
The high-quality "protein" ranking is released, milk is last, and the top is ignored by many parents

author:Rice rice mom childcare

Protein is one of the important nutrients that people need, is an important component of human body composition, it affects people's health, development, growth, wound recovery, etc. Especially in the development stage, children need to consume the protein needed for growth and development from high-quality protein foods.

The high-quality "protein" ranking is released, milk is last, and the top is ignored by many parents

"One cup of milk in the morning, healthy every day"?

In the consciousness of many people, the protein contained in milk has always been very high, so many parents like to use milk to supplement protein for their children.

Shuting prepares a cup of milk for her child every morning so that she can consume high-quality protein. Shuting feels that children can supplement enough protein when they drink milk every day, so when they usually eat, they often like to prepare some light "healthy meals" for their children.

The high-quality "protein" ranking is released, milk is last, and the top is ignored by many parents

As a result, it didn't take long for the child to have some problems:

When cutting your child's nails, you find that your child's nails are more brittle and easy to break.

Shuting found that the child's weight gain rate was very slow, and even had a tendency to decline.

It was also found that the child often caught colds and healed slowly on his own.

Even the child's academic performance has declined.


The problems that appeared in the child gave Shuting a headache. It just so happened that on this day, the little uncle Xiao Sheng came to the house as a guest, and Shuting told Xiao Sheng about her troubles when she was nagging.

When Xiao Sheng went to college, he studied this major, so after hearing his sister-in-law's words, he immediately asked Shuting about the child's diet.

The high-quality "protein" ranking is released, milk is last, and the top is ignored by many parents

Speaking of diet, Shuting was still a little proud, saying that she gave her children a healthy diet, no greasy heavy taste, some light green, and then told Xiao Sheng about the child's diet.

As soon as Xiao Sheng heard this, he immediately understood what was going on, so he told Shuting:

"Children have protein deficiency, because protein deficiency will cause nails to break, hunger, weight loss, slow wound recovery, colds, weakness, memory loss and other phenomena. Children have a variety of typical protein deficiency symptoms. ”

The high-quality "protein" ranking is released, milk is last, and the top is ignored by many parents

Hearing Xiao Sheng say this, Shuting said unimpressedly, she gave her children milk every day, how could she lack protein. And Xiao Sheng told Shuting:

"The younger the child, the more protein is needed per day/kg, for example, a 9-year-old nephew weighing 30kg needs about 60g of protein per day, and 100g of milk contains about 3g of protein, and you only give your child 200g of milk per day, which is 6g of protein.

However, there are few other protein foods for children to eat every day, which makes it difficult to meet the child's daily protein needs, resulting in a lack of protein. ”

The high-quality "protein" ranking is released, milk is last, and the top is ignored by many parents

When Shuting heard this, she knew that she was not doing the right thing in her child's diet. Immediately, Xiaosheng told Shuting that in order to get the child back to health and get rid of these problems, he needs to pay attention to the intake of high-quality protein foods.

The list of high-quality protein foods is released, milk is last, and the top is ignored by many parents

Fifth place: milk

The protein content per 100 grams is about 3.3g.

Milk is a highly nutritious food, its main nutrition is not only protein, it contains all the amino acids needed for human growth and a variety of other nutrients, so drinking milk can supplement the nutrients needed by the human body, is a high-quality food to strengthen the body, but it is not the best protein supplement food, parents should pay attention.

The high-quality "protein" ranking is released, milk is last, and the top is ignored by many parents

Fourth place: eggs

The protein content per 100 grams is about 13.1g.

Eggs, like milk, are also a "full nutrition" food, in addition to containing a large amount of protein, but also contain most of the nutrients needed for human development, the important thing is that these nutrients are also very easy to be absorbed by the human body, the human body for eggs in the nutrient utilization rate has reached an astonishing 98%, it can be said that eating an egg, almost no waste of ingredients included, is the best nutritional supplement food.

But again, protein is only a nutrient in eggs, although eggs do contain a lot of protein, but it is not the food that contains the most protein.

The high-quality "protein" ranking is released, milk is last, and the top is ignored by many parents

3rd place: chicken, duck, fish, shrimp

The protein content per 100 grams was about 20.3g, 15.5g, 18g, and 16.8g, respectively.

Poultry and fish and shrimp food is a very good protein supplement food, which contains a low amount of fat, but the protein content is very high, the health is strong, and chicken also contains unsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids and other nutrients that are beneficial to the human body.

In addition to protein, duck meat is also rich in vitamin B family, calcium, etc., and its different types of fatty acid ratio is very ideal, which can regulate the body's cholesterol to a certain extent, and is a highly nutritious healthy protein food.

There are many types of fish, and their protein content is more or less, but they are in a higher range, such as crucian carp with lower protein content has also reached a protein content of 13g per 100 grams, and fish meat contains a variety of vitamins and other nutrients, which are very beneficial to the human body.

The high-quality "protein" ranking is released, milk is last, and the top is ignored by many parents

The taste of shrimp meat is delicious, children's favorite, and in addition to high protein content, it is also rich in nutrients such as calcium, which is very conducive to children's development and growth.

2nd place: Lean meat (livestock)

The protein content per 100 grams is about 20.5g-22.6g.

Livestock is the pork, beef and mutton we often eat, the protein content in lean meat is not much different, about 20.5g-22.6g, of which the protein content of beef is the highest (22.6g), mutton is the lowest (20.5g), pork is moderate (20.7g).

This type of food generally belongs to the main food of daily protein supplementation, but it should be noted that it must be lean meat, not fatty meat.

The high-quality "protein" ranking is released, milk is last, and the top is ignored by many parents

First place: soybeans

The protein content per 100 grams is about 35g.

You may not imagine that the food with the highest protein content is not meat, but soy.

Soybeans are very rich in protein, and the amino acids contained in soybeans are very similar to animal protein, which are easily absorbed and utilized by the human body, and soybeans also contain soy isoflavones, which can regulate human estrogen in both directions.

In addition, soybeans also contain vitamins, inorganic salts and other nutrients, which can be said to be a very good food.

In Western mythology, soybeans are the "divine things" given to her daughter by the goddess of agriculture to "prevent and treat all diseases", which shows that its nutrition is extremely high.

The high-quality "protein" ranking is released, milk is last, and the top is ignored by many parents

Write at the end

Children are in the stage of development, parents must pay attention to the adequacy and comprehensiveness of nutrition when preparing meals for children, correctly supplement the various nutrients needed for children's development, and ensure the intake of "seven major nutrients", so that children can grow tall, strong, healthy and healthy.

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