
The Egyptian temple actually contains the ultimate truth of human secrets, and the excellent genius group has successfully deciphered it

author:Wen Wenkan classic story

Hello everyone, I'm Vengo, and the story of subverting history begins. Egypt, according to historians, is 7,400 years old, and the most familiar one is the pyramid, which we deciphered in previous shows. In Egypt, if you only look at the pyramids, you can't see the situation clearly. So our first stop today is to go to a different place. The Temple of Karnak is located in Dibis, Egypt, and Dibes is called the city of the scepter, surrounded by temples and pharaonic tombs, and the famous Tutankhamun was unearthed in the Valley of the Kings in Dibis, and where there are tombs of the pharaohs, there must be temples

So the oldest and most mysterious thing around is this. The Karnak Temple is also called the Temple of Amun, and Amun means the hidden god. One of the eight main Egyptian gods, Amun is also called the king of the gods. In Egyptian mythology, Amun created himself, and woke up with a click. I'm your god. That's it. Archaeologists found a few words in the temple. Amun-Re means hidden sun god, so Karnak Temple is also called Amun Temple

The Egyptian temple actually contains the ultimate truth of human secrets, and the excellent genius group has successfully deciphered it

They mean in Hebrew "True, sincerely. Could it be that Amun was the prayer of the ancient Egyptians? Let's go inside the Karnak temple again. The temple covers an area of 500,000 square meters and is very large. It is estimated that the main part of the temple was first built 3,500 years ago. He didn't build it all at once. After each pharaoh took the throne, he made something for the temple. You build an obelisk, I build a temple, and it accumulates slowly

It's such a big size. The strangest thing about this temple is the Hall of Pillars. There are 134 pillars in the hall of the pillars, arranged in 16 rows, next to the pillars 10 meters high, and the two rows of pillars in the center are the largest stone pillars ever found in human history, and even the entire earth. Each pillar is 21 meters tall and 5.4 meters in diameter. The pillars are topped with papier-flowered pillar heads, and the area of a pillar head can take up 100 adults. Each pillar is estimated to be more than 1,000 tons, and the beams on top of it are estimated to be 70 tons That's 40 Tesla Model 3s. This pillar hall is very mysterious, and when people walk in, there is a strong sense of oppression, especially when the sunlight comes in from the outside, through the pillars, and when they reach the bottom of the pillars, they feel that they are in the dark, and if you look up, you will find that the sun is shining on the top of the pillars

I can't help but pray that God save me. Amen. The strangest thing about the pillar hall is this pillar, which is disproportionate to the height of ordinary people. You see this tourist standing next to the pillar, which is a little taller than the pillar, and everyone is like grasshoppers and ants. Think about it. Pharaoh is a descendant of the so-called sun god Ra. Why did he build a temple and let himself walk in it, and it felt as small as an ant, which was very strange

And in this hall of pillars, all the pillars that haven't collapsed in 3,500 years are still standing there. This kind of technology like the Giza Shwedagon Pagoda is impossible for humans who have just entered an agricultural society to master. Human civilization was around 10,000 to 6,000 years ago, it was the Neolithic period, 6,000 to 2,500 years ago, it was the bronze civilization of the agricultural age. According to this speculation, the Temple of Amun and the Shwedagon Pagoda of Giza were built with the most primitive stone ropes, bronze tools, and are now the carbon 14 dating method of archaeology

Dating ancient ruins can only measure carbon-containing material. There is no carbon in the granite pillars, and the ancient Egyptian scriptures in the temples are not deciphered. Is there a possibility that the temples and pyramids were not built in our time. Take the Great Pyramid of Giza, for example, 2.3 million stones, 50 tons a piece of ordinary stone, and a maximum of 160 tons. Located due south and north, the deviation to the north is five parts per million

The Paris Observatory built by modern humans is only 25 millionths to the north. The entire pyramid and the King's Chamber of Secrets include the speed of light, pi, the golden number phi, and so on. According to these data, the humans who built the pyramids must have known that the earth is round, and they also know the coordinates of the pyramids on the earth. If the pyramids were built by Pharaoh Khufu more than 2,500 years ago – the method of building the pyramids will be passed on to the next generation of pharaohs, but in fact, since the pyramids of Giza, six successive dynasties have built pyramids For example, the pyramid of Unas in Egypt

