
Lu Suhan is thick and honest? He had left Guan Yu speechless in the Single Dao Club

author:To the little student

In 215 AD after the Battle of Chibi, the state of Shu and the state of Wu had a dispute over the ownership of Jingzhou. Sun Quan was very angry at Liu Bei's clever seizure and occupation of Jingzhou, and Sun Quan first sent Zhuge Jin to get Liu Bei to return Jingzhou, and Liu Bei was so angry that Sun Quan sent Lü Meng to seize Changsha, Lingling (present-day Yongzhou), and Guiyang (present-day Lianzhou) by force.

Lu Suhan is thick and honest? He had left Guan Yu speechless in the Single Dao Club

Liu Bei was taken aback, so frightened that he quickly sent Guan Yu to garrison Jingzhou, and Sun Quan sent Lu Su to Yiyang in an attempt to outflank Guan Yu from the flank, which led to the later "Single Dao Meeting". Those who are familiar with "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" know that at the "Single Dao Meeting", Guan Yu won the negotiation with his courage, but the truth is not what he imagined. Instead, Lu Su bombarded Guan Yu one after another, and Guan Yu couldn't even say a word of rebuttal.

Lu Suhan is thick and honest? He had left Guan Yu speechless in the Single Dao Club

In 208, Sun Quan ceded Jingzhou to Liu Bei as a foothold, and also formed an alliance with Liu Bei to resist Cao Cao's army. Later, after Sun Quan and Liu Bei's combined forces defeated Cao Wei at the Battle of Chibi, Liu Bei not only did not return Jingzhou. He also made an excuse that he would return it after he occupied Yizhou and Liangzhou, and after Liu Bei occupied these two prefectures, Liu Bei said to this uncle that he would return Liangzhou when he destroyed Cao Wei.

Lu Suhan is thick and honest? He had left Guan Yu speechless in the Single Dao Club

For Liu Bei's repeated "treachery", Sun Quan had no choice but to send someone to forcibly take over, but Guan Yu, who was guarding Jingzhou, forcibly drove away the people sent by Sun Quan to take over. Sun Quan's brother-in-law's divine operation made Sun Quan, the eldest brother, angry, and decided to teach this reneging brother-in-law a lesson, so he sent Lü Meng to lead an army of 20,000 to attack Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyang County, Liu Bei saw that it was not good, this uncle was really moved, and quickly sent Guan Yu to lead 30,000 people to face the battle.

Lu Suhan is thick and honest? He had left Guan Yu speechless in the Single Dao Club

Since Lü Meng only had 20,000 soldiers and horses, while garrisoning Changsha and Guiyang, he also had to attack Lingling, and he could not resist Guan Yu's 30,000 army at all. In desperation, Sun Quan sent Lu Su to lead 10,000 soldiers and horses to contain Guan Yu, but this 10,000 people could not play any role in front of Guan Yu's 30,000 people, and Lu Su proposed an invitation to Guan Yu to "Single Dao Meeting" in order to delay time and ignore everyone's opposition.

Lu Suhan is thick and honest? He had left Guan Yu speechless in the Single Dao Club

At that time, both armies were staying a hundred paces away. Guan Yu took a general and a sword to see Lu Su. As soon as Lu Su saw Guan Yu, he asked, "We sincerely lent you the city because we are afraid that you will have no place to go after you fail." Now that Yizhou has been obtained, and you have no intention of returning Jingzhou, then now I only ask you to return the three counties, and you still don't listen..." Saying this, the general brought by Guan Yu interjected next to Guan Yu and said: "Only benevolent people can occupy the city. From ancient times to the present, I have never heard of which one will always occupy it."

Lu Suhan is thick and honest? He had left Guan Yu speechless in the Single Dao Club

Lu Su heard this, and he was angry... Looking at that person, at this time, Guan Yu stood up with a knife and said, "These are national affairs, what does he understand?" He quickly gave the general a look and asked him to leave, but in the face of Lu Su's questioning, Guan Yu knew that he was at a loss, and there was nothing to say. Later, the Shu and Wu sides agreed to divide Jingzhou in half with the Xiangjiang River as the boundary, avoiding war and laying the foundation for Sun Wu's reconquest of Jingzhou.

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