
Eat like this in spring health and disease prevention! 6. Vegetables enhance immunity, anti-allergy, and lay the foundation for year-round health

author:In short, Nutshell
Eat like this in spring health and disease prevention! 6. Vegetables enhance immunity, anti-allergy, and lay the foundation for year-round health

Spring should nourish the stomach, protect the liver and protect the intestines

In spring, the climate is changeable, and it is easy to be affected by viruses, suffering from respiratory diseases such as colds, flu, and new crown pneumonia, or inducing nasal allergies, asthma and other problems. Dietitians suggest that in spring, it is advisable to nourish the stomach, protect the liver, protect the intestines, eat a light diet, consume an appropriate amount of protein, and eat more vegetables to enhance immunity, strengthen the protection mechanism, and lay the foundation for the health of the whole year.

Eat fish and seafood to boost immunity

During the New Year, eat too much big fish and meat, overeating, easy to hurt the stomach and liver, immunity decline, dietitian believes that after starting work, it is necessary to nourish the stomach and protect the liver, protein intake should be sufficient, mainly eating fish, seafood, can enhance immunity, anti-inflammation, repair the health of the liver and stomach mucosa.

Spring is also a time for cardiovascular disease, dietitians recommend that you can eat more soy isoflavones rich in legumes, or drink warm soy milk to avoid blood vessel inflammation and prevent stroke or myocardial infarction.

At the same time, it is necessary to protect the intestines and protect the liver, do not eat too greasy, should eat refreshing dishes, and consume more vegetables rich in vitamin A, C and dietary fiber, preferably dark colors or yellow and red vegetables. Vitamin A is a nutrient required by the epithelial mucosa, which can enhance the maintenance of the respiratory mucosa and improve the antioxidant capacity; Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for antibody production, which can help improve the ability to fight viruses and enhance the function of the immune system.

Nutritionists pointed out that vegetables rich in vitamin A mainly include leeks, carrots, tomatoes, red amaranth, amaranth, lettuce leaves, rape flowers, peas, coriander; Vegetables rich in vitamin C, such as cauliflower, bell peppers, peppers, shallots, etc.

Onions, shallots and other spiced vegetables, rich in vitamin B1, B2 and B6, is needed to make antibodies, can enhance immunity, onions also contain flavonoids, quercetin, green onions contain organic sulfide, not only can nourish the stomach and protect the liver and intestines, the initial cold has a prevention and treatment effect, can improve the antioxidant capacity against viruses.

The cooking of spring vegetables is based on the principle of less oil, good oil and low temperature. Because the nutrients needed in spring vitamin A are fat-soluble, it is still necessary to match a little oil to help the body absorb, but unlike the cold winter that needs more oil to help keep warm, the amount of oil should be reduced in spring, so as not to take too many calories, use oil moderately, and choose good oil, such as olive oil, linseed oil, bitter tea oil, nuts, etc.

Eat like this in spring health and disease prevention! 6. Vegetables enhance immunity, anti-allergy, and lay the foundation for year-round health

Spring vegetables are best served in a warm salad with a little oil vinegar or some nuts

Warm salad and blanched eating are more nutritious

Spring vegetables are most suitable for using warm salads, add a little oil vinegar or sprinkle some nuts, do not need to use fatty Caesar sauce, the temperature to eat warm, you can also avoid eating too hot or too cold, because the weather at this time although the weather from cold to warm, but not very hot, should not eat too cold cold coleslaw, lettuce salad or too ice food, gastrointestinal adaptability is not so good, in addition to vitamin A, C rich vegetables, can also be paired with oligosaccharide-containing onions, asparagus and other ingredients that can help increase intestinal bacteria.

Vitamin C is particularly high mung bean sprouts, cauliflower, etc., not suitable for high-temperature cooking, afraid of vitamin C loss, nutritionists suggest, can be quickly blanched, or use good oil to low temperature water oil stir-fry, can be eaten.

If you want to drink vegetable juice, you should not use ice water but room temperature water, choose carrots, tomatoes and dark vegetables, plus fruits such as cantaloupe, small tomatoes, and add some nuts, can improve the absorption rate of fat-soluble vitamins, staple food can be matched with colored pumpkin, sweet potatoes, etc., beaten into room temperature comprehensive vegetable juice to drink.

6 vegetables, enhance immunity, protect intestines and stomach, anti-allergic

The best choice for spring vegetables, nutritionists suggest, rich in vitamin A, C rich seasonal vegetables, shallots, onions and other spices are the first choice, other include mustard greens, rape flowers, spring shoots, pea scabs, etc., are also suitable for eating vegetables in spring, help anti-virus, protect the respiratory tract, protect the intestines and stomach, enhance immunity, and fight allergies to the upper body.

