
How do you cook crab the best? How to pick a crab and how to identify whether it is fresh?

author:Feifei talks about society

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Crab meat is tender and delicious, and it is a delicacy that many people like to eat. Fresh crab is bought back and is suitable for cooking, but some people don't know how it cooks it best. It is recommended that you know more about this knowledge before cooking crabs, and at the same time, you must understand the methods and skills of selecting crabs, learn how to identify whether crabs are fresh, and avoid buying crabs of poor quality.

How do you cook crab the best? How to pick a crab and how to identify whether it is fresh?

How do you cook crab the best?

First, after the crab is cleaned, cook it with ginger and green onion, as well as some chili pepper and garlic. Before boiling the crab, you should put the fresh crab you bought back in a pot and use a brush to clean all the surfaces. When brushing crabs, the body surface has hair and places and its abdomen should be carefully brushed, these places are the easiest to hide dirt, if not carefully brushed, there will be dirt residue, affecting the taste of the crab after cooking.

How do you cook crab the best? How to pick a crab and how to identify whether it is fresh?

2. Remove the skin of the prepared green onion, wash and knot the green onion, cut the ginger into thin slices after washing, and cut all the garlic and pepper into granules for later use. Put the washed crabs directly into the pot, put in cold water, cold water must cover all the crabs, and then put the prepared green onions, ginger, garlic peppers, etc. into the pot together, and cover the pot.

How do you cook crab the best? How to pick a crab and how to identify whether it is fresh?

Third, after turning on the fire, reduce the heat power, slowly boil with low heat, can not let the fire too strong, after boiling, use a spoon to remove the foam on the surface, and then put in an appropriate amount of edible salt, and then slightly adjust the heat a little larger, continue to cook for 15~20 minutes over medium heat. Turn off the heat directly after cooking, at this time do not rush to lift the lid of the pot, you should let the crab simmer in the pot for 15 minutes, so that the crab can be more flavorful, and the cooked crab is more delicious.

How do you cook crab the best? How to pick a crab and how to identify whether it is fresh?

How to choose crabs and how to identify whether crabs are fresh?

First, when choosing crabs, you must look at the vitality of crabs, those crabs that have no vitality and are not robust can not be bought, and crabs that have lost their feet can not be bought, such crabs are no longer fresh, and even have bred bacteria, it is not safe to buy and eat, and it is harmful to health.

How do you cook crab the best? How to pick a crab and how to identify whether it is fresh?

Second, smell the crab, if you find that the crab has a rotten smell or stink, do not buy, such crabs are not fresh at all. When choosing a crab, you can also look at the color of its shell, if the shell of the crab is blue-black indicates that it is fresh, if the color of the crab shell is found to be yellow, it means that such a crab has been out of water for too long, not fresh, it is not recommended to buy and eat.

How do you cook crab the best? How to pick a crab and how to identify whether it is fresh?

When eating crabs, you must not only understand how crabs are cooked deliciously, but also master the methods and skills of selecting crabs, only in this way can you identify whether the crabs are fresh and avoid buying crabs that are about to deteriorate. The crabs bought back should be eaten in time, can not be stored for a long time, dead or close to dead crabs, can not continue to eat, because the crabs at that time have produced a large number of bacteria, if you continue to eat will appear abdominal pain diarrhea and other similar to food poisoning pull-down, easy to affect human health.

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