
Good-looking and nutritious fresh lily scrambled eggs, replenish weakness, clear phlegm and dampness, and condition the body

author:Muzijian kitchen

Good-looking and nutritious fresh lily scrambled eggs, replenish weakness, clear phlegm and dampness, and condition the body

Scrambled eggs with fresh lilies is a home-cooked dish that is not only delicious but also has a variety of health benefits. Lily is a plant with high economic and medicinal value, rich in protein, a variety of amino acids, vitamins and minerals and other nutrients, which has many benefits for our physical health.

Good-looking and nutritious fresh lily scrambled eggs, replenish weakness, clear phlegm and dampness, and condition the body

Eggs are a very common food in our daily diet, which is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, and is an almost indispensable nutritious food in people's daily life.

Good-looking and nutritious fresh lily scrambled eggs, replenish weakness, clear phlegm and dampness, and condition the body

Scrambled eggs with fresh lilies are as simple as preparing fresh lilies and eggs, followed by seasonings such as salt, oil and chicken essence. Here's how to make scrambled eggs with fresh lilies:

Ingredients: appropriate amount of fresh bai, 3 eggs, appropriate amount of ginger and garlic, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of chicken essence.


1. First prepare the fresh lilies, peel the petals of the lilies, then wash them, remove the yellow core and throw them away.

2. Crack the eggs into a bowl and stir well.

3. Finely chop the ginger and garlic and set aside.

4. Heat a pan with cold oil, stir-fry ginger and garlic until fragrant.

5. Add fresh lilies and stir-fry a few times.

6. Pour in the well-stirred egg liquid and wait until the eggs have solidified.

7. Add salt, light soy sauce and seasonings such as chicken essence.

Scrambled eggs with fresh lilies have a variety of health effects such as replenishing weakness, clearing phlegm and dampness, and regulating the body. Because lilies are rich in protein, they have a strong tonic effect, can enhance human immunity, and can also improve anemia symptoms, especially suitable for pregnant women, pregnant women and weak patients.

Good-looking and nutritious fresh lily scrambled eggs, replenish weakness, clear phlegm and dampness, and condition the body

Moreover, fresh lilies also have a variety of effects such as clearing heat and phlegm, lowering blood pressure, suppressing cough and appetizing. It can remove moisture from the body, help people reduce fat deposits, and play a good role in weight loss. In addition, it also has the effect of beauty and beauty, regular consumption can improve the condition of the skin, promote cell renewal, and make people look more vibrant and beautiful.

Good-looking and nutritious fresh lily scrambled eggs, replenish weakness, clear phlegm and dampness, and condition the body

As for eggs, they are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, which can provide people with more nutrients. At the same time, eggs also contain lecithin and other ingredients, which can promote neurasthenia and brain decline caused by various reasons, and have the effect of nourishing the brain.

Good-looking and nutritious fresh lily scrambled eggs, replenish weakness, clear phlegm and dampness, and condition the body

In short, scrambled eggs with fresh lilies are not only simple and delicious, but also have a positive effect on health. It is not a traditional medicinal dish, but a home-cooked dish that is suitable for everyone in the family. If women often eat scrambled eggs with fresh lilies, it can help balance the coordination between various organs and components in the body, delay aging, and is also a very good beauty and beauty food.

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