Shallots: Relieves stomach ulcers

In Chinese cuisine, green onions are an important spice, spring is the peak season of green onions, green onions are rich in dietary fiber, rich in vitamin A, B group, C, E and β carotene, especially containing unique organic sulfides, slightly spicy pungent taste, strong antioxidant power, antibacterial power is also strong, eat more green onion dishes, can improve and relieve gastric ulcer symptoms, but also reduce the incidence of gastric ulcer, and have the effect of preventing colds, eliminating fatigue, helping bowel movements.

Green onion flavor is spicy and warm, can kill bacteria, strengthen the stomach and intestines, slightly hot can be eaten, but raw green onions are more spicy and stimulating, people with digestive ulcers are best not to eat raw. Nutritionists pointed out that Chinese medicine has a "green onion white soup" dietary remedy, which can improve "wind cold" colds, or eating green onion white porridge, which can help relieve the discomfort of early colds.

Eat like this in spring health and disease prevention! 6. Vegetables enhance immunity, anti-allergy, and lay the foundation for year-round health

Spring is the peak season for onions, which are flavonoids in quercetin

Onion: Soothes allergies

Spring is the onion season, onion is a spicy vegetable, containing flavonoids, sulfide two special nutrients, has a strong antioxidant effect, which belongs to flavonoids quercetin, can be anti-allergic, inhibit allergic reactions, antihistamine, relieve allergic symptoms, onions also have the effect of lowering three highs, improving mild colds, helping bowel movements and so on.

Onions are rich in dietary fiber and contain oligosaccharides, which can stimulate intestinal bacteria, help intestinal peristalsis, help smooth bowel movements, improve constipation, and maintain intestinal health. However, the nutritionist reminds that although eating onions raw has a good health effect, because onions contain oligosaccharides that are easy to flatulence and have a stimulating spicy taste, the elderly and people with poor stomach should avoid eating them raw, and it is recommended that they should be cooked before eating. Scrambled eggs like onions are a nice simple dish.

Mustard greens: can be eaten for high blood pressure

Mustard greens, known as perennial dishes, are in the peak season, known as "Kai Cai" in Hokkien, rich in potassium ions, suitable for hypertensive patients, and rich in vitamin A, B group, C, β carotene, indole, etc., is the best vegetable to enhance immunity, anti-allergy, and prevent cancer.

If you eat a lot of big fish and meat in the New Year, you can eat more refreshing mustard dishes. Nutritionists suggest that mustard greens can be cooked with meat or seafood, and fat can bring out vitamin A and β carotene, which has the effect of maintaining the trachea, fighting asthma and allergies, improving immunity, and preventing cancer. In addition, mustard greens have a lot of dietary fiber and have the function of preventing constipation.

Canola flower: boosts immunity

Canola flower is a nutritious cruciferous vegetable, commonly known as "rapeseed", belongs to high potassium, high fiber vegetables, especially vitamin A, C content is quite high, vitamin A content is more than three times that of rape, vitamin A has the effect of repairing mucosa, vitamin C has antioxidant, antiviral effect, therefore, often eat rape flower, can effectively enhance immunity, anti-allergic effect is obvious.

Because rape flowers have a high potassium content, they have the effect of lowering blood pressure, but they are not suitable for high-temperature cooking, and are only suitable for low-temperature cooking. Dietitian, people with high blood pressure can eat it after scalding, but kidney patients with potassium restriction should not drink scalded soup.

Eat like this in spring health and disease prevention! 6. Vegetables enhance immunity, anti-allergy, and lay the foundation for year-round health

Spring shoots are high potassium food, diuretic, rich in dietary fiber and low in calories

Spring shoots: suitable for people who are afraid of fat

Spring is the season of spring shoots, spring shoots are high potassium ingredients, diuretic, rich in dietary fiber and low in calories, not only help lower blood pressure, stabilize blood sugar, lower blood lipids, but also suitable for people who are afraid of obesity and constipation.

Spring shoots have high content of vitamin E, B group, calcium content is also good, and high fiber, very suitable for cooking soup to eat, nutritionists suggest, spring may wish to cook chicken shoot soup, not only can reduce three high, help smooth bowel movements, but also protect gastrointestinal health, but people with poor digestive function, such as the elderly or children, should not eat too much.

Pea scab: anti-aging and anti-cancer

Pea sachum, also known as Dutch bean, not only high fiber, high protein content, rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid content is also quite high, can improve antioxidant effect, help prevent cardiovascular disease, with anti-aging, anti-cancer, blood pressure and other effects.

Nutritionists say that pea scab has a unique sweetness and a crisp taste, as long as it is blanched and drizzled with oil, it can be eaten, or stir-fried with carrots, chicken tenders, bell peppers, etc., which is also a good refreshing dish. But peas eat too much is easy to bloating, people with a bad spleen and stomach should not eat too much at once.

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