, with a full stomach, loose stools, loss of appetite and other conditions.

Small six flavor Dihuang pills, can regulate 4 common problems of women's menopause, keep in mind 3 points to use safely

Extension: Can you eat Liuwei Dihuang Pills on an empty stomach?

Liuwei Dihuang Pill can not be eaten on an empty stomach, if eaten on an empty stomach is likely to bring irritation to the stomach, will cause abdominal pain symptoms, can be taken after meals, conducive to the body's digestion and absorption.

The role of simple drug treatment is not particularly obvious, and it is necessary to cooperate with other drugs to treat according to the doctor's guidance, which is conducive to the recovery of the disease.