
Wang Xiaofei refused to pay living expenses and lost the lawsuit, Zhang Lan owed 980 million yuan, and Big S is a master of manipulating human nature




It is reported that Big S launched a lawsuit with the court, demanding that Wang Xiaofei pay NT$7.5 million for living expenses, and the court ruled that Big S won the lawsuit, and Wang Xiaofei will face enforcement next.


Only one big S, after experiencing the divorce, ruined the popularity he had accumulated over the years.

The reason for this result is only to blame for what she did, so that the melon-eating masses saw the most dishonorable side of human nature.


No matter how many people are erected, it is essentially just exquisite self-interest

Big S has many labels: self-discipline and restraint, self-confidence and independence, not afraid of the world, dare to love and hate, elegant and beautiful...

She also managed these people very successfully for a while, even passers-by who did not know her were mostly impressed by her name.

The method of setting up the character of the big S is also very simple, not clever at all, but very effective.

She likes to keep the parents in her life short, use her deviant language, and move it to the table like a storytelling, creating an image of her own character.

At the age of 17, Big S debuted with Little S, two underage girls with hot explosive heads, wearing big red and green clothes, although the surface is green, but there is no stage fright in the face of the camera, showing an unusual maturity.

Subsequently, they did variety shows and recorded shows, and Big S did not shy away from telling about his life and romance, crying in front of the camera that her first love boyfriend Gu Junye let her pigeon, talking about her suffering from depression, and running away from work when recording the show.

All kinds of wayward behavior, in the relatively conservative era more than twenty years ago, but very much in line with the taste of the audience.

The reason is simple, the audience is always yearning for what they can't do.

Big S is deep in the essence, so he always strives to achieve the effect of not surprising and dying.

For example, she said she likes to be naked and likes to collect photos of corpses.

If anyone says this now, most of them will be regarded as psychopathic and distorted by the audience, but in that era, this character was amazingly personal, so cool.

And she also understands that in the face of different people, with different identities, the personality should be different.

When it comes to family and friends, she sets up a persona that is the center of the entire social circle and the leader who calls the shots.

有朋友曾说:“如果世界末日来临,在‬不知所措的时候,去找大S就对了。 ”

Xiao S also sighed: "By my sister's side, I feel like a tiger with you." ”

Da S herself once told a story on the show: when she was in school, she pushed her friend Aya down the stairs, only Aya was crying, and everyone else was laughing.

Such a bullying thing, Big S does not feel wrong, but when he talks about it, he still looks triumphant, and the meaning to express is obvious: in this small group, she is the leader, the leader, the strong, and what she does is the center of the group.

Treat yourself, the character set by Big S is a noble fairy who pursues beauty and focuses on image.

In order to become white and beautiful, she will eat blood clotting pills that damage her body.


In order to protect her fair skin, she will not go out for a long time, even if she is on a husband and wife reality show, she is unwilling to cooperate with the program group to go out to bask in the sun.

When it comes to children, Big S's character is a good mother who always pays attention to her children.

When recording the show, because she was away from home and away from her children, she would make video calls to her children every day to show scenes of tears streaming down her eyes because she missed her daughter.

I also personally prepared three gifts, and entrusted the nanny to give herself one every day as a daily surprise.

Under the dedication of Big S, she always shows a positive, beautiful and noble princess image in front of the screen.

However, after all, the character is only the character, and as long as it is a character, there will be a day when it collapses.

With the divorce from Wang Xiaofei in 2021, a mattress storm revealed the true face of Big S.

She used to say that she was an environmentalist, and as a result, her family used more than 16,000 kWh of electricity a month.

The day before, he claimed to return his ex-husband's mattress, but the next day, the Taiwan media opened it and found that it was replaced by a fake.

The front foot also said that he wanted to quit the entertainment industry, and the back foot showed affection with the bald brother, went on shows, and filmed magazines.

When he divorced, he asked for living expenses and said that he would take good care of his children, but he turned around and took his ex-husband's card to buy shoes and wedding supplies for the current one, and none of the millions spent was for his own children.

More media broke out that she has never picked up her children to school, and she doesn't even know what grade her daughter is in, and her children have always been taken care of by nannies.

