
【Face does not need to be deliberately removed mites】Almost all mites can be detected on the surface of the skin of adults. Most often, mites parasitize on the face and do not cause harm to the human body. As long as the face is not

author:Eat, drink, play and adjust your physique

【Face does not need to be deliberately removed mites】

Mites can be detected on almost any surface of the skin in adults.

Most often, mites parasitize on the face and do not cause harm to the human body. As long as there are no discomfort symptoms on the face, there is no need for mite removal products to deliberately remove mites.

However, when some internal and external factors affect the normal metabolism of the skin, such as staying up late for a long time, not washing your face seriously, eating a lot of greasy or spicy food, not paying attention to sun protection and other behaviors that damage the skin, it will lead to a decrease in skin resistance and weakened metabolic function.

At this time, mites will take advantage of the weakness to reproduce, coupled with their own abnormal metabolism, their secretions, metabolites, and decomposition products cannot be discharged from the pores in time, which may cause inflammatory reactions. There will be a lot of acne on the face, or symptoms of rosacea, flushing and itching of the skin.

At this time, there is no hurry to remove mites, but seek medical attention in time.

To prevent mites, do the following:

(1) Control your mouth and try to avoid eating foods that have multiple oils and irritating.

(2) Take care of the face and pay attention to the oil control of the face.

(3) Careful sun protection to prevent ultraviolet rays from stimulating the sebaceous glands to secrete more oil.

(4) Improve living habits, such as: don't stay up late.

(5) Frequently disinfect daily necessities (such as towels, washbasins, underwear, etc.).

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【Face does not need to be deliberately removed mites】Almost all mites can be detected on the surface of the skin of adults. Most often, mites parasitize on the face and do not cause harm to the human body. As long as the face is not
【Face does not need to be deliberately removed mites】Almost all mites can be detected on the surface of the skin of adults. Most often, mites parasitize on the face and do not cause harm to the human body. As long as the face is not
【Face does not need to be deliberately removed mites】Almost all mites can be detected on the surface of the skin of adults. Most often, mites parasitize on the face and do not cause harm to the human body. As long as the face is not

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