
The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings

author:Uncle Xuan said history

Uncle Xuan said history

Editor|Uncle Xuan said history

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings

The diversity and freshness of Lebanese ingredients is at the heart of Lebanese dining culture, and they occupy an important place in daily eating habits.

The climate is suitable for vegetation, which makes the local agricultural products diverse, including fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, fish and meat, and it is also an important transport hub in the Mediterranean, which makes the local food sources even wider.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings


Ingredients for dining culture

The ingredients of Lebanese cuisine culture include a variety of ingredients, which makes the local dishes richer, and local restaurants and home kitchens focus on using fresh ingredients to make dishes, which makes the dishes more delicious.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings

In markets and supermarkets, customers can buy fresh vegetables and fruits picked on the day at relatively cheap prices, and seafood and meat are slaughtered and processed on site, ensuring the freshness of the ingredients.

Diversity and freshness are important components of Lebanese dining culture, which make local dishes rich in taste while also guaranteeing the quality and hygiene of the ingredients.

The cooking style and the use of condiments is another important feature of the dining culture, which is usually light cooking to preserve the nutrition and taste of the ingredients.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings

Grilling, grilling, and frying are common cooking methods, and when it comes to grilling, the traditional way of grilling meat is to use charcoal or charcoal, which keeps the meat moist and fragrant.

In terms of baking bread, traditional stone kilns are used, which makes the taste of the bread softer, and in frying, healthy oils such as olive oil or rapeseed oil are used to make fried foods healthier.

Lebanon has a wide variety of seasonings, lemon, olive oil, garlic, onions, yogurt, vanilla, etc., these condiments can make dishes more rich and appetizing, they also help to promote digestion and absorption to maintain good health, in addition, a variety of spices such as cinnamon, cloves, coriander, etc., these spices can add unique flavors and aromas to dishes, and are also beneficial to health.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings


How to entertain guests

When entertaining guests, the host usually brings out his own best food and drinks to entertain the guest, and the guest should knock on the door before entering the restaurant, wait for the host's invitation, and then greet the host and other guests politely.

When eating, guests should hold cutlery in their right hand and avoid making noises or discussing sensitive topics during meals, the dining style is usually shared, the host will put the dish in the center for guests to take by themselves, guests should be polite and avoid excessive access and unnecessary waste.

When taking dishes, you should try a small portion before deciding if you need to take another one, and when eating, guests should observe traditional Lebanese etiquette, such as holding cutlery in your right hand, not blowing your nose, not burping, not sucking the sound of soup, etc.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings

In Lebanese culture, tea and coffee are common drinks and are usually enjoyed after meals, desserts are also a very important part, including traditional biscuits, pastries and candied nuts, etc., usually at the end of the meal, the host will prepare tea and dessert to entertain guests.

Traditional dining snacks and appetizers are an important part of gastronomic culture, here are some common traditional dining snacks and appetizers: Banana leaf wrapped in meat is a classic Lebanese appetizer, sticky rice rolled up from grape leaves or banana leaves, containing fillings such as beef, lamb, chicken, beans and more.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings


Traditional dining snacks

Hummus is one of Lebanon's most popular traditional dining snacks, made from ingredients such as chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and salt, and hummus can be enjoyed with bread, vegetables, salads, and more.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings

Grape leaf bun is a snack rolled up with grape leaves, usually made from sticky rice, beef, lamb, chicken, beans and other fillings, with a rich texture and unique taste.

Sour and spicy gherkins are a traditional Lebanese appetizer made with gherkin, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, chili peppers and other ingredients.

There are many types of main dishes and side dishes in traditional Lebanese cuisine, roast lamb is one of the representative dishes in traditional Lebanese barbecue, usually made with chicken, beef, lamb and other meats, accompanied by lettuce, onions, crepes, sauces, etc.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings

Burritoi is a traditional Lebanese bread burrito, made from yeast dough, containing meat, cheese, vegetables, spices and other ingredients, grilled sea bass is a traditional Lebanese seafood dish based on sea bass, seasonings include chili, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and more.

Peppermint tea is a cool and cool traditional Lebanese drink, with mint as the main raw material, the taste is fresh and fragrant, grape juice is a traditional Lebanese drink, made of grapes, syrup and other raw materials, the taste is sweet and cool.

Fig nectar drink is a traditional Lebanese drink, fig nectar as the main raw material, sweet and refreshing taste, almond milk is a traditional Lebanese drink, made of almonds, milk, rose water and other raw materials, rich taste, sweet, yogurt is one of the traditional Lebanese drinks, usually with mint, cucumber, garlic and other ingredients, the taste is refreshing and healthy.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings


The importance of family meals

Families usually consist of three generations, including grandparents, parents and children, and in a family dinner, all family members come together to enjoy food and exchange together, which is not only a way of family reunion, but also a way to pass on family traditions and values.

