
"Born Unloveable Otto": The poisonous tongue is warm, and the cure of March is given by Tom Hanks

What would you say about Tom Hanks?

For fans around the world, he is a thousand-faced powerhouse, nominated for Oscars 4 times, and a veteran actor who won awards twice. The inspirational Forrest Gump and the calm Captain Sully are both unsurpassed classics. In the eyes of the child, he is Cowboy Sheriff Woody because he has been dubbing Toy Story. And in the eyes of military fans, he is Captain John Miller, who dares to be "tough" with tanks.

It's all Tom Hanks, and probably neither. As an Oscar actor, the roles he interprets do not have a fixed routine, even if he is over the age of Huajia, he has not stopped exploring acting skills.

Once the host asked Tom Hanks, you are so successful, is there anything unconfident? Tom Hanks humorously replied that it was his own voice. He said that this is one of the reasons why he easily does not get angry, because when he is angry, his voice will automatically rise an octave and become very sharp.

But who would have thought that 67-year-old Tom Hanks would finally start with his lack of confidence, playing a poisonous tongue boss, irascible and angry at others, even passing cats would be complained about by him, this movie is "Born Unloveable Otto".

"Loveless Otto" is adapted from the world-rated best-selling novel "A Man Named Ovie Decides to Die" by the king of Swedish fiction Frederick Bachman. The original book touched hundreds of millions of readers around the world, and Tom Hanks is also very optimistic about this theme, not only as the male lead, but also joined to become the producer of the film, which shows how attentive he is to this movie.

Appearing in this movie is a new challenge in itself for a "successful" actor.

Before this, the roles played by Tom Hanks were relatively resolute, whether it was John Miller in "Saving Private Ryan", Forrest Gump in "Forrest Gump", or Chuck in "The Rest of the Desert Island", they all have a resilience in their bodies that will not admit defeat, and they forge ahead bravely in the face of external pressure, and in "Born Unloveable Otto", he played Otto is actually a lonely old man who is "unloveable" and bent on death.

At the beginning of the movie, Otto showed an aggressive posture, arguing with the clerk just because of a few dollars, so that the person who checked out behind him wanted to "solve the siege" for him, but Otto would not be grateful for the "help" of others, because what he cared about was not money, but keeping the "rules" that he identified in his heart.

Otto seems to be stuck in a deep well of "rules", stubbornly sticking to it every day. In his eyes, all the order has not been observed, the access control of the community is always not closed, the residents are always parked in the right position, and even the pants worn by the male neighbor are too tight, he will mumble for a long time, obviously this uncle is shaft and lonely.

In order to play this role well, Tom Hanks does not hide his "unconfident sharp voice", and it is precisely this natural nature that allows us to watch the role of Otto, not at all dramatic, but to see the community walking uncle, the voice is so grounded.

Otto is an eccentric boss on the surface, but in his heart he treasures a rare affection in the world. No one is born with a poisonous tongue, because of the death of his beloved wife's serious illness, it made the old Otto depressed, and even wanted to die, and at this critical moment, the world finally gave him a kind hug.

Just as Otto was about to carry out his plan, his new neighbors, the Mariso family, moved in. If the death of his wife plunged Otto's life into gray, then after the Mariso family moved in, his life began to become colorful.   

Otto did not recognize the new neighbor's family at first, there were many slots, the man can be said to be a "stupid husband", he can't park a car well, and he can break his leg by repairing the window; What's more, Mariso, a mother of three, turned out to be a "road killer", without a driver's license, and could not even drive herself to the hospital, which is incredible for the skilled Otto.

As they were "forced" to contact the Mariso family, the trouble continued, helping them park, lending them ladders, and even watching their children.         

Seeing that the "troubles" were broken one after another, and the rules were broken again and again, Otto gradually discovered that the originally lonely and cold life could also be filled by smiles, and this old man had a sense of satisfaction that was needed.

He began to take the initiative, taking the initiative to teach Mariso to drive, taking the initiative to pick up the drawing book to tell stories to the children, and even learning bear barking at the children's request.

Even old friends who once planned to die of old age, he began to take the initiative to care for each other. The irascible uncle has transformed into an enthusiastic doer, and his practical sincerity can be done.

Initiative and enthusiasm are always the killer skills of human beings to open the connection of the emotional world. The so-called "trouble" is the only way for you and me to go from not knowing each other to being warm by the existence of each other.

When Otto is busy helping others solve trivial problems, people are not irritable and forget to "die". It turned out that he didn't want to live, but he just forgot how much he was in love with the warmth of the world.

With the intertwined plot of laughter and tears and the ingenious interpretation of Tom Hanks, the movie "Born Loveless Otto" has achieved good results, with an overseas box office of more than 100 million US dollars, a popcorn recommendation index of 97%, and a Douban score of 8.2 points.

The film has been released in China today, and audiences who like Tom Hanks can enter the theater to witness his acting skills once again, and feel the rare touching of this warm and humorous story.

What is the final outcome of Poisonous Tongue Uncle Otto? The big screen gives the answer, and every minute of watching the movie will not be disappointed.

Believe me, give the cure of March to "Born Loveless Otto", you will find that giving a kind smile to those around you, life will always give you back more than you think.    

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