The Pyramid of Pepi, the Pyramid of Tetti, and Senusret, take a look at this, this one is worse than the other, one is worse than the other, and in the end, I can't tell if it's a pyramid, it's a big mound. Take Egypt, the largest and tallest pyramid, the stepped pyramid, and the stone has also changed from a 50-ton piece of the Giza pyramid to a 50-pound brick. What's going on? Doesn't it mean that the more human beings develop, the more advanced the technology, the more advanced the building should be

Why is this pyramid getting more and more garbage? The ancient Egyptian text is carved all over the wall. Could it be that these pharaohs didn't absorb some ancient technology from it and cover these pyramids more and more powerfully? Is there only one truth? And that is the pyramid of Giza, the pillar hall of the temple of Amen, which was not built by humans in our generation. The temple and the Great Pyramid existed before humans came to Egypt. Pharaoh thought it was a miracle, and built temples around these pillars to worship the sun god

So he can't replicate their construction techniques Then the question arises Who built the pyramid Is there a clue That must have Our excellent genius group has been cracked New friends must subscribe to like Join our excellent genius group I will decipher the ancient Egyptian sacred book at the end of the show Everyone must hurry up to subscribe There is not much time left for you Before the ancient text is deciphered, we must take the excellent genius group to another temple in Egypt, the Temple of Edfu, also known as the Temple of Horus. Horus He is an ancient Egyptian god of ginseng It means to be high

His body represents heaven, and his eyes represent the sun and the moon. In 1897, the British archaeologist James Quebell unearthed a set of artifacts called the Narmer palette, the most important artifact in Egyptian archaeology, and the Scorpion Hammer in the secret chamber under the Temple of Edfu. You've probably seen the movie Mummy, and there's a Scorpion King played by Johnson, and this Scorpion King is King Narmer in 3,500 BC

He was the first pharaoh to unify Egypt, and because the monuments associated with him often had the symbol of a scorpion, so he was also known as Namar, the king of scorpions, and the Namar palette was engraved with scenes of his battle to unify Egypt. You see him grabbing the captive's hair in one hand and a sledgehammer in the other, ready to smash him, and two captives who have been smashed to death under the drawing board, and a falcon next to him with a man's head, and six sticks stuck in the back, one stick is 1,000

The Egyptian temple actually contains the ultimate truth of human secrets, and the excellent genius group has successfully deciphered it

What this means is that the battle killed 6,000 enemy troops, and there was a kid next to him who was holding him slippers. The whole picture is calm, in fact, cruel, and unearthed along with the palette is this scorpion hammer with Namar and the scorpion engraved on it. This hammer was used by Namar himself 3,500 years ago, because the ancient Egyptian pharaoh was the son of Ra, the sun god, so this hammer is a miracle, enshrined in the temple, and it is as sacred as the Buddha's relic But have you noticed it?

This hammerhead is a little bit strange. This ratio is not very normal. This hammerhead is 25 centimeters tall, and this 25 centimeters is so big, it's the same size as the head. If you measure this ratio with the Namar palette, the Scorpion King's weapon is five hammerheads long, about 1.25 meters, and then compare his height with 1.25 meters. The Scorpion King is at least 6 meters tall. Is he a giant? Next to the palette, the person who brought slippers to the Scorpion King was not a child, but a normal human being. Let's look at the back of the palette The march of mankind led by the Scorpion King Could it be that there have really been giants in human history? If there were no giants, then why did the temple enshrine a 25-centimeter-tall hammerhead? I don't know if you have found it. Another characteristic of Egyptian temples is that the older the gates, the higher the gates of the temples of Amun and the temple of Edfu

They're all 35 meters tall. Are the huge structures of these temples designed to welcome the giant pharaohs? Didn't the murals in the temples reveal any secrets to the construction of the pyramids? According to news reports, in 2012, a team of archaeologists unearthed 16 severed right hands at the site of the palace in Hyksos, Egypt. Archaeologists estimate that these hands are 3,600 years old. Manfred, the chief of archaeology, says that these hands are very, very large, and have been measured to be two to three times more than the average person