In social situations, Lebanese people are very polite and welcoming, and people usually eat late, often after 9 or 10 pm.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings

The hosts prepare a variety of food and drinks to provide guests with the best hospitality, and guests are usually invited to the table to enjoy a fine selection of snacks and main courses.

In the gathering, people can not only taste a variety of traditional cuisine, but also exchange each other's life and cultural experiences, people pay great attention to enthusiasm and interaction, people often share each other's life stories and experiences at the table, encourage and support each other.

This way of socializing not only helps people build deep interpersonal relationships, but also promotes cultural exchange and understanding, and social occasions are seen as an important way to promote social cohesion and cultural inheritance.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings

In short, family meals and social occasions are very important for the Lebanese, not only embodying the values and traditions of family and society, but also promoting mutual understanding and communication between people.


Lifestyle and values

Lebanon is a religiously diverse country, and in Lebanon, religious belief is an important part of people's lives and has a profound impact on people's lifestyles and values.

The way religions and festivals are celebrated has deep cultural significance, reflecting people's respect for religious beliefs and the inheritance of traditional culture.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings

Each religion has its own unique way of celebrating and celebrating, for example, in the Christian tradition, Easter and Christmas are considered important holidays, and people celebrate it, including worship, family dinners, and social events.

During these festivals, people usually prepare a variety of traditional delicacies and pastries to share with family and friends, which not only represent the inheritance of traditional culture, but also reflect religious beliefs and people's way of life.

In addition to religious holidays, there are also folk festivals and celebrations that reflect the patriotic spirit and cultural pride of the people, while also promoting mutual understanding and communication between people.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings

The catering industry is a very important industry, which not only provides people with food and services, but also makes an important contribution to economic development, is a labor-intensive industry, can provide a large number of employment opportunities, including waiters, chefs, managers and other related positions.

In some countries and regions, the catering industry is one of the largest employment industries and has made a huge contribution to economic growth, and more and more people have begun to eat out and enjoy services, which has further promoted the development of the catering industry and promoted the growth of the economy.

The restaurant industry brings a lot of tax revenue to the local sector, including business tax, income tax and other related taxes, which are an important source of finance and also promote the development of the economy.


The driving role of tourism development

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings

It plays an important role in promoting the development of tourism, and people usually spend a lot of time on catering when traveling, and attract more tourists to the local area to promote the development of tourism.

In the future, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the development of the catering industry will be more prosperous and make greater contributions to economic and social development.

Its development has been influenced by many factors, and the growing popularity of gastronomy around the world has led to the development of restaurants and the food industry, with traditional delicacies such as Hummus, Falafel, Kebab and others being popular.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings

The process of globalization has led to the entry of more and more foreign cultures into Lebanon, which has also had a certain impact on the development of restaurants and food industries, and has begun to introduce international cuisine to meet the needs of different cultural tastes.

Advances in technology have also played an important role in the development of restaurants and the food industry, and many restaurants have begun to use the Internet and mobile devices to accept pre-orders and takeout orders.

At the same time, the emergence of new kitchen equipment and cooking technology has also greatly improved the efficiency and quality of restaurants and the food industry.

The restaurant and food industry is a growing industry that continuously improves its level and service quality through the influence of traditional cuisine, foreign culture, technological innovation and local sector support, and provides customers with a better dining experience.

Dining culture is a unique culture, its uniqueness and deliciousness have attracted the attention and love of many people, with the flow of immigrants, catering culture has also spread to all parts of the world.

These immigrants brought their food culture to the new country and opened restaurants and food shops in the area, which became an important way to spread Lebanese food culture.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings


The popularity of social media

With the popularity of social media, more and more people are starting to share their food and dining experiences on social media.

By sharing photos and videos, people can make more people aware of food and dining culture, and some Lebanese restaurants and food outlets have also begun to use social media to promote their dishes and services and attract more customers.

Tourism is also an important way to spread Lebanese food culture, a country with a rich history and culture that attracts many tourists.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings

During the tour, visitors can taste the local food and learn about the local food culture, which also helps to spread the local food culture.

Hosting food festivals is also a way to spread Lebanese food culture, where restaurants and food outlets can showcase their own dishes and services and mingle with other restaurants and food outlets.

Lebanese food culture, through immigration, social media, tourism and food festivals, continues to spread around the world, its uniqueness and deliciousness, attracting more and more people's attention and love, which also helps to promote the development of the local catering industry.

The core of Lebanese catering culture occupies an important position and what economic benefits it brings


GUO Jiajun. Research on Lebanese catering culture and social media marketing[D]. Donghua University, 2020.

WANG Hui. The Diversity and Integration of Lebanese Catering Culture[J]. Modern Urban Culture, 2020(12): 103-104.

LI Peng, LI Huilin. Characteristics and development of Lebanese catering culture[J]. Foreign Economics & Management, 2020, 42(3): 50-55.

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