
【Biography】Yang Zhilin, a native of Lion City, Fugu County

author:Fugu culture

【Biography】Yang Zhilin, a native of Lion City, Fugu County

From:Fugu surname culture 2023-02-24 16:13 Posted in Shaanxi

Mr. Yang Zhilin loves learning all his life and studies hard. After returning to Fugu, he advocated that girls should let go and set up a girls' primary school; Bring back the first sewing machine (hand-cranked) back to Fugu when you return from Beijing; Established a nursery to try out new varieties of trees and flowers introduced from other places. After concentrating on the research of perpetual motion machines, although he was unsuccessful, his spirit of loving science will always inspire future generations.

Yang Zhilin (1879-1961), Zixiushan, a native of Fugu Lion City. Born into a family of cultivators. His three brothers (eldest brother Yin Lin and second brother Wei Lin), all late Qing Xiucai, are listed in the "head of the case" of the last section.

After the early years of the People's Dynasty, he sold Jia Jiawan water to water the land and went to Beijing with funds to study himself in the Beijing Library. He studied natural science with his nephew Sun Rujin, and met Li Shilin, a native of Qingshuihe, Suiyuan (later went to study in France), and became a close friend of science research. During the three-year study tour before and after the ninth year of the Republic of China (1920), under the influence of the May Fourth Movement, his pragmatic spirit focused on the study of "perpetual motion machine". Printed several copies of the "Perpetual Motion Instruction Manual" in Beijing at his own expense.

When he returned to Fugu, he felt that there were many things that needed to be promoted and eliminated in Fugu at that time, so he threw himself into reforms of great significance.

【Biography】Yang Zhilin, a native of Lion City, Fugu County

The picture comes from the Internet and is only used for display effect

Mr. was the first to advocate that women let go of their feet, starting with their wives and daughters, which was the precursor to letting go of feet for women in Fugu. The prefecture established the "Tenzukai" as the first president. Self-composed "foot song" cloud: "Women bind their feet, originally hateful; The form is fragmented, what is so good? Pain in muscles and bones, difficulty walking; Riddled with diseases, lifelong difficulties..."

While advocating that he be relaxed, he will form a reading class based on his two daughters, who have long been literate and read, and contact relatives and friends to form a reading class and teach it herself. Subsequently, a girls' elementary school was established in the prefecture, with Mr. as the first principal, and resigned two years later. In the 16th year of the Republic of China (1927), when the advanced class of girls' primary school was added, he also served as the principal. Among the graduates of the advanced class, six or seven were admitted to the third female teacher of Yulin, including Ms. Liu Shuzhen (Sufei), who later followed the CCP's lifelong revolution.

【Biography】Yang Zhilin, a native of Lion City, Fugu County

The picture is Fugu Middle School and is for demonstration purposes only

In teaching, we always attach importance to giving full play to students' autonomy. When I was studying in Beijing, I noticed that the "Guoyin phonetic alphabet" initiated by Mr. Zhao Yuanren at that time was easier to grasp and convenient for self-study. Self-made "Zhuyin Alphabet" engraved edition, printed at any time, widely implemented, and taught the method of pinyin, and introduced the use of the then business version of the "Guoyin Student Dictionary" to search and read books. The number of beneficiaries in both urban and rural areas is high.

【Biography】Yang Zhilin, a native of Lion City, Fugu County

The picture comes from the Internet and is only used for display effect

In order to free the women from manual sewing, they brought back the first sewing machine (hand-cranking) from Fugu when they returned from Beijing, and later bought back the first foot sewing machine from Taiyuan.

He was born in a rural area and has always cared about crops. In 1925, a nursery was established on a piece of public land in the county Chuanxian Nongtan to try to plant new varieties of trees and flowers imported from other places. Cultivated live acacia, dates, husan, maple, camphor, paulownia trees, peppercorns, etc.

He served as the director of the Fugu County Construction Bureau only once in his life. Due to local factional disputes, there was a dispute over the only amount of construction funds. In the end, the Chengguan faction won, and the funds were invested in the paving project of the mountain road from Madaoya to Majiagou. Only the top tens of meters were laid, and the funds were gone. He resigned in anger. Since then, he has refused all official duties and concentrated on the research of perpetual motion machines.

【Biography】Yang Zhilin, a native of Lion City, Fugu County

The picture comes from the Internet and is only used for display effect

Before the 40s was the theoretical preparation and design stage of perpetual motion machines. Limited by financial and material resources, there have been some individual experiments, and the overall test cannot be carried out as designed. He repeatedly petitioned the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the then National Government for support, but it was like a stone.

In 1942, Xu Shaolin, the governor of Dingbian County of the Kuomintang at the time, introduced the test of the main part of the perpetual motion machine in Yulin Vocational High School, and received assistance from Gao Zongshan, the principal of the vocational high school, in terms of equipment. The cost of the experiment was borne independently by his son-in-law Huang Shoubin, which was very difficult. At that time, Northern Shaanxi military and political chiefs Deng Baoshan and Gao Shuangcheng led the fundraising. At a time when the country is in difficulty, little has been achieved. The test equipment is simple and incomplete. In the end, due to various difficulties such as human, material, financial and climatic resources, the comprehensive test could not be completed for four years.

In 1946, his wife Niu died of illness, and his children were all in other places, and with the great changes in society, he had nothing to rely on, and wandered inside and outside the Great Wall in his ancient years. It was not until 1954 that he settled in Anbe's daughter's house that he continued his research on perpetual motion machines under extremely difficult conditions.

In order to obtain state funding and cooperation, he has successively written to the State Council and provincial and local scientific research departments. Limited to differences in fundamental principles, the approval of the Academy of Sciences affirmed the spirit of his decades of research, but denied the possibility of the success of perpetual motion machines. He is convinced of his career, and despite his advanced age, he continues to revise his design and improve his theory, with the confidence that he will succeed. It is often said to people: "Perpetual motion machines cannot succeed in my hands, and there will be a day when others will succeed in research." "In March 1961, he died of exhaustion. He was 82 years old.

See page 761 of the Fugu Prefectural Chronicle

Compilation Committee of Fugu Prefectural Chronicle

Shaanxi People's Publishing House

March 1994 1st edition


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