
Six years after the onset of symptoms, why did he disintegrate the prostate lesion in two courses

author:Prostate doctor Zhou Tianxing

He is also a doctor, so his treatment is very cautious, and he will carefully understand the treatment ideas and concepts before treatment. Knowing himself and knowing his opponent, he recovered quickly.

Six years after the onset of symptoms, why did he disintegrate the prostate lesion in two courses

Six years ago, when Ge's life was shortened, he realized that he had become a chronic prostatitis patient.

Unlike many patients, he does not shy away from medical treatment because he is a health care worker. "My understanding of disease is different from that of patients," he said. If symptoms occur, the cause must be diagnosed. ”

He quickly completed the examination and was diagnosed with chronic prostatitis. With only a slight decline in xing function, he did not immediately receive treatment.

Two years later, he felt a tender pain in his lower abdomen, and during subsequent examinations, he felt pain in pressing on the prostate area.

In 2017, Ge's Xing life time dropped to less than 5 minutes, and the pain problem worsened, and he felt that he could not delay it any longer.

Ge was initially treated with antibiotics, and then he was treated for a while in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. His assessment of these two treatments is: "The effect is not good, and it is easy to repeat. ”

Stopping antibiotic treatment is because he knows the consequences of antibiotic treatment very well, and stopping TCM treatment is completely because he is too busy with work and too slow to produce results.

In fact, as a doctor, Ge knows how to maintain health, and he insists on long-term exercise, but his work requires night shifts from time to time, so despite his care, his symptoms worsen.

Six years after the onset of symptoms, why did he disintegrate the prostate lesion in two courses

In order to solve the problem, Ge did not lack to find the relevant treatment methods of the disease and the disease information at home and abroad.

He saw us on the Internet in 2018, he read all our materials, and carefully studied the treatment concept of ISA therapy.

Between 2018 and 2020, he participated in several of our lectures and livestreams, and also reviewed our treatment philosophy several times. In December 2020, he began consulting with our physician assistant.

At first, the content of his consultation was no different from that of other patients, but later, in the process of consultation, Ge began to take out some of the information he found and discuss it with the doctor's assistant.

"I was surprised." The assistant said: "It is rare to meet a patient who can come up with so much information to discuss his condition with me, and many of his words show that he is also a medical staff, and I think he should go to the clinic for a face-to-face consultation." ”

She made a suggestion, and Ge immediately agreed and made an appointment for an appointment.

Six years after the onset of symptoms, why did he disintegrate the prostate lesion in two courses

The director of the outpatient clinic first asked Ge to complete the B-ultrasound examination, and then gave him a pulse and diagnosed him with chronic prostatitis.

The director analyzed his condition:

The patient's prostate gland has organic lesions and impaired function, and B-ultrasound can be seen that the patient's gland has a slight shrinkage, and the gland has a 3mm calcified spot in size, which has a certain hardness.

The effect of glandular lesions on gland function is mainly manifested as premature ejaculation and pain;

According to Ge's situation, premature ejaculation is a glandular lesion, the lesion is hard, directly stimulating the gland to cause the patient's sexual threshold to decrease at the same time, so that the gland nerves are tired and cannot control the symptoms caused by sperm discharge; Pain symptoms are problems caused by the compression of the glandular nerves by the lesion.

Six years after the onset of symptoms, why did he disintegrate the prostate lesion in two courses

Ge asked: "I myself know that it has been 6 years since I became a patient, and the vast majority of patients have all four symptoms by my step, but I have neither urination problems nor sub-health symptoms. ”

The Director responded accordingly:

Most of the patients with serious urination problems are patients with serious gland lesions and serious impaired urinary valve function, and if the gland hyperplasia compresses the posterior urethra, the symptoms will be more serious.

Ge's glandular lesions do not damage much to the function of the voiding valve, and the gland does not proliferate, nor does it compress the posterior urethra, so there is no urination problem for the time being;

Sub-health symptoms are also called "male hormone deficiency", is the male hormone conversion function of the prostate is impaired, can not meet the body needs caused by the corresponding symptoms, this symptom generally appears in the later stage of the disease, indicating that the patient's glandular lesions have been more serious, resulting in serious damage to the conversion function of male hormones;

This problem does not occur, indicating that the conversion function of the gland can still meet the daily needs of the human body.

At the same time, the director also pointed out: "You keep exercising and keep jogging 4 times a week, which has a good improvement in your condition." If your lesion does not directly stimulate the glandular nerves, the metabolic benefits of jogging will leave you with only mild pain. ”

Six years after the onset of symptoms, why did he disintegrate the prostate lesion in two courses

For his treatment, the director suggested: "With the disintegration of the lesion as the main treatment goal, the lesion stimulates the glandular nerve formation, indicating that the lesion has a certain hardness, only by softening or disintegrating the lesion and lifting this stimulation, the pain problem can be solved." If the lesion softens, the nerves of the glands are stimulated and the problem of premature ejaculation is improved. ”

After listening to the director's analysis, Ge said: "My analysis is also similar to yours, I will treat it with you." ”

After the first course of treatment, Ge's sub-health symptoms have basically disappeared, he said: "I don't know when I can turn the lesion away." My request is to disintegrate the lesion. ”

At the end of the second course of treatment, calcification lesions were no longer visible on the B-ultrasound. When the outpatient assistant told him that there were no more lesions, he couldn't believe it: "No, you can't be mistaken, right?" ”

The director also told him that the condition was basically reversed, the lesion disintegrated, and the volume of the gland rebounded to normal size.

For the disintegration of the lesion in two courses, the director also analyzed: "The difficulty of treatment of prostate disease mainly depends on the density of calcified tissue. The density, texture and characteristics of prostate disease lesions are different, and the difficulty of dissolution and discharge will naturally be different. ”

"Although your lesion is relatively hard, because you have been self-disciplined for a long time and have not been treated unfavorably for the gland, the structure of the lesion is relatively loose, and with the right treatment, the medicinal power can easily penetrate into the inside of the lesion and directly disintegrate the lesion."

Ge recognized the director's analysis, saying: "I'll treat it for another course and consolidate it again." ”

Six years after the onset of symptoms, why did he disintegrate the prostate lesion in two courses

Two days later, Ge said to the doctor's assistant: "The lesion is really gone, I have re-done ultrasound in our hospital." But I will still finish the current course of treatment, and when the time comes, I should be able to stop the treatment. ”

The day before yesterday, he returned for follow-up consultation, and the director confirmed that he had recovered and he stopped treatment.

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Six years after the onset of symptoms, why did he disintegrate the prostate lesion in two courses