
From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

author:Junjie laughs at Shulang


The origin of ancient Chinese ritual ware can be traced back to the late Neolithic period, and with the development of society, ritual ware has developed continuously in terms of form, ornamentation, and use, and has gradually become an indispensable and important part of Chinese culture.

Next, we will examine the changes in Chinese artistic aesthetics and the development of craft technology from the evolution of ritual vessels over the millennia.

From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

Origin of ritual vessels:

The origins of ancient Chinese ritual vessels can be traced back to the Neolithic period, which is about 8,000 years ago.

During this period, simple farming production had begun, and society gradually entered the stage of agrarian society, and various forms of etiquette began to form.

According to archaeological confirmation, in the late Neolithic period, the ancestors of China began to make simple pottery and stone tools for use as ritual vessels.

According to archaeological and cultural relics records, China's oldest primitive ritual vessels are mainly pottery, stone tools, animal bone tools, jade tools, these ritual tools are relatively simple in form, material and use, but they laid the foundation for the development of later ritual tools.

From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

Ritual vessels of the Shang and Zhou dynasties:

In the Shang Dynasty, the types and quantities of ceremonial vessels gradually increased.

The bronze ceremonial vessels of the Shang Dynasty reached a certain level in terms of appearance and ornamentation, showing the characteristics of Chinese art at that time.

Shang Dynasty bronze ritual vessels not only have practical value, but also have important religious and sacrificial significance.

The bronze ceremonial vessels of the Shang Dynasty show the characteristics of height, short mouth, plump abdomen, and slightly convex bottom.

In addition, the ornamentation of bronze ceremonial vessels has become more and more intricate, mostly based on myths, legends, historical events and daily life.

With the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, ritual vessels were further developed, showing a higher level of craftsmanship and artistic value.

From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

The bronze making skills of the Zhou Dynasty reached its peak, especially in the casting and inlay techniques, creating many unique works.

The Shang and Zhou Dynasties were the golden age of the development of Chinese bronzes, and the ritual forms and ornaments were more abundant and complex, mainly including the following:

Ding: During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the form of the ding gradually developed into a composite form of four-legged and three-legged formations, and gradually increased in size, from small family dings to giant temple dings.

The decorations of the ding are also more colorful, often dominated by sacred beasts, cloud patterns, patterns, etc.

Jue: During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, there were various forms of jue, often in the form of bronze vessels opening up and down separately, and divided into straight and oblique jue, which were used to hold wine, and were also used for banquets and sacrifices.

From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

Se: During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the seri was a stringed instrument used for musical performances and ceremonial activities among the nobility, and the ser's form and ornamentation were more complex and elaborate.

Sword: The sword of the Shang and Zhou Dynasty is an important weapon and an important ceremonial weapon, often used in exchanges and ceremonies between nobles, and the form and ornamentation of the sword are also very rich.

Gong: During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, Gong was a jade object with a rectangular shape and slightly convex ends at the upper and lower ends, which was considered a symbol of kings and was mainly used in exchanges and ceremonies between nobles.

The forms and ornaments of ritual vessels in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties were more complex and exquisite, and these ritual vessels not only had practical value, but also reflected the characteristics and levels of the cultural, religious and political systems of the society at that time.

From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

Ritual vessels of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods:

The Spring and Autumn Warring States period was a long period in ancient Chinese history, and the development of ritual instruments during this period underwent a series of changes and evolutions, which are manifested as follows:

The variety of ceremonial vessels has increased.

With the changes of the times, the types of ritual objects gradually increased, and some new artifacts appeared, such as dragon and tiger buttons, elephant head yao, animal face yao, tiger copper mirror, etc.

Among them, the dragon and tiger button is a very exquisite artifact, its body has the buttons of the dragon's head and the tiger's head, symbolizing the difference between yin and yang, and is often used for temple sacrifices and banquets.

From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

The decoration of the ceremonial vessels is more elaborate.

The ceremonial vessels of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods are more exquisite and meticulous, the ornaments and patterns on the body are more elaborate, and the production technology is more superb.

Among them, the production of copper ware is particularly exquisite, the surface of the copper is carved with various patterns and ornaments, such as sacred beasts, figures, birds and beasts, etc., these bronze objects have become an important symbol for the nobles at that time to show their status and wealth.

The cultural connotation of ritual objects is richer.

During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, ritual objects were not only political, religious and cultural symbols, but also had profound philosophical and ideological connotations, becoming carriers for expressing cultural, humanistic and moral values.

For example, the patterns and ornaments on bronze often symbolize rich philosophical and moral implications such as auspiciousness, auspiciousness, life, death, heaven and earth, and human ethics.

From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

The craftsmanship of ceremonial vessels has gradually become more and more refined.

During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, the ceremonial ware production process was gradually refined, and more techniques and methods were used in the production process, such as casting, cold forging, deep relief, gilt, etc., so that the decoration of ceremonial ware was more elaborate.

The ritual vessels of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods not only played an important role in politics, religion and culture, but also had exquisite craftsmanship, exquisite decoration and profound philosophical and ideological connotations, becoming an important part of ancient Chinese culture.