They are expected to be about four to five meters tall. There was a custom in ancient Egyptian warfare to cut off the right hand of a captive and give it to the pharaoh to receive the gold of Valor. And the news was that in March 2012, the German newspaper Bild reported that in 1988, Gregor, a Swiss enthusiast of Egyptian archaeology, was taken to a small house north of Cairo, Egypt, and met an Egyptian gold captain, and the tomb thief asked him if he wanted to see something exciting for 300 dollars

No haggling, so Gregor paid 300 dollars, and then the tomb robber took out a rag, opened it, and inside it was a black, hard, thick finger, 33.8 centimeters long, three times the length of an adult, and showed it to Gregor. And when he saw it, it really looked like a human finger. The grave robber said, "This is the finger of the mummy they dug up." The mummy is expected to be five meters tall. Have you ever read the Bible? The Bible is called truth because what has happened is history, and what has not happened is prophecy In the book of Scriptures chapter 11 verse 23, King David's warrior was very powerful than Naiyah, a normal human being, but very heroic, and once he met an Egyptian man who was 4.5 meters tall on five axes, and he was holding a gun with a gun as thick as the shaft of a loom, so thick, stronger than Naiya's martial arts, so he snatched the spear directly from the Egyptian hand, and then

With a click, he stabbed the Egyptian to death. This place in Egypt, also known in the Bible as the Land of the Giants, is recorded as follows: Moses divided the Red Sea, took 2 million people with Israel, escaped the slavery of the Egyptian pharaoh, and migrated to the land of Canaan, which was flowing with milk and honey, and it was thrilling along the way. In Numbers 13, Moses and they went to Hebron, not far south of Jerusalem, and he sent 12 spies to investigate first

The spies found that this place was the most beautiful place that God said, the land was fertile and picturesque, so they continued to observe, and they found a vineyard, and they were shocked, each grape was about the size of a watermelon, so two people cut a bunch of grapes, and the Bible says that two people were carried by bars, and neither of them could hold it. These 12 spies were here. After 40 days of scouting, they ran back and told Moses, "Oh no, we met Anakh's children there."

They were huge, and the city was tall and strong, and they ate people everywhere. We met Anak there, they were descendants of Nephilim, and we were like bugs compared to them, and we didn't know who had leaked the news. That night, the congregation of Israel was wailing all night, and they were crying. When it's over, we're going to be eaten by giants, so these people start questioning Moses, questioning God, why did he bring us to this place. Aren't we doing well in Egypt

The Egyptian temple actually contains the ultimate truth of human secrets, and the excellent genius group has successfully deciphered it

And then the crowd surrounded Moses and Aaron, the High Priest, and they both crawled on the ground, and they were terrified. These men were going to stone them to death, and then they chose a leader to take them back to Egypt. And suddenly, ah, a voice of God said, "How long have these people despised me?" I performed all these miracles among them, and they still didn't believe me? Along the way, these people questioned God, didn't believe God could take them to Canaan, so God cursed the Israelites to wander in the wilderness for 40 years

But in the end, God led Israel to destroy the giants. Nephilim just now means giant. It is recorded in the book of Genesis in the Bible that angels took a fancy to human women and came to earth to meet humans, and Nephilim was born. The Book of Enoch in the Dead Sea Scrolls adds that there are 200 angels who came to earth, and the children they gave birth to were taller and taller, the tallest being as high as 3,000 cubits high, or 1,350 meters, taller than a mountain

The Egyptian temple actually contains the ultimate truth of human secrets, and the excellent genius group has successfully deciphered it

The food on earth couldn't satisfy their appetites, and they started eating humans, and they attacked each other, and they ate at each other. It's terrifying. The 200 angels who came to Earth were in charge of the earth and began to teach humans the secrets of heaven, astronomy, astrology, lunar orbitology, spells and weapons making, and it's quite possible that the technology to build the pyramids was also given to humans by the watchmen, but the end result, the whole human race began to become violent, greedy and adulterous, plus giants, the whole earth

