
Takeaway female riders are on the hot search! The reason makes people speechless, unveiling the black curtain or creating yellow rumors?

author:Moe Wa Lao Wan

With the advent of the Internet and penetrating into all aspects of life, many people now do not like to cook, hungry and take out their mobile phones to eat something to order directly, and there are special people to deliver to the door. It is no exaggeration to say that the dream of making shopping easily without leaving home has long become a reality.

Takeaway female riders are on the hot search! The reason makes people speechless, unveiling the black curtain or creating yellow rumors?

The emergence of takeaway has also spawned a new profession - delivery riders, because of their high salaries and flexible working hours, and are favored by many job seekers, and some of the takeaway riders are female friends, and it has to be said that they are still very powerful. Although it is rumored on the Internet that the wages of takeaway riders are high, people who have not experienced the hardships behind them cannot experience, after all, it is a crazy dispatch to run.

Takeaway female riders are on the hot search! The reason makes people speechless, unveiling the black curtain or creating yellow rumors?

To everyone's surprise, a blogger broke out the black material of the takeaway female rider on his personal social account, and once the video was released, it quickly attracted many netizens to watch, and the number of views exceeded 200,000 in a short period of time, and it also triggered heated discussions among netizens!

Takeaway female riders are on the hot search! The reason makes people speechless, unveiling the black curtain or creating yellow rumors?

I have to say that this blogger is really a talent, and Ta gave his video a meaningful name: Ah, I want to order takeaway!

Takeaway female riders are on the hot search! The reason makes people speechless, unveiling the black curtain or creating yellow rumors?

The cover is a stocking long-legged female delivery rider wearing a tops and a black miniskirt on a delivery platform.

At the same time, there is also a text at the top of the video: There are more and more takeaway female riders, only running two or three singles a day! The security guard of the community told the truth: it took a single hour to come out!

Takeaway female riders are on the hot search! The reason makes people speechless, unveiling the black curtain or creating yellow rumors?

Regardless of the authenticity of the content, this video is indeed relatively successful, regardless of the title, cover and matching position is enough to attract the attention of netizens, and it is even more reasonable to become a hit.

However, it can be seen from the accompanying text of this video that this is a standard "three-paragraph structure", which should be familiar to people engaged in self-media. I don't know if the publisher of the video is really exposing the shady scene of the industry, or is it deliberately smearing and slandering female delivery riders?

Takeaway female riders are on the hot search! The reason makes people speechless, unveiling the black curtain or creating yellow rumors?

After the video was released, the attitudes of netizens were also different, and some people targeted the takeaway female rider and fiercely attacked it; Some people also think that the publisher of the video is "making yellow rumors", just find a few pictures and start making up stories, in order to gain attention and harvest traffic.

Takeaway female riders are on the hot search! The reason makes people speechless, unveiling the black curtain or creating yellow rumors?

In the face of the doubts of netizens, the video publisher made a-for-tat response: I can only say that you have not experienced it! What did I say? Do you see what words are in the video? It's your own!

After reading the response of the video publisher, everyone should understand, he insisted that he didn't say anything, everything is the imagination of netizens. What is the premise of the imagination? The title, cover, and accompanying text of the video are enough to give people an illusion. At the end of the day, the publisher of the video is playing on the sidelines.

Takeaway female riders are on the hot search! The reason makes people speechless, unveiling the black curtain or creating yellow rumors?

At present, this video has been deleted, as for whether the publisher of the video realized that the seeds did not delete himself, or the platform found that there was a problem with the video and took the initiative to delete it, it is unknown.

Takeaway female riders are on the hot search! The reason makes people speechless, unveiling the black curtain or creating yellow rumors?

In the current highly developed Internet, only a smart phone, everyone is self-media, everyone can publish opinions. However, everyone must be rational and objective, and do not violate the law because of this, otherwise the gains will outweigh the losses.

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