
Treatment of arrhythmia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know: First, Western medicines: 1, amiodarone: belongs to class III antiarrhythmic drugs, can prolong the atrioventricular node, atria and heart

author:Nankai Sun Pharmacist

To treat arrhythmias, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese proprietary medicines, you must know:

1. Western medicine:

1. Amiodarone:

It belongs to class III antiarrhythmics, which can prolong the action potential time course and effective refractory period of the atrioventricular node, atria and ventricular muscle fibers, and slow conduction, and has the properties of mild non-competitive antagonist α and β adrenergic drugs and mild class I and IV antiarrhythmics. It can also reduce the auto-discipline of the sinus node, have a direct dilating effect on coronary arteries and peripheral blood vessels, and affect thyroxine metabolism due to iodine in the structure. Oral administration is suitable for the prevention of life-threatening paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation, and can also be used for paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, paroxysmal atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, including pre-excitation syndrome and persistent atrial fibrillation, maintenance therapy after atrial flutter electrocardioversion. It can also be used to control the rate of persistent atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter.

2. Sotalol:

As a racemate, both isomers have class III antiarrhythmic effects, but only the left-handed isomer has β receptor antagonism, and its effect is non-cardioselective and has no intrinsic sympathomimetic effect. It can prolong the action potential plateau phase, slow down sinus rhythm, delay atrioventricular node conduction, and prolong the refractory period of the atrium, ventricular muscle, and conduction system (including bypass). ECG shows prolonged P-R interval and mild widening of QRS duration, resulting in dose-dependent Q-T prolongation. It has a mild effect on reducing cardiac output and lowering blood pressure. Indicated for the treatment of pre- and post-AV cardioversion and ventricular arrhythmias. It has β receptor blocking effect and can be used in patients with coronary heart disease.

3. Determinadaron:

It is a product of changes in the molecular structure of amiodarone. Its exact electrophysiological mechanism of action is unknown. It shows the properties of all 4 classes of antiarrhythmics. It is suitable for maintaining sinus rhythm after paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation, reducing the risk of hospitalization due to atrial fibrillation, and reducing the cardiovascular hospitalization rate and mortality rate of atrial fibrillation combined with cardiovascular risk factors (such as over 75 years old, hypertension, left atrial enlargement, etc.); It has β receptor blocking effect and can be used to stabilize coronary heart disease and atrial fibrillation. It has a rapid onset of action and is recommended for maintaining sinus rhythm in amorous heart disease, valvular heart disease, or cardiac failure with atrial fibrillation with preserved ejection fraction.

4. Metoprolol:

It belongs to β adrenergic receptor blocker, which can antagonize the adrenergic receptor excitatory effect of the pacing point potential, inhibit the auto-discipline of pacing cells, and prolong the supraventricular conduction time. Indicated for the treatment of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, including ventricular rate control of sinus tachycardia, atrial flutter, and atrial fibrillation; ischemic heart disease with tachyarrhythmias; Reduces symptoms associated with supraventricular or ventricular arrhythmias; Improve prognosis in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.

2. Proprietary Chinese Medicine:

1. Nourishing Heart Fixing Capsules:

The ingredients are rehmania, red ginseng, wheat dong, ejiao, licorice, jujube, black sesame, laurel and ginger. Fang Zhong reuses re-enhmannia to replenish blood and nourish blood and nourish yin and rejuvenation; Red ginseng strengthens the spleen and replenishes qi, is the source of biochemistry of qi and blood, and can nourish the mind and calm the mind, and is a monarch medicine. Mai Dongzi heart yin; Amine nourishes the heart; Burnt licorice replenishes temper, invigorates heart qi and stabilizes palpitations; Jujube nourishes blood and calms the spirit, and is a medicine for ministers. Black sesame seeds nourish the essence blood; Gui zhi tongyang complex vein, a total of adjuvant. Ginger warms the stomach and neutralizes, for making medicine. The combination of various medicines has the function of nourishing blood, invigorating qi and calming the spirit, and rejuvenating pulse and fixing palpitations.

Clinically, Yangxin Ding Palpitation Capsule is used to treat palpitations caused by lack of qi and blood, loss of nourishment, and emptiness of the pulse tract, and the symptoms are palpitations, pulse knots or generation, shortness of breath, night sweats, insomnia, dry throat and tongue, and dry stool; Ventricular premature beats are seen in the above symptoms.

2. Yixinshu capsules:

The ingredients are ginseng, astragalus, danshen, wheat dong, schisandra, Chuanxiong, and hawthorn. Fang Zhong uses ginseng as a monarchical medicine, greatly replenishes vitality, nourishes yin and vitality, calms the mind and calms palpitations, and invigorates qi and rejuvenates. Astragalus invigorates qi and blood; Danshen activates blood stasis, benefits blood veins, nourishes blood and calms the gods as a medicine. Nourish the yin with wheat dong, calm the mind and calm the mind; Schisandra nourishes yin and converges and calms the spirit; Chuanxiong promotes qi and blood, dissolves stasis and circulation; Hawthorn activates blood and disperses stasis, and is used as an adjuvant. The combination of various medicines plays the function of invigorating qi and rejuvenating the pulse, activating blood circulation and removing stasis, and nourishing yin and rejuvenation.

