
Is it hard to catch big bluefish? Learn this set of "secrets" to catch basically not less, say goodbye to tangential running fish Every angler wants to be able to catch a big blue fish, but the blue fish is relatively large and has a lot of strength

author:Let go of that big crucian carp

Is it hard to catch big bluefish? Learn this set of "secrets" to catch basically not less, say goodbye to tangential running fish

Every angler wants to be able to catch a big bluefish, but the bluefish is relatively large and powerful, just like a submarine in the water. Moreover, bluefish are very timid and afraid of being frightened, and it is not easy to catch it, so let's share a few "secrets" of fishing bluefish.

First, the choice of fishing position

When fishing for bluefish, you must choose a good fishing spot, and you must find the hiding place of the bluefish.

(1) Fishing spots for bluefish in natural waters must be selected

Blue fish are carnivorous fish, feeding mainly on mollusks, mostly inhabiting and foraging in the middle and lower layers of water bodies.

(1) In natural waters such as rivers, deep pools with deep water bodies should be sought;

(2) In some shallow waters, if there are more snails, clams and mussels that blue fish like to eat, then blue fish will often visit these places due to feeding needs.

However, in general, it is necessary to pay attention to choosing places where the water body is deep, the environment is quiet, and there are few people. After all, the larger the individual fish, the higher the vigilance.

(2) Selection of fishing spots for bluefish fishing in still waters

(1) In places with steep water depth on the shore and quiet environment, such as near the dam of the reservoir, under the cliff, and deep pools at the bottom of the water, these places are quieter, less disturbing bluefish like to roost, can be used as a point.

(2) In places where the underwater terrain is complex and there are many obstacles, such as wood grain, dead trees, rocks, etc., and there is a certain depth, it is also a place where blue fish live, and you can get off the rod here.

(3) It is a good spot for bluefish near reservoirs where bluefish such as snails, clams, and mussels like to feed. Where mollusks are dense, preference should be given to deeper water bodies.

(4) In the early morning or evening, bluefish often swim to the edge of aquatic grass not far from the shore or places with gravel at the bottom, and if they hang in these places, the possibility of catching bluefish is greater.

Second, the choice of nest material

Blue fish eat a large amount and swim slowly, and large fish easily do not enter the nest, so it often takes a long time to gather fish. For qualified anglers, continuing to make nests in a fixed place every day and cultivating the eating habits of blue fish is an important skill to catch large blue fish. However, most anglers go out for a short time to fish, and there is no such condition, so nesting should be more flattering. To ensure that the fish are long-lasting, it is also necessary to ensure that the blue fish have enough food after entering the nest, otherwise the fish will quickly leave the nest after a few bites, and they will naturally not be able to catch if they cannot stay in the den. You can use blocky, coarse-grained nest material, pack it in snakeskin bags, poke more holes to make nests, and the nest material is at least 3 or 4 pounds.

It is usually used as nest material for bluefish fishing, mainly corn and snails. In natural waters, bluefish like to eat mollusks such as snails at the bottom, because bluefish have hard horns in their throats and can easily crush snails. Therefore, old corn is such a relatively hard thing, when it is not soaked for a long time, only the blue fish can bite. Therefore, the nesting is generally old corn, add a little crushed snail, and complete snail, mix it to make a nest. Snails can be prepared more, because live snails will escape, so you can prepare to beat the nest spoon, and beat a little snail at intervals.

3. Selection of fishing gear

Blue fish is large, the strength is naturally very large, plus blue fish are more inclined to deep water, generally fishing deep fishing far mainly, the length of the rod is at least 6.3 meters, the longer the rod is more difficult to throw the rod, but the easier it will be to walk the fish. The rod should be solid and durable, medium and hard adjustment is appropriate, medium hard adjustment rod elasticity is better, and there is also a better buffer effect when lifting the rod, which has a certain protective effect on the fishing group; It is recommended to use a single hook through line for fishing groups, with fewer knots on the fishing line, and the tensile loss is relatively small, which can achieve the purpose of catching large fish with a line that is not too thick. And the single hook can reduce the phenomenon of hanging the bottom, as well as the phenomenon of "bridge" after the fish.

4. Fishing skills

Bluefish are mostly fished using traditional fishing methods. Due to the strength of bluefish, medium and large fish are often hooked, so the rod for fishing bluefish requires great strength, and the length should be more than 7 meters. The fishing line should be a thick line of No. 4, the tensile force of which should reach 8 kg. The hook strip of the fishing hook should be thicker, the hook door should have a considerable width, and the hook tip should be sharp.

Why use a long rod for bluefish? Because the blue fish is large, the guts are small, and they do not have the courage to go to the shore to forage during the day, so it is more advantageous to use long rods and long lines. The float adopts a large vertical float, although this float is sluggish, but with a heavier lead pendant, it can be thrown to a farther fishing spot, and has better stability, and has a certain resistance to the wind and waves of the river.

When the blue fish bites the hook, the reaction of the float is relatively stable, the undulation is not large, and often a second signal follows, which is manifested as dragging the float into the water, and the float no longer floats. When the hand holding the rod feels that there is a fish on the hook, there is no need to be nervous, because the blue fish generally do not suddenly escape, the common situation is that the fish dragged the hook smoothly to swim away, the hand carrying the rod will feel the drag force, almost unable to hold the rod firmly, at this time the only way is to properly release the line, change the position, people follow the direction of the fish dragging along the river bank for a short distance, sometimes tight and loose with it.

5. Walk the fish

Walking fish is a technical job that requires years of experience. Some novice anglers are more excited after encountering big fish, and it is easy to pull hard, and the more afraid of running fish, the more they tend to run fish. The first step in walking a fish is always to put the rod up, if the rod cannot be erected, as long as there is a tug-of-war, the No. 10 fishing line will be instantly broken. If you pull the rod into a tug-of-war, then hurry up and throw the fishing rod, consume the physical strength of the blue fish by missing the rope, and then find a way to erect the fishing rod. After the rod is erected, the elasticity of the rod can play a role, and it is not only the fishing line itself that is stressed. The rod of the fishing rod should not exceed the top of the head slightly, otherwise only the rod will be slightly stressed, and it is easy to break the rod. According to the direction of the fish escape, you can follow while applying a pull to the fish, which is a bit similar to walking a dog, so that the physical strength of the big fish is slowly consumed, and slowly it can be easily protected.

Is it hard to catch big bluefish? Learn this set of "secrets" to catch basically not less, say goodbye to tangential running fish Every angler wants to be able to catch a big blue fish, but the blue fish is relatively large and has a lot of strength
Is it hard to catch big bluefish? Learn this set of "secrets" to catch basically not less, say goodbye to tangential running fish Every angler wants to be able to catch a big blue fish, but the blue fish is relatively large and has a lot of strength
Is it hard to catch big bluefish? Learn this set of "secrets" to catch basically not less, say goodbye to tangential running fish Every angler wants to be able to catch a big blue fish, but the blue fish is relatively large and has a lot of strength

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