
When I tried to get Ai to help me finish an article...

author:Mr. Zhai's life diary

chatGpt, as the hottest topic recently, has been talked about by many people around me, so I made a living, what will happen if I use chatGpt for article generation? So my conversation with him began...

(Using the domestic developer to call the chatGpt interface, the WeChat mini program developed, the original chatGTP can not continue to produce continuous dialogue due to some reasons of the editor)


When I started asking him about the application of chatGPT, he first gave me a general answer. as follows

When I tried to get Ai to help me finish an article...

When I asked about specific areas, he answered me about four use cases for chatGPT.

When I tried to get Ai to help me finish an article...

So I asked him to elaborate on the four scenes he depicted

So he showed his understanding of what I said...

When I tried to get Ai to help me finish an article...
When I tried to get Ai to help me finish an article...
When I tried to get Ai to help me finish an article...
When I tried to get Ai to help me finish an article...
When I tried to get Ai to help me finish an article...
When I tried to get Ai to help me finish an article...
When I tried to get Ai to help me finish an article...

It showed me his understanding of the four fields of application and his strengths and weaknesses.

Finally, I asked him to summarize the conversation

When I tried to get Ai to help me finish an article...

What shocked me was that he showed a completely different artificial mental disability than before, he had a clear logical chain and faced all problems.

The entire article is available below

In today's society, ChatGPT as an intelligent conversation robot has been widely used in many fields. It not only provides personalized service, but also assists people with various tasks. So, of these applications, which are the best at which ChatGPT excels? This article explores this.

ChatGPT has excellent performance in many areas, such as customer service, accurate recommendations, language translation, emotional communication, and so on. Next, we will detail the use of ChatGPT in these areas and its advantages and disadvantages.

ChatGPT is widely used in the field of customer service, it can provide customers with 24-hour uninterrupted online consulting services to solve customers' problems and needs. At the same time, ChatGPT also has the ability to personalize services, and can recommend corresponding products or services according to customer interests, hobbies, history and other information. In addition, ChatGPT can learn from itself based on customer feedback and continuously improve its answering ability, thereby improving the quality of service. Although ChatGPT has excellent performance in the field of customer service, there is still a certain gap between its ability to think independently and human communication, and it needs to be continuously upgraded and improved.

The application of ChatGPT in the field of accurate recommendation is also very prominent. It can achieve personalized recommendations by learning information such as the user's history and interests, making it easier for users to find the content they are interested in. At the same time, in the fields of e-commerce and news, ChatGPT can also combine factors such as product attributes and user evaluation to make more accurate recommendations. Compared with traditional recommendation algorithms, ChatGPT can better process complex and uncertain data and output results that are more in line with user needs. However, ChatGPT also has some problems, such as data privacy and security concerns, which require technicians to continue to explore solutions.

ChatGPT is also widely used in the field of language translation. It enables fast and accurate translations by learning the structure and rules of multiple languages. At the same time, ChatGPT can also be understood according to context and context, avoiding ambiguity or inaccuracy in translation. In addition, ChatGPT can also be combined with speech recognition technology to achieve instant language translation, which provides great convenience for cross-border communication. Although ChatGPT has broad application prospects in the field of language translation, there are still some challenges to be solved, such as differences between languages and accents, and continuous technical improvements and upgrades are required.

The application of ChatGPT in the field of emotional communication has also attracted much attention. It can enable more natural and intimate communication with humans by learning human language and emotional expressions. In terms of psychological counseling, companionship chat, etc., ChatGPT can provide users with professional and personalized services. At the same time, in the fields of smart home and smart assistant, ChatGPT can also have natural voice interaction with users to improve user experience. However, since emotional communication is a complex and changeable field, ChatGPT still needs to continuously optimize and improve its own technology to improve the understanding and expression of emotions.

This conversation is mainly about the application of ChatGPT, and we detail its application and advantages and disadvantages in the fields of customer service, accurate recommendation, language translation and emotional communication. In general, ChatGPT, as an intelligent conversational robot, has a wide range of application prospects in various fields, and needs to be continuously upgraded and improved.

Dear officials, this article is over here, in the next issue you want to see what ability chatGPT shows, welcome to leave a message in the comment area~

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