
Bird text / tall hug, I flew here, an old bird landed on the stone by the side of the road, the cloudy gaze gradually became clear, the mountains and rivers under my feet have not flown far, in this place of rest, twilight

author:Poet of Yingcheng


Text/Tall Yong

I flew over here

An old bird

Fell on stones on the side of the road

Cloudy gaze

It gradually became clearer

Mountains and rivers at your feet

Already flew not far

This resting place


Start with a morning

And autumn

Fire-like autumn leaves burn to the heart

I would like to be a silent person

Listen quietly

I'm going to wait

Dusk comes and night falls

I'm going to take back time

The sound of slapping rocks

I want to collect

The shadow of the river, the flesh of the mountains

I want to collect heaven and earth

After a cry

The wild nature of the resurrection

Trim the feathers and rest your feet

Don't love the sky, love the grass

Bird text / tall hug, I flew here, an old bird landed on the stone by the side of the road, the cloudy gaze gradually became clear, the mountains and rivers under my feet have not flown far, in this place of rest, twilight
Bird text / tall hug, I flew here, an old bird landed on the stone by the side of the road, the cloudy gaze gradually became clear, the mountains and rivers under my feet have not flown far, in this place of rest, twilight
Bird text / tall hug, I flew here, an old bird landed on the stone by the side of the road, the cloudy gaze gradually became clear, the mountains and rivers under my feet have not flown far, in this place of rest, twilight

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