Ceremonial vessels of the Qin and Han dynasties

The Qin and Han dynasties were an important period in ancient Chinese history, and ritual artifacts also underwent some changes and evolutions during this period, which are manifested as follows:

The shape of the ceremonial vessel is more concise.

The ceremonial vessels of the Qin and Han dynasties were more concise in shape, and the whole presented a simple and resolute style, emphasizing practicality and functionality.

For example, the shape of the copper mirror has become more regular and simple, and the decoration is more fresh and generous, showing a "simple but not simple" style.

From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

The materials of ceremonial vessels are more diverse.

The materials of ritual vessels in the Qin and Han dynasties were not limited to bronze, but also used gold, silver, jade, porcelain and other materials, which made the shape of ritual vessels more diverse and the decoration more colorful.

The craftsmanship of ceremonial vessels is more exquisite.

The ceremonial ware of the Qin and Han Dynasties was more exquisite in production technology, and more techniques and methods were adopted, such as openwork, inlay, painting, etc., so that the decoration of ceremonial ware was more exquisite and vivid.

Ceremonial vessels are more versatile.

The ritual vessels of the Qin and Han dynasties were not only used for religious and sacrificial activities, but also widely used in culture, art, commerce and daily life, such as court, commerce, entertainment and other fields.

From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

The cultural connotation of ritual objects is richer.

The ritual vessels of the Qin and Han dynasties not only emphasized practicality and functionality, but also had profound cultural connotations and historical value, becoming an important symbol to display Chinese civilization.

For example, the production techniques and decorative patterns of jade and porcelain reflect the aesthetic concepts and cultural and artistic characteristics of the time.

The ritual vessels of the Qin and Han dynasties not only have practical and functional properties, but also have rich cultural connotations and historical value.

Ritual vessels after the Qin and Han dynasties

The ritual vessels after the Qin and Han dynasties can be roughly divided into two periods, namely the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing periods.

Wei and Jin dynasties:

During the Wei and Jin dynasties, ritual vessels began to become more refined, decorative patterns were more complex, and the materials used were more diverse.

At the same time, the emergence of some new ceremonial vessels, such as celadon, underglaze porcelain, glassware, etc., created new decorative techniques and artistic expressions.

From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

Tang and Song dynasties:

During the Tang and Song dynasties, the production of ceremonial vessels reached its peak, not only exquisite shapes, but also more complex and exquisite decorative crafts, such as glaze red, painting, carving and other techniques were widely used.

At the same time, the number of ceremonial vessels in the Tang and Song Dynasties was also relatively large, including various types of court ritual vessels, cultural relics and literati elegant wares.

Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties:

During the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, the decorative style of ritual vessels tended to be simple, emphasizing the shape and practicality of the vessels, but also influenced by traditional culture, such as court rituals and literati elegant wares still retain traditional production techniques and decorative patterns.

In addition, the ceramic and jade making skills of the Ming and Qing dynasties also reached a very high level, becoming an important representative of Chinese culture and art at that time.

From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

In general, the ritual vessels after the Qin and Han dynasties have changed and developed to varying degrees in terms of shape, decoration and production technology, and have also been influenced by the background of the times and cultural traditions.

These ritual objects reflect the development process and unique charm of ancient Chinese culture and art.

Author's opinion:

Ritual ware plays an important role in the history of ancient China, which not only has practical value and social function, but also has rich cultural connotation and artistic value.

Ritual ware is an important part of Chinese culture and art, and has had a very far-reaching impact on the development and inheritance of traditional Chinese culture.

The practical function of ritual vessels: As a kind of utensils, the original purpose of ritual utensils was to meet people's living needs, such as food utensils, holding vessels, wine vessels, tea utensils, etc. Their emergence has made people's lives more convenient and comfortable.

From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

Social function of ritual vessels: As a medium of social interaction, ritual vessels have important symbolic significance and social value, and can express information about people's identity, status and identity.

In ancient times, many banquets, sacrifices, and diplomatic activities required the use of ceremonial vessels to reflect people's etiquette and respect.

Cultural significance of ritual objects: Ritual objects have unique significance and value in Chinese culture, which carries rich cultural connotations and historical memories.

Many famous cultural relics, utensils and works of art, such as bronzes, porcelain, jade, etc., have high cultural value, reflecting the cultural heritage and wisdom of ancient China.

From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

Artistic value of ritual vessels: As a work of art, ritual vessels have unique aesthetic value and artistic charm.

From ancient bronzes and jade to Ming and Qing dynasty ceramics and lacquerware, the ritual vessels of each period show different artistic characteristics and styles.

To sum up, the contribution of ritual objects to Chinese culture is very important, they promote the development and progress of Chinese culture, become an important carrier of Chinese cultural inheritance, embody the aesthetic value and humanistic spirit of Chinese culture, and are an indispensable and important part of Chinese culture.


From the evolution of ritual vessels, explore the changes in ancient Chinese aesthetic art and the development of craft technology

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