
The secret to making the baby grow 5cm longer in spring is not to drink milk and eat calcium tablets, but to adjust the spleen and stomach

author:Zhou Zheng, chief physician of pediatrics

The growth rate of spring is 2~3 times that of other seasons!

When it comes to growing taller, most people will choose calcium supplementation.

You may also hold several "tall recipes" in your hands, from eating calcium tablets + vitamin D, height-increasing drugs, basking in the sun, to drinking bone broth, stewing little roosters and so on.

Regardless of whether the method is reliable or not, there are indeed many children who supplement calcium every day, but they are still short and thin. Or the method of other people's children growing taller, to their own children, is not very useful.

Why is that?

The secret to making the baby grow 5cm longer in spring is not to drink milk and eat calcium tablets, but to adjust the spleen and stomach

In Chinese medicine, the fact that a child grows taller is inseparable from the spleen, liver and kidney.

The spleen determines nutrient absorption

Whether it is calcium tablets, vitamin D, food formulas, and what you eat needs to go through the acquired nature - the transportation of the spleen to have an effect.

However, children with spleen and stomach deficiency have no way to absorb the nutrients they supplement. It's like stuffing something into a hole in a pocket, and if you put it in, it will leak clean, and you will do useless work.

This is the fundamental reason why your baby can't grow tall!

The secret to making the baby grow 5cm longer in spring is not to drink milk and eat calcium tablets, but to adjust the spleen and stomach

Boys' height comparison table

Moreover, some children also accumulate food for a long time, constipation, and also affect the health of the spleen and stomach, so neither meat nor growth.

In addition, the main muscles of the spleen are the limbs. In other words, the muscles of the whole body rely on the nutrients transported by the spleen and stomach to nourish.

Only with a good temper can we shoulder the responsibility of providing growth and development, so that the child grows tall and long-flesh, and becomes a strong baby! Otherwise, you can only have a weak heart.

The secret to making the baby grow 5cm longer in spring is not to drink milk and eat calcium tablets, but to adjust the spleen and stomach

Girls' height comparison table

The kidneys determine the growth of bones

After talking about the spleen, let's talk about the innate root - the kidney.

If your child often wets the bed, teethes late, walks late, falls flat, and has thinning yellow hair, it may be a warning of insufficient kidney qi.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the kidney stores essence, the essence grows, the essence and blood are mutual, and the main bone of the kidney", which means that the kidney is responsible for the growth of bones.

If children want to develop well and grow tall, they must nourish their kidneys and nourish their kidney essence.

The secret to making the baby grow 5cm longer in spring is not to drink milk and eat calcium tablets, but to adjust the spleen and stomach

The liver determines the growth of tendons

There is a saying that you must have heard: "break bones and connect tendons", which also shows that muscles and bones are inseparable.

Tendons are like a scaffold, linking joints and muscles together, pulling the human body to do various movements.

If the tendons are not strong, the bones are unstable. For example: frequent cramps, numbness in hands and feet, and unfavorable movements, all of which are the reasons for this, and have little to do with calcium deficiency.

The main tendon of the liver, tendons can maintain its function, must rely on the nourishment of liver blood.

Only when the liver blood is filled can the fascia be nourished, and the exercise ability will be stronger, so as to maintain normal growth and development.

The secret to making the baby grow 5cm longer in spring is not to drink milk and eat calcium tablets, but to adjust the spleen and stomach

Therefore, whether it is calcium supplementation, diet, exercise, etc., all methods, like fertilizing small trees, can indeed make small trees grow better.

But if you do not loosen the soil and pay attention to the health of the saplings before fertilization begins, no matter how good fertilizer can be absorbed.

The child's growth is a holistic process, and you can't just focus on how good the "fertilizer" used is.

More importantly, the child's spleen, kidney and liver, every part is well raised, so that your baby can grow faster and taller.

I am Zhou Zheng, the director of pediatrics, if your child has short problems, you can tell me, help the child dialectical analysis, scientific chasing height!

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