
A Brief Analysis of the Splendor of Art and the Tragic Song of Civilization - A Discussion on the Impact of Religion on Ancient Egypt Preface In the development of ancient Egyptian civilization, religion played a pivotal role, for ancient Egypt

author:Xinxin Bureau

A brief analysis of the splendor of art and the sad song of civilization: a discussion on the influence of religion on ancient Egypt


In the development of ancient Egyptian civilization, religion played a pivotal role, for ancient Egypt politics, economy, culture, art and other fields have had a far-reaching impact, this article will discuss the influence of religion in ancient Egyptian civilization from the perspectives of art and civilization.

First, the importance of religion in ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians practiced a polytheistic religion, they believed that different gods were in charge of different things, for example, Ra is the god of the sun, Isis is the god of motherhood and medicine, this belief runs through the daily life of ancient Egyptians, affecting their behavior and thinking, they believe that human beings are caused by gods, and after death the soul will go to the afterlife and receive the final judgment.

Religion played an important role in ancient Egyptian society, it not only affected the beliefs of individuals, but also affected the organization and structure of the entire society, and ancient Egypt was influenced by religion in various fields such as politics, economy, art, literature, science and so on.

Second, the influence of religion on ancient Egyptian art

1. Works of art with religious themes

There are a large number of religious-themed works in ancient Egyptian art, including shrines, statues, sarcophagi, paintings, frescoes, etc., which depict various gods, myths and religious scenes, the most famous of which are the frescoes and mummies inside the pyramids.

2. The influence of religion on artistic style

The style of ancient Egyptian art has distinctive characteristics, these characteristics originate from religious beliefs, ancient Egyptians believe that God is eternal, so they also pursue eternal and stable effects in the production of artworks, in addition, the image of ancient Egyptian artworks is also strictly regulated, in line with religious beliefs and traditional customs.

3. The influence of religion on artists

In ancient Egypt, artists were usually temple craftsmen, and the artworks they made were all for the temple service, and artists needed to follow religious rules, such as respecting gods when making statues of gods.

Ancient Egyptian art occupies an important place in the history of world art, the most representative of which are sculptures such as pyramids, sphinxes and tomb paintings, and the creation of these works of art is inseparable from the influence of religion.

The ancient Egyptians believed that God was the supreme being, they believed that the existence of God could bring happiness and eternal life, therefore, in ancient Egyptian art, gods and beliefs occupied a very important position, for example, the outside of the pyramid was opened by the radiant sun god, indicating the sanctity of the ancient Egyptian dynasty and the legitimacy of royal power, while the Sphinx represented the protection and power given by God and was a symbol of religion and royal power.

In addition, the religious beliefs of ancient Egypt also profoundly influenced the artistic style of murals and carvings, and ancient Egyptian art was characterized by symmetry, regularity and positivity, which was related to the concept of ancient Egyptian religion.

The ancient Egyptians believed that everything in the universe behaved according to laws, so they also pursued symmetry and rules in art, in addition, because ancient Egyptian religion emphasized eternity and immortality, they liked to carve and paint tomb murals in the tomb to express prayers and blessings for the eternal existence of the deceased.

Second, the influence of religion on ancient Egyptian civilization

In addition to its influence on ancient Egyptian art, religion also had a profound impact on the development of ancient Egyptian civilization, with varying degrees of political, economic, social and cultural aspects.

First of all, in terms of politics, the religion of ancient Egypt combined with royal power, constituting a special political system, ancient Egyptians believe that pharaohs are in ancient Egyptian society, religious belief and art are very close, through the worship and belief in religion, the art of ancient Egyptians can prosper and develop, from the perspective of art history, ancient Egyptian art shows a strong religious atmosphere, which mainly benefits from the influence of religious belief and culture.

First of all, the polytheistic concept of ancient Egyptian religious beliefs had a profound impact on the development of its art, and the ancient Egyptians believed that there were numerous gods ruling different fields, each with different images, characteristics, and functions, and the images of these gods in ancient Egyptian art were widely found in murals, sculptures, and other works of art.

Secondly, the religious beliefs of ancient Egypt also had a profound impact on the architectural art of ancient Egypt, and the ancient Egyptians believed in being reborn after death, so they focused on the construction of eternal tombs and temples, which often employed a large number of reliefs and murals to depict scenes and gods in ancient Egyptian religious stories.

However, the religious beliefs and arts of ancient Egypt also have their limitations, especially in political and social terms, in the history of ancient Egypt, pharaohs ruled for thousands of years, often associating themselves with gods, using religious beliefs to control and suppress the people, this practice led to social and political solidification and according to historical records, in 30 BC, the Ptolemaic dynasty of ancient Egypt was conquered by the Roman Empire, which marked the end of ancient Egyptian religious civilization, however, The precious legacy of ancient Egyptian civilization and its contribution to world culture are still celebrated today.

Author's point of view

In general, the religious beliefs of ancient Egypt have deeply influenced the artistic and cultural development of the country, they are regarded as one of the most spectacular and exquisite works of art in the world, and at the same time an expression of ancient religious beliefs, under the guidance of ancient Egyptian religious beliefs, the country's artistic creation shows a unique aesthetic and artistic style, becoming a treasure of human cultural heritage.


[1] Frankfurt, Henry, Ancient Egyptian Religion, New York: Harper, 1948

[2] Hornon, Eric, The Ancient Egyptian Concept of God: One and Many, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1982

[3] Wilkinson, Richard, Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, New York: Thames and Hudson, 2003

[4] Allen, James P. Middle Egypt: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

A Brief Analysis of the Splendor of Art and the Tragic Song of Civilization - A Discussion on the Impact of Religion on Ancient Egypt Preface In the development of ancient Egyptian civilization, religion played a pivotal role, for ancient Egypt
A Brief Analysis of the Splendor of Art and the Tragic Song of Civilization - A Discussion on the Impact of Religion on Ancient Egypt Preface In the development of ancient Egyptian civilization, religion played a pivotal role, for ancient Egypt
A Brief Analysis of the Splendor of Art and the Tragic Song of Civilization - A Discussion on the Impact of Religion on Ancient Egypt Preface In the development of ancient Egyptian civilization, religion played a pivotal role, for ancient Egypt

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