
Uncover the truth that "palace cold" causes infertility, and many girls are still kept in the dark

author:Reproductive doctor Liu Jiaen

Do the sisters know? March 17 every year is the Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Day, which is a festival set to commemorate the victory of opposing the abolition of old medicine and the total denial of traditional Chinese medicine, and hoping that traditional Chinese medicine can be promoted in China and the world for the benefit of mankind. Traditional Chinese medicine can also "show their skills" in our pregnancy preparation and test-tube treatment, today Meixiao Bao takes you to understand the conditioning of "uterine cold" that many female friends are concerned about, hoping to help pregnant sisters.

Uncover the truth that "palace cold" causes infertility, and many girls are still kept in the dark

Uterine cold and pregnancy preparation

"Gong Han" is a traditional Chinese medicine concept, which is the abbreviation of "uterine cold" and "cold condensation cell palace". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "cold coagulation cell palace" refers to a series of symptoms manifested by insufficient kidney yang and loss of warmth in women. Sisters reading the article, if you have cold hands and feet, stomach pain, diarrhea, edema and other symptoms during menstruation, after the wrong menstrual flow, amenorrhea, it is likely to be because of uterine cold.

There are many causes of uterine cold, which can be due to premature birth, miscarriage and other reasons, and women's spleen and kidney yang deficiency can not transport the moisture in the body well, so internal cold accumulates; It can also be caused by greedy wading in the cold and wading the day after tomorrow, long-term residence in a cold place, blowing air conditioning during menstruation, and gluttony for cold food; Or the cold winter moon is affected by extremely cold weather. The effect of uterine cold on women's fertility ability is reflected in pregnancy difficulties, threatened abortion during pregnancy, habitual abortion, ectopic pregnancy, etc.

Uncover the truth that "palace cold" causes infertility, and many girls are still kept in the dark

The doctor told me that the irregular menstruation is because of the cold of the uterus, so can my pregnancy plan still be carried out?

Don't be afraid! Gong Han can be adjusted, still be a mother!

To improve the condition of uterine cold, this problem can be solved by regulating blood circulation and replenishing yang qi.

Here's how:

1. Soak your feet before going to bed to stimulate the meridians and acupuncture points on the soles of your feet.

2. At the turn of spring and summer, do not expose your legs too early, wear short skirts and crop tops too early.

3. During menstruation, postpartum, lactation should pay attention to avoid too much contact with cold, do not wade in rain, sit in wetlands, and do not swim in the water during menstruation.

4. Traditional Chinese medicine says that "movement gives birth to yang", which can improve physical fitness through exercise, ensure that moderate exercise every day can improve circulation, qi and blood circulation, cold and dampness are not easy to stay.

5. Adjust your diet, avoid eating raw and cold foods throughout the year, drink less cold drinks, and eat less cold foods and fruits. Eat more foods that nourish the body, such as walnuts, dates, peanuts, tomatoes, etc.

6. Moxibustion treatment can also generate yang qi and drive away cold and heat.

Palace cold is not easy to come by, it is the result of long-term accumulation, everyone finds the right direction to regulate, the situation will gradually ease. Pregnant sisters affected by uterine cold should pay more attention to conditioning, not only before pregnancy, but also in the process of pregnancy preparation, such as reasonable diet, do various examinations before pregnancy, monitor ovulation to master the best time of conception, supplement folic acid in advance, etc.

Uncover the truth that "palace cold" causes infertility, and many girls are still kept in the dark

Finally, Mei Xiaohu reminds everyone that "Gonghan" is a broad concept, not a disease name. Sisters with the above symptoms of "uterine cold" may also suffer from primary dysmenorrhea, adenomyosis, chocolate cysts, uterine fibroids and premature ovarian failure. It is best for sisters to go to a regular hospital for relevant examinations and symptomatic treatment. Sisters who need to get pregnant and have difficulty getting pregnant naturally can choose assisted reproductive technology to meet their dreams of becoming a mother. If you undergo IVF treatment, you need to adjust your physical condition before entering the week, and you can also seek the help of reproductive Chinese medicine.