
This set of amateur photos made me understand that "figure" is really much more important than "appearance"!

author:A cocoa zz

Don't fall into the trap of "appearance anxiety" anymore, good temperament and appearance really have little to do with it, develop healthy living habits, often exercise to shape a good body can also "overtake on curves" to easily beautiful their own style, look at this group of amateurs Wuxiu casually shoot you will know.

This set of amateur photos made me understand that "figure" is really much more important than "appearance"!

Even if you don't look at the face, through the shape advantage and the shaping of fashion items, you can still easily turn a street, and it is right to wear it in spring and summer.

This set of amateur photos made me understand that "figure" is really much more important than "appearance"!

No wonder netizens commented after reading it: "This set of photos is really real in the world, a good figure is really more temperamental, even an amateur can make people move in a second." ”

This set of amateur photos made me understand that "figure" is really much more important than "appearance"!

This issue of the fashion dressing guide, starting from this set of repairless street pictures, will provide you with an all-round analysis of spring and summer fashion trends, and provide super practical matching templates, learn these styling skills, you can also show the advantages of the body in an all-round way, release your unique charm, and achieve new heights of beauty.

This set of amateur photos made me understand that "figure" is really much more important than "appearance"!

||With the spring and summer temperament texture shape, the key points need to be paid attention to

• Simple and advanced styling color matching, unified style

Color is the basis of modeling design, because we judge the style of modeling through vision, so color has a clear role in the first cause effect. When matching colors, two principles need to be followed, the first is that the style of color should be unified, and secondly, color matching should be combined with various factors such as skin tone and wearing place.

This set of amateur photos made me understand that "figure" is really much more important than "appearance"!

For people with dull skin tones, it is not advisable to choose a color system with a high saturation, but to match some classic colors with low saturation to be more versatile. Spring and summer can be paired with gray and white to have a sense of melancholy, if you want to create the image of a young girl, you can also match the less saturated macaron color.

This set of amateur photos made me understand that "figure" is really much more important than "appearance"!

• Match with a variety of clothing to enhance the sense of layering of the look

Generally, when we choose clothing, we choose clothing from a practical level, such as warmth effect and skin feel. But in fact, the texture of different clothing has a clear impact on the style of the overall look, if you match multiple clothing materials in a single outfit, you can make the outfit more layered.

The more versatile clothing combination in spring and summer is a thin knitwear and cotton and linen underneath, which will also be very temperamental if you want to look more youthful and vigorous with denim.

This set of amateur photos made me understand that "figure" is really much more important than "appearance"!

||How to easily match the spring and summer temperament texture look

• Lifts exposed area and enhances styling breathing

Spring and summer looks must show the characteristics of the season, and the biggest highlight is refreshing and simple. Therefore, proper skin exposure is very important, generally at least 40% of the exposed skin area needs to be maintained, so that the shape will be more natural and comfortable in terms of appearance.

What needs special attention is the exposed part, generally choose the place with a strong sense of bone and line, such as the limbs and shoulders and neck, etc., so that you can also show your body advantages.

This set of amateur photos made me understand that "figure" is really much more important than "appearance"!

• Enhance the waistline and optimize body proportions

Many people feel that height has a great impact on dressing, and many small girls will be more distressed when matching their looks. In fact, no matter how tall a person matches the shape, the core idea is to reshape the body proportions, as long as the golden body proportions are matched, no matter how tall it can be beautiful.

One of the most practical techniques is to raise the waist line, which generally needs to be raised above the lower abdomen. This height allows your figure to be divided into a golden ratio of four to six, and the whole person will visually look slimmer and slimmer.

This set of amateur photos made me understand that "figure" is really much more important than "appearance"!

• Pair it with a small amount of slim pieces, sweet and spicy and sexy

For girls in East Asia, the characteristics of the body are generally more delicate and slender, so if you want to highlight the advantages of the figure, you can match some slim pieces with a small sense of volume.

Especially in spring and summer, with a slender short outfit with an open belly and shoulders, it can better shape the proportions of the shape, and it is also more sweet and sexy in appearance. And with a large number of items, it will make the whole person look more bloated, and it will also press the height and affect the overall look.

This set of amateur photos made me understand that "figure" is really much more important than "appearance"!

• Pair it with a fluffy high-top hairstyle for a sense of atmosphere

Choose a hairstyle that should not follow the trend, but match it according to your face shape and temperament. For some people with better facial contours, this kind of coiled hair can not only show the advantages of your face shape, but also give people a cold and advanced temperament.

But if your face is fleshy and the lines are tougher, you can match it with a more atmospheric fluffy perm. It should be noted that the curvature of the hairstyle should not be too large, and it can fit the curvature of the face.

This set of amateur photos made me understand that "figure" is really much more important than "appearance"!

Even if you don't have the beauty of your mother, you don't have to be upset, there are no two identical leaves in the world, and no two people are exactly the same.

Each girl has her own unique beauty and temperament, maintain healthy habits, strengthen exercise, you can easily beauty your own style. If you also want to look beautiful this early spring, you may wish to find inspiration in this edition of the fashion guide, you can also show your unique beauty and temperament, hurry up and learn from it.