
Spring is coming, several common wild vegetables are nutritious and healthy, see what ones are around you?

author:123 wooden man 570
Spring is coming, several common wild vegetables are nutritious and healthy, see what ones are around you?

Purslane, also known as purslane, is an annual herb in the purslane family. Also known as long-lived vegetables, it is distributed all over the mainland, born on the roadside of the field, and can be eaten or medicinal.

Eat: Blanch purslane in boiling water, mix with garlic puree, add salt, vinegar, monosodium glutamate and other cold mixes, stir-fry hot, and fry with garlic. You can also scrambled purslane with eggs.

Spring is coming, several common wild vegetables are nutritious and healthy, see what ones are around you?

Grey ash, also known as quinoa, also known as wild ash, gray ash, etc., is an annual herb in the family Chenopodaceae. Grey ash seedlings and young stems and leaves are edible, delicious, tender and nutritious. Due to the growth characteristics of ash vegetables, it is determined that it is generally wild, and no human factors affect its growth, so the nutritional value is high, and it is a well-deserved green food.

Serving: Blanch the ash vegetables, mix with garlic puree, add salt.

Spring is coming, several common wild vegetables are nutritious and healthy, see what ones are around you?

Dandelion, the name of Chinese medicine. Aliases Huanghua Diding, Mother-in-law Ding, Hua Hua Lang, etc. It is a dried whole grass of the Asteraceae plant dandelion, alkaline dandelion or several plants of the same genus.

Eat: Dandelions can be dried and drunk in water, or eaten raw and mixed cold.

Spring is coming, several common wild vegetables are nutritious and healthy, see what ones are around you?

Camelia is a kind of wild vegetable that people love. Its leaves are tender and the roots are fresh and have a special fragrance. China has collected wild camelina to eat since ancient times, and there are records of camelina as early as 300 BC.

Edible: Cabbage can be steamed, boiled, and stir-fried, if it is daily consumption, you can use it to scrambled eggs, pork dumplings with camelin, or boil a pot of thick camelina lean porridge.

Spring is coming, several common wild vegetables are nutritious and healthy, see what ones are around you?

Wild garlic, a plant of the family Liliaceae, also known as white sacchar, small root garlic, goatee. Wild garlic prefers warmth and moisture, and is mostly found on hillsides, hills, valleys or meadows below 1500 meters above sea level. Contains a variety of nutrients, the nutritional value is extremely high.

Eat: Wild garlic can be made into wild garlic scrambled eggs, wild garlic cake, cold wild garlic, and directly washed and eaten raw.

What other common wild vegetables do you know? Delicious and delicious recipes?

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