
Former NetEase Blizzard brand manager broke the news that NetEase and Blizzard deal negotiations insider

author:Apple cow watch the game

The content of the breaking news came from the live broadcast room of a well-known Hearthstone anchor, and the whistleblower was a former NetEase Blizzard Hearthstone brand manager. 爆料者05年毕业之后就入职九城,09年换代理,仅仅停工了一天就转到网易上班,属于国内暴雪游戏的超级老员工了,整个青春都献给了暴雪‬国服全家桶。 主要‬有‬以下‬几个‬爆料‬:

  1. 国服炉石玩家数量和收入影响:国服的炉石玩家占全球玩家的一半以上,暴雪‬国服‬全家桶‬年营收百亿以上。 The suspension had a big impact on Blizzard's revenue.
Former NetEase Blizzard brand manager broke the news that NetEase and Blizzard deal negotiations insider
  1. Hearthstone and World of Warcraft monetization: Hearthstone's most profitable version is the DK version, and World of Warcraft has become the most profitable game since the launch of Nostalgia in 2019.
Former NetEase Blizzard brand manager broke the news that NetEase and Blizzard deal negotiations insider
  1. NetEase and Blizzard cooperated and broke up reason: During the cooperation stage, NetEase proposed a World of Warcraft nostalgic suit and was adopted by Blizzard. The main reason for the breakup was money problems, and Ding Lei thought that the benefits to Blizzard were not as good as depositing money in the bank.
Former NetEase Blizzard brand manager broke the news that NetEase and Blizzard deal negotiations insider
  1. NetEase's performance in the breakup event: NetEase has done its best in matters such as refunds, and will fully cooperate with the new agent to take over, including data handover work, to maintain its brand image.
  2. The impact of Blizzard's breakup with NetEase on employees: The former NetEase Blizzard Hearthstone brand manager lost his job due to the suspension of national services, and the 40-year-old Internet veteran had difficulty finding a job. There are currently only about a dozen employees left in the entire NetEase Blizzard department.
Former NetEase Blizzard brand manager broke the news that NetEase and Blizzard deal negotiations insider