All kinds of overturning behavior, I am afraid that the face will be swollen beyond recognition.

The character created by Da S is essentially just for exquisite self-interest, and she has never been a noble and elegant fairy, but just likes to live under the magnesium light, not for others, only for herself.


PUA master, she always loves only herself

I once remembered that when Wang Xiaofei and Big S were on the "Happiness Trio" program together, Big S was always soft and weak in front of the camera, unable to do anything, a gentle lady image.

Despite this, Wang Xiaofei was still trembling in front of her, and she was not standing or sitting.

Obviously a seven-foot man, but afraid of his weak wife like a tiger, in addition to Wang Xiaofei's soft nature, it is undeniable that Big S knows the essence of PUA.

In one show, there was a scene where Big S smiled and praised the jeans that Aya wore that day, but in the next second, she changed her style and said that it was very suitable for people with short legs, and Aya's figure was five to five proportions.

Praise and hit, and see how the person being ridiculed reacts.

Aya herself told a story, when she was in high school, she once woke up early in the morning and kindly went to buy the buns she wanted to eat for Da S, and after waiting in line for a long time, the buns were sold out, so she had no choice but to go to another store to buy soy milk, rice balls and radish cake.

However, after receiving it, Big S was furious, did not look at it, and directly threw the trash can.

This action broke Aya's heart at that time, but not long after she was moved to tears by Big S.


As a result, Aya was impressed by Big S, thinking that she was just a different way to be good to others.

In psychology, this is a typical PUA method, the first moment is cold, the next moment is enthusiastic, grace and power, rigidity and softness, so that you have a psychology that is both dependent and afraid of him, both inaccurate and inseparable.

From this point of view, it is easy to understand why Wang Xiaofei signed all kinds of unfavorable conditions on the divorce agreement, he has already been psychologically manipulated by Big S as if he was equipped with an instant reactor.

As long as Big S makes a slight trouble, Wang Xiaofei is like a wounded beast, rampage, angrily accusing one moment, apologizing in a low voice the next, and there is no methodical way to solve his dilemma.

On the other hand, as a manipulator, Big S knows what he needs before and after the divorce.

In the entire marriage, she came to Beijing for only a handful of days, relying on Wang Xiaofei to travel back and forth, and bought more than 700 plane tickets in ten years, especially since Qiu Jiangnan lost her hand, she has not been to Beijing again.

But this approach, and I haven't seen Wang Xiaofei complain much during her marriage, which shows that she does have a hand in her manipulation of her ex-husband.

Later, once she decided to divorce, she also calmly and secretly collected evidence throughout the process, and used this as a threat to obtain the most favorable conditions, and claimed that she would not remarry, and in the name of raising children together, obtained a huge amount of maintenance terms, and also made the other party give up the remarriage protection agreement in her favor.

Big S's various means can't be faulted from the legal level, and it is not an exaggeration to call her a PUA grandmaster-level master.

Unfortunately, she is too conceited after all.

If ordinary people get favorable terms, the smart way is to make a fortune in a muffled voice, and eat the benefits in their mouths first, but Big S does not know how to act low-key, and after three months of divorce, he showed his spicy eye affection, which finally angered his ex-husband and shattered his own personality.

People who are accustomed to PUA always think that they can be in their own control, but they don't know that the skin band is too tight, and there is always a moment of breakage.

还记得大S曾发过一条声明:“认识汪小菲至今,从没有伤害过他的身‬、心‬。 ”

It is a discerning person who knows that this is simply impossible, and their embarrassing performance on the show alone is enough to make people find fault.

Besides, if there is no harm, where do you need a divorce?


No matter how good it is said, how legal it is, it is not liked by netizens!

Without him, it is because netizens have already seen clearly: she only loves herself, and only herself.


Marriage and divorce are both choices that weigh the pros and cons


This sentence is placed on Big S, and it is most appropriate.

In 2010, Da S was 35 years old, she was the year she hated to marry, and although she had 3 boyfriends, none of them entered the marriage hall.

Bald brother, Lan Zhenglong, Zhou Yumin, the three were handsome guys when they were young, but their popularity and income were far inferior to her, and it was okay to talk about love, if you really want to enter marriage, there are many things to consider.

