
What are the values of black sesame seeds?

author:Liang Jianhua, a Chinese medicine practitioner

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Black sesame seeds are regarded as valuable natural medicinal ingredients by TCM, and it is rich in nutrients and has a variety of values. In TCM theory, the value of black sesame seeds is as follows.

What are the values of black sesame seeds?

nutritive value

Protein: Black sesame seeds contain up to 20% protein, more than twice as much as other seeds, and the protein quality is also high, containing a variety of essential amino acids.

Fat: Black sesame seeds are also high in fat, accounting for about 50% of the total weight, but these fats are mainly unsaturated fatty acids and are relatively healthy.

Carbohydrates: The carbohydrate content in black sesame seeds is not high, but the dietary fiber content in it is high, which helps promote intestinal peristalsis and relieve constipation.

Vitamins and minerals: Black sesame seeds contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins E, B1, B2, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, etc.

Wellness value

Nourish liver and kidney: Chinese medicine believes that black sesame seeds have the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys, and have a good effect on improving symptoms such as liver and kidney deficiency, dry hair, and sore waist and knees.

Laxative: The dietary fiber in black sesame seeds can promote intestinal peristalsis and relieve symptoms of constipation.

Nourishing blood and beauty: Black sesame seeds are rich in iron, zinc, copper and other elements, which can promote blood circulation, replenish blood and beauty, and make the skin smoother and more delicate.

Reduce blood lipids: Linolenic acid and unsaturated fatty acids in black sesame seeds can reduce blood lipids and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Improve immunity: Black sesame seeds are rich in vitamin E and a variety of trace elements, which can improve the body's immunity and prevent diseases such as colds.

Anti-aging: A variety of antioxidants in black sesame seeds can neutralize free radicals, prevent aging, and delay cell aging.

Enhance memory: Black sesame seeds are rich in lecithin, which can promote the development and repair of nerve cells and enhance memory.

What are the values of black sesame seeds?

Serving Instructions

Black sesame paste: After stir-frying black sesame seeds, it can be used to mix noodles, dip steamed buns, etc., and have a mellow taste.

Black sesame paste: Grind black sesame seeds into powder and add water to cook into a paste, you can add red dates, laurel balls and other ingredients, which has a nourishing effect.

Black sesame soup: black sesame seeds are boiled together with red dates, goji berries and other ingredients, which has the effect of nourishing the face, moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough.

Pairing with other ingredients

Oats: Black sesame oatmeal, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and relieve constipation.

Soy milk: black sesame soy milk, which can supplement nutrition and enhance physical strength.

Glutinous rice: black sesame glutinous rice balls, can nourish the liver and kidneys, strengthen muscles and bones.

Goji berry: Black sesame goji berry paste can nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish the blood and qi.

Red dates: black sesame red jujube paste, can replenish blood and beauty, moisturize lungs and relieve cough.

What are the values of black sesame seeds?

Precautions for consumption

The amount should not be excessive: Although black sesame seeds are nutritious, the fat content in them is relatively high, which can easily lead to obesity, so it should be controlled appropriately when eating.

Variety of ways to eat: Black sesame seeds can be eaten in a variety of ways, including black sesame paste, black sesame paste, black sesame soup, etc., and you can choose the appropriate way to eat it according to your personal taste and needs.

Pay attention to quality: Pay attention to quality when buying black sesame seeds, and choose black sesame seeds without impurities and odor.

Personal constitution: Black sesame seeds are warm foods and are easy to catch fire, so people with hot physiques should eat them in moderation.

In short, black sesame seeds are a very healthy ingredient with a variety of nutritional and medical values, but you need to pay attention to the appropriate amount of control when eating, choose the appropriate way of eating, and adjust the amount of consumption according to your personal constitution.

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