
Xiaoyao pills are cleverly matched, sweeping nodules, cysts, gastritis, kidney deficiency, upper heat and cold can be used

author:Dr. Guo of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Speaking of Xiaoyao pills, many people feel in their cognition that it is a liver-thinning drug, which is suitable for women's gynecological drugs, but in fact, it has no distinction between men and women, both men and women can be used, and it can be combined with these drugs to improve nodules, cysts, hyperplasia, gastritis, kidney deficiency and heat and cold.

Xiaoyao pills are cleverly matched, sweeping nodules, cysts, gastritis, kidney deficiency, upper heat and cold can be used

First of all, let's take a look at what Xiaoyao pills do:

The ingredients in it are only seven flavors of medicinal herbs, which are chai hu, angelica, white peony, white art, poria, licorice, peppermint these seven flavors, of which chai hu is good at soothing the liver and relieving depression and liver, angelica white peony is good at nourishing blood and blood to nourish the liver body, white art, poria, licorice These three flavors are good at strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness, and finally with the spicy coolness of mint to help Chai Hushu liver diathermia, the combination of various medicines, play the function of thinning the liver and clearing heat, strengthening the spleen and nourishing blood, suitable for some liver depression and spleen deficiency caused by depression, chest and flank swelling, dizziness, loss of appetite, menstrual irregularities and other symptoms.

Xiaoyao pills are cleverly matched, sweeping nodules, cysts, gastritis, kidney deficiency, upper heat and cold can be used

Let's look at nodules, cysts, hyperplasia first

In Chinese medicine, it is believed that these pathological products are actually formed by phlegm and stasis in the body, that is, phlegm and congestion are mutually connected in the skin, causing blockage in the meridians, without timely cleaning, and finally contained in the surface of the skin to form some masses, that is, the phlegm nucleus often said in Chinese medicine, and the chai hu in Xiaoyao pill can dredge the liver qi to promote the operation of blood, angelica and white peony can activate the stagnant blood, and at the same time nourish blood, but it does not have the effect of dissolving phlegm. Then in this case, we need to match a small gold pill on the basis of Xiaoyao pill to dissolve stasis and phlegm.

Xiaoyao pills are cleverly matched, sweeping nodules, cysts, gastritis, kidney deficiency, upper heat and cold can be used

Then came gastritis

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver belongs to wood, the stomach belongs to the soil, when the spleen and stomach have problems, then the liver will definitely have problems, because the liver wood and spleen soil, when the liver qi is not comfortable, it is easy to transgress the stomach, resulting in their own eating and eating badly, sleeping badly, the stomach is always faint swelling pain, in this case we can first use Xiaoyao pills to dredge up the depressed liver qi, and then match a golden stomach capsule to relieve stomach pain.

Xiaoyao pills are cleverly matched, sweeping nodules, cysts, gastritis, kidney deficiency, upper heat and cold can be used

This is followed by kidney deficiency:

In traditional Chinese medicine, liver and kidney are the same logous, liver blood can nourish kidney essence, some people usually like to be angry, every day a depressed look, for a long time, it is easy to lead to liver qi stagnation, liver depression and easy to turn into fire, fire is too large, it will lead to excessive liver blood consumption, which directly affects the metaplasia of kidney essence, kidney deficiency, so for this situation we can first refer to Xiaoyao pills to relieve the liver and relieve fire and nourish blood, and then match a five-son Yanzong pill.

Xiaoyao pills are cleverly matched, sweeping nodules, cysts, gastritis, kidney deficiency, upper heat and cold can be used

Finally, there is the heat and the cold:

In Chinese medicine, the position of the liver, just in the middle of the heart and kidney, the liver qi rises, has the function of drainage, can regulate the human qi machine, when the liver qi is depressed together, the qi machine of the spleen and stomach does not have the promotion of liver qi, it will be blocked together, resulting in the heart and kidney These two organs can not intersect, resulting in the situation of upper heat and cold cold, then in this case we can first use Xiaoyao pills to dredge the liver qi, and then match a jiaotai pill to communicate the heart and kidney.

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