
Doctor's reminder: What are you doing during the two most healthy hours of the day? A lot of people are wasted

author:Dr. Fang Zhaohui

Chinese love health care the most, soaking feet before going to bed, drinking more hot water, eating less cold drinks and other health habits abound, health care is also a very concerned thing, only scientific maintenance of their body, can ensure our health. In fact, health preservation is to pay attention to the small details in life, do not look down on some small things, take care of the details, and ensure the health of the body to the greatest extent.

For health, time is very important, and the right time is the best maintenance effect.

Doctor's reminder: What are you doing during the two most healthy hours of the day? A lot of people are wasted

But what many people don't understand is that two hours a day is the most healthy, and if you can maintain health during this time period, the effect will be twice as effective. So when is this time period, which is the time of the twelve hours, which is now 9 to 11 p.m. This time period is the time when the human body rests, the body's various organs and tissues are also resting and maintaining themselves, if you can take care of your body, you can maintain your body organs, improve immunity, and help sleep.

On the contrary, if you do not take good care of your body for these two hours and do something that is not conducive to your health, it will cause various problems.

Doctor's reminder: What are you doing during the two most healthy hours of the day? A lot of people are wasted

What are the things that hurt your body the most

1. Eat supper

Now everyone's nightlife is gradually enriched, and many people are especially excited at night, especially young people, who like to eat and drink at night. Often eating supper at night will aggravate the burden on the stomach, the gastrointestinal tract cannot be rested, and the stomach must always secrete gastric acid to digest and absorb food, which is easy to cause organ damage.

At the same time, eating a late-night snack will cause calories that cannot be consumed and accumulate in the body, leading to obesity.

Doctor's reminder: What are you doing during the two most healthy hours of the day? A lot of people are wasted

2. Play with your mobile phone for a long time before going to bed

Many people have the habit of staying up late, playing mobile phones when staying up late, often playing mobile phones after 10:30 pm, which will lead to excessive excitement directly affects sleep, and also damages the eyes, resulting in vision loss.

11 to 1 o'clock at night is the time of melanin secretion, at this time do not sleep and play mobile phones to make work and rest disorders, which is not conducive to health.

Doctor's reminder: What are you doing during the two most healthy hours of the day? A lot of people are wasted

3. Strenuous exercise

Exercise is a good thing, but strenuous exercise before going to bed puts the body and brain in a state of extreme excitement, which is not conducive to sleep.

4. Drink plenty of water

Drinking water is a good thing, drinking more water every day can promote blood circulation and reduce blood viscosity, but it is not recommended to drink a lot of water before going to bed, which will lead to polyuria and frequent night rise, affecting sleep; It will also make the body appear puffy and affect the mental state of the next day.

Doctor's reminder: What are you doing during the two most healthy hours of the day? A lot of people are wasted

3 health tips 1 hour before bedtime

1. Soak your feet in warm water

Soaking your feet in hot water before going to bed can relieve foot fatigue, relax the body, and help sleep. It is not recommended that you blindly choose the foot soaking medicine kits on the market, which is likely to cause harm to the body.

Doctor's reminder: What are you doing during the two most healthy hours of the day? A lot of people are wasted

2. Do eye compresses

Eyes facing the computer and mobile phone every day, the pressure is relatively large, easy to fatigue, swelling and sour, you can apply warm compresses to the eyes at night, or do eye exercises to relieve eye fatigue.

3. Meditate cross-legged

Meditation calms the mind, slows down the body's blood circulation, and helps to fall asleep better.

To do a good job of health, 9 to 11 pm is very critical, everyone must make good use of these two hours to have a better body.

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