
#March simple specialty#Fresh oil wheat vegetables, paired with golden eggs, is a feast for the eyes. The aroma of eggs and the crispness of oil wheat vegetables contribute to the fresh smell of spring! #大有学问 #

author:Ah Ling said

#March simple specialty#Fresh oil wheat vegetables, paired with golden eggs, is a feast for the eyes.

The aroma of eggs and the crispness of oil wheat vegetables contribute to the fresh smell of spring!


Canola is a variant of longleaf lettuce. The texture is crisp and tender, the taste is tender, fragrant, and contains a lot of vitamins and a lot of calcium, iron, protein, fat and other nutrients. It is the best quality among raw vegetables.

It has the effect of clearing heat and diuresis, calming the mind and promoting blood circulation.

Rich in dietary fiber.

#March simple specialty#Fresh oil wheat vegetables, paired with golden eggs, is a feast for the eyes. The aroma of eggs and the crispness of oil wheat vegetables contribute to the fresh smell of spring! #大有学问 #
#March simple specialty#Fresh oil wheat vegetables, paired with golden eggs, is a feast for the eyes. The aroma of eggs and the crispness of oil wheat vegetables contribute to the fresh smell of spring! #大有学问 #
#March simple specialty#Fresh oil wheat vegetables, paired with golden eggs, is a feast for the eyes. The aroma of eggs and the crispness of oil wheat vegetables contribute to the fresh smell of spring! #大有学问 #
#March simple specialty#Fresh oil wheat vegetables, paired with golden eggs, is a feast for the eyes. The aroma of eggs and the crispness of oil wheat vegetables contribute to the fresh smell of spring! #大有学问 #
#March simple specialty#Fresh oil wheat vegetables, paired with golden eggs, is a feast for the eyes. The aroma of eggs and the crispness of oil wheat vegetables contribute to the fresh smell of spring! #大有学问 #
#March simple specialty#Fresh oil wheat vegetables, paired with golden eggs, is a feast for the eyes. The aroma of eggs and the crispness of oil wheat vegetables contribute to the fresh smell of spring! #大有学问 #
#March simple specialty#Fresh oil wheat vegetables, paired with golden eggs, is a feast for the eyes. The aroma of eggs and the crispness of oil wheat vegetables contribute to the fresh smell of spring! #大有学问 #
#March simple specialty#Fresh oil wheat vegetables, paired with golden eggs, is a feast for the eyes. The aroma of eggs and the crispness of oil wheat vegetables contribute to the fresh smell of spring! #大有学问 #

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