Clinically, Yixinshu capsules are used to treat palpitations caused by qi and yin deficiency, blood stasis and pulse obstruction, symptoms include palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue, lack of breath, dry mouth, insomnia, sweating, pale complexion, light red or purple tongue or ecchymosis, less moss, fine pulse count or dynasty; Arrhythmias are common in patients with these symptoms.

3. Yindan Heart and Brain Softgel:

The group consists of ginkgo biloba, salvia, lamp spices, gynostemma, hawthorn, garlic, Panax notoginseng and natural ice chips. Fangzhong ginkgo biloba can activate blood stasis and relieve pain, danshen can pass through the blood veins, nourish blood and calm the spirit, lamps and delicate efforts to activate blood circulation, dispel stasis and relieve pain, the above three medicines are the original medicine. Hawthorn has the function of dispersing qi and stasis, eliminating food and stasis; Gynostemma invigorates qi and strengthens the spleen, and modern research has confirmed that it has the effect of lowering blood sugar, lowering lipids, reducing arteriosclerosis and preventing thrombosis; Panax notoginseng dissolves stasis to stop bleeding, activate blood and relieve pain, and hawthorn and gynostemma are used as prescription medicine. Garlic has the effect of warming the stomach and promoting qi conduction, and assists the medicine to promote qi and blood as an adjuvant. Natural ice chips awaken the mind, clear heat and relieve pain as medicine. The whole party plays the function of activating blood circulation and removing stasis, relieving qi and pain, and eliminating food and stagnation.

Clinically, Yindan Heart and Brain Softgel is used to treat palpitations caused by Qi stasis and blood stasis, obstruction of heart pulse, and loss of nourishment, symptoms include palpitations, restlessness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, dark tongue, and pulse knots; Arrhythmias are common in patients with these symptoms.

4. Musk Heart and Brain Piece:

The ingredients are danshen, ginseng stem and leaf saponins, kudzu, tulip, safflower, Panax notoginseng, epimedium, musk and ice chips. Fang Zhong Danshen invigorates blood stasis, relieves pain, nourishes blood and calms the spirit, and is a monarchical medicine. Ginseng stem and leaf total saponins promote qi and stagnation, encouraging blood flow; Kudzu Shengyang dissolves muscles and activates blood circulation; Yujin is depressed, revitalizes blood and relieves pain; Safflower, Sanqi blood dispels stasis, and is a medicine. Epimedium warms the kidney veins; Musk and ice chips aromatize turbidity, open the brain, and are used as adjuvant medicine. The combination of various medicines plays the effect of activating blood circulation and removing stasis, regulating qi and relieving pain.

Clinically, musk heart and brain music tablets are used to treat palpitations caused by blood stasis obstruction, the symptoms are palpitations, chest suffocation, shortness of breath, purple tongue or ecchymosis, fine pulse or dynasty; Arrhythmias are common in patients with these symptoms. #如何做健康老年人 #

Treatment of arrhythmia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know: First, Western medicines: 1, amiodarone: belongs to class III antiarrhythmic drugs, can prolong the atrioventricular node, atria and heart
Treatment of arrhythmia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know: First, Western medicines: 1, amiodarone: belongs to class III antiarrhythmic drugs, can prolong the atrioventricular node, atria and heart
Treatment of arrhythmia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know: First, Western medicines: 1, amiodarone: belongs to class III antiarrhythmic drugs, can prolong the atrioventricular node, atria and heart
Treatment of arrhythmia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know: First, Western medicines: 1, amiodarone: belongs to class III antiarrhythmic drugs, can prolong the atrioventricular node, atria and heart
Treatment of arrhythmia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know: First, Western medicines: 1, amiodarone: belongs to class III antiarrhythmic drugs, can prolong the atrioventricular node, atria and heart
Treatment of arrhythmia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know: First, Western medicines: 1, amiodarone: belongs to class III antiarrhythmic drugs, can prolong the atrioventricular node, atria and heart
Treatment of arrhythmia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know: First, Western medicines: 1, amiodarone: belongs to class III antiarrhythmic drugs, can prolong the atrioventricular node, atria and heart
Treatment of arrhythmia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know: First, Western medicines: 1, amiodarone: belongs to class III antiarrhythmic drugs, can prolong the atrioventricular node, atria and heart
Treatment of arrhythmia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know: First, Western medicines: 1, amiodarone: belongs to class III antiarrhythmic drugs, can prolong the atrioventricular node, atria and heart

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