It became an uncontrollable catastrophe, and the wailing of mankind spread throughout heaven, and God sent Enoch to deliver oracles to the giants and fallen angels, which roughly means that you traitors have made a mess of the earth I have created. I must destroy you. These fallen angels and watchmen have tied me up and thrown them into endless flames forever Destroy all the giants and make them fight each other and kill each other until they perish. And then I'm going to wash the whole earth with the Great Flood Go find Noah and let him build Noah's ark. And so the story follows It is the story of Noah's Ark and the Great Flood

The Book of Enoch, which I talked about in this video, and then how the world's great floods and storms destroyed everything in one day, and in this video, new friends must go and see it. IQ immediately increased by 20 percent. At the beginning of the show, I asked the question of how the pyramids, the Temple of Amun, how was this ancient structure built? Don't the ancient Egyptians have a record of it, so let's give our group of great geniuses a look at the real secrets of Egypt

Look at this fresco, the Egyptian noblewoman and his boy and girl, is it? Look at this one, this boy and girl are dressed exactly like the previous one, but his height is only the knee height of the person next to him, like a two-year-old child. And then look at the next one, where this little man drags a huge necklace, and the person next to him holds it with both hands. Isn't this ratio abnormal? Some people say it's a mural of an adult and a three-year-old, but let's look at the normal proportions of ancient Egyptian sculpture and humans

Isn't this human height exactly up to the knee of the sculpture, the same scale as in the fresco. Is it true that Egyptian giants really exist? And then there's even more frightening. This painting contrasts humans and animals. On the right is a normal man driving an African antelope, and on the left is a giant. This antelope is below his knees, like a cat. And this one. Look at the proportions of this antelope. It's very strange, right?

So let's look at the true ratio of African antelope to human, is it that humans are actually a little taller than antelope, and there are human animals and other murals of giants, which are not imaginary, very realistic, and then there are humans serving giants' daily lives, such as this picture of a man watering a giant bathing a giant, and another person giving a foot massage to a giant. Look at this picture of the giant king and humans going to the early dynasty together, and the most shocking thing is still behind, how the temples and pyramids were built

The temple of Amun, which I said at the beginning of the show, has a lot of obelisks in it, 30-40 meters high, each weighing 1,000 tons. You see how it was erected. It's very simple. Two giants helped to erect it. How was the sculpture of the giant in front of the temple made, and the three giants were in their work. Let's look at how the pyramid is built. A stone of 50 tons, a giant carrying a burden

Two stones of 100 tons, walking without changing shoulders, very powerful, and the basin that giants use to build pyramids. If you see how big it really is, the question arises. Why do archaeologists and scientists ignore the existence of giants? There are two reasons, one is that it is unscientific, it violates the theory of evolution if scientists admit the existence of giants

That is to acknowledge the existence of the Great Flood, and then science cannot explain it. Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve, ultimately unable to explain the existence of God. Second, I speak of all the secrets of mankind that the higher civilization before the Great Flood was destroyed in one day, and then humanity returned to the Nile, back to the pyramids, but these human pharaohs, in order to prove their absolute rule, had to destroy all traces of giants

Revise the history They're going to make up a glorious history to convince humans that Pharaoh is the descendant of generations of the Sun God, so the human Pharaoh would destroy the bones of giants and break the noses of giant statues, so that they couldn't tell the race. Egyptian giants should be very close to Africa's short nose bridge, not the Egyptian Arab high nose

But history can never be tampered with. There's an ancient crypt in Egypt called Serapeum of Saqqara, and there's a very, very long tunnel in this tomb, and each tunnel has a lot of forks, and at the end of each fork is a huge sarcophagus, and each sarcophagus weighs 100 tons. If you look at how small this human being is compared to the sarcophagus, there are 24 of them

This sarcophagus is the same technique used in the pyramids of Giza, with a smooth and flat surface, which can be absolutely vertical. This place is absolutely forbidden in ancient Egyptian records, and no one can come near or behead. The human pharaoh wanted to change history, so he carved his feats on the sarcophagus. But the problem is that the technology is so poor. The shoddy carved lines and the smooth and flat sarcophagus are simply not harmonious at all, and only prove that these inscriptions were carved later. Where are the giant bones of the sarcophagus These ancient Egyptians on earth and whether there are any descendants Booked, that's the end of today's program, we'll see you in the next issue

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