Big S is obviously deliberate, she no longer comes from her own nature, but weighs the pros and cons, and comprehensively selects from multiple dimensions of economy, career, and appearance.

So, Wang Xiaofei, who still had the aura of "four young people in Beijing" at that time, entered the net.

At that time, Wang Xiaofei, on the surface, is indeed in the year of the fight, his appearance is passable, the reputation of Jiangnan is like the sky, he is a proper rich second generation, and he is also attracted by the beauty and strong personality of Big S, the two only met four sides, dated for more than 20 days, and quickly flashed marriage, which really shocked a large number of people.

Unfortunately, not long after the good times, Zhang Lan lost the beautiful Jiangnan, the aura of the rich businessman dimmed a lot, and the shrewdness of Da S was quickly revealed, and he has never been to Beijing once since then, relying on Wang Xiaofei to go back and forth between the two sides of the strait to maintain marriage.

In between, mixed with the strength of her mother-in-law and Wang Xiaofei's low emotional intelligence, Big S must not be very comfortable.

If that's all, they still have two children, and it may not be impossible to live with good discussions and compromises.

But in 2019, the Zhang Lan family trust was broken down, owing a huge debt of 980 million, and seeing that the life of the wealthy is hopeless.

At that time, Ma Liuji didn't even have a shadow, who knows if there will be a moment of comeback, and if the child's milk powder money is not good, it will be taken to fill the hole.

The latter thing is logical, the emotional snub caused by long-term separation, the mismatch between the husband and wife, the husband's family is riddled with debt, Big S weighed the pros and cons again, decisively chose to divorce, calmly used various conditions before the divorce, and got the best maintenance clause for himself.

Her divorce, like marriage, was first announced through the media across the strait, rather than being exposed after reaching a fait accompli with her husband.

This marriage she divorced without nostalgia, netizens thought that she was deeply in love, who knew that people were divorcing her ex-husband for only 3 months with her ex-husband, and she fell into the arms of a bald head in a blink of an eye.

Moreover, living in the mansion bought by her ex-husband, sleeping on the mattress bought by her ex-husband, making her ex-husband pay for electricity, and using her ex-husband's card to support the millions of yuan spent on the marriage of the two.

In the words of Uncle Ge, this matter is just two words "disgusting".

The next thing, everyone knows, Wang Xiaofei refused to pay living expenses, and Da S went to court in anger and asked for enforcement.

This step is tantamount to pushing the two to the enemy's sake, but pity the two children, sandwiched between their parents, and do not handle the psychological shadow well, which may accompany them for a lifetime.

Marriage requires trade-offs, but if the trade-offs are overdone, it becomes shrewd and calculating.

Now, Big S and the bald brother have come together, where will this difficult marriage go?

I don't know if in the end, will it also end with weighing the pros and cons? Let's wait and see!

Write at the end

Yesterday, the dispute between Da S and Wang Xiaofei over living expenses was also pronounced, and Wang Xiaofei lost the case.

Wang Xiaofei also replied on Weibo, saying that he would continue to bear the child's upbringing, and what was unacceptable was to continue to bear the living expenses for the big S family, and he posted a large number of payment records, as small as buying fruits, refueling, paying parking fees, haircuts, and everything was recorded.

Judging from the bills, the Big S family and the bald brother can be described as iron roosters without pulling out a penny, purely treating Wang Xiaofei as a money bag and cash machine.

While netizens sympathized with Wang Xiaofei's experience, they spurned Big S's vampire-like behavior.

However, I have to say that Big S's means are indeed clever, and she has done almost nothing in law, and Wang Xiaofei's level of making trouble is still too good in front of her.

But those who manipulate human nature will inevitably be swallowed up by human nature.

If one day she can no longer suck blood from Wang Xiaofei, and she herself is old and her popularity is lost, if she wants acting skills without acting skills, works without works, and industry without industry, how will she maintain her luxurious life?

It is estimated that Big S himself also thought of this, so he wanted to squeeze Wang Xiaofei's wallet to death.

The reality of human nature can be described as a true portrayal of Big S, what will happen to her later, wait for time to give an answer!


Text | Zhong has fish

Editor-in-charge|To the evening

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