
Today's spring equinox, drink a bowl of lotus seed morel soup, not just fresh!

author:The millennium Jianlian is healthily connected

"Whoever divides the spring light, divided in half, the most regretful of this dynasty"

Traditionally, spring is between the beginning of spring and the beginning of summer

And the equinox day is between two solar terms

And on this day the sun shines directly on the equator

The northern and southern hemispheres have equal lengths of day and night, and balanced cold and summer

Therefore, the spring equinox divides the spring equally

It also divided day and night and cold and hot and cold

Today's spring equinox, drink a bowl of lotus seed morel soup, not just fresh!

After entering the spring equinox solar term

Spring breeze and sunshine in many parts of the mainland,

There has also been a marked increase in rainfall

But this climate is also suitable for the reproduction and spread of germs

So everyone should maintain a reasonable schedule

Replenish nutrition and strengthen resistance

In addition, due to the strong liver in spring, the spleen is weak

Therefore, the spring equinox should also pay attention to the maintenance of the spleen and stomach

In this issue, we recommend the morel soup of lotus seeds

This soup is not only delicious

And for the tonic of the human body during the spring equinox

It also helps

Ingredients specialty

In spring, the temperature gradually warms up

Morels in many parts of the mainland have entered the harvest period

This is a precious and delicious strain

It is named after the shape of a sheep's belly

Morels are rich in protein and a variety of amino acids

Good for stomach and digestion

Helps prevent colds

Strengthens human immunity

Today's spring equinox, drink a bowl of lotus seed morel soup, not just fresh!

Compared to the mystery of morels

Lotus seeds, yams, barley and other health ingredients

is more familiar

Today's spring equinox, drink a bowl of lotus seed morel soup, not just fresh!

Lotus seeds are known for

It is famous for replenishing the spleen and stopping diarrhea, nourishing the mind and calming the mind

Yams are believed to have:

The effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach, nourishing the lungs and nourishing the lungs

Barley is often used

Strengthens the spleen and removes dampness, fixes the kidney and stops diarrhea

These ingredients complement each other and complement each other

Then borrow fresh lean pork for freshness

This soup is not only nutritious

And the aroma is rich and the taste is sweet

Lotus seed morel soup preparation


Today's spring equinox, drink a bowl of lotus seed morel soup, not just fresh!



Today's spring equinox, drink a bowl of lotus seed morel soup, not just fresh!

Wash and slice the lean pork

Blanch in freshly boiled water

Add morels, lotus seeds, yams, potatoes, dates

Wash and set aside


Today's spring equinox, drink a bowl of lotus seed morel soup, not just fresh!

Place all ingredients in an electric cooker

Add an appropriate amount of water to a boil for 2.5 hours


Today's spring equinox, drink a bowl of lotus seed morel soup, not just fresh!

Add salt to taste

A pot of fresh and delicious lotus seed morel soup is ready

Equinox Health Guide

Save acid and increase sweetness, nourish temper

Spring is when the liver qi is strong, eating more sour foods will make the liver qi excessive and damage the spleen and stomach, so you should eat less sour foods. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "in spring, it is advisable to save acid and increase sweetness to nourish the temper". It means that it is advisable to eat less acidic foods in spring and eat sweet foods appropriately. At this time, it is advisable to eat more foods that replenish the spleen, such as lean meat, eggs, milk, honey, soy products, etc., and you can also eat some seasonal vegetables, such as leeks, bean sprouts, bean seedlings, lettuce, yellow cauliflower, etc.

At first warm and cold, spring is needed

The spring equinox is warm and cold, the climate is changeable, and the temperature difference is large. If the temperature rises and the clothes are reduced, and the clothes have not been added when the temperature drops suddenly, it is easy to cause the yang to be curbed and suffer from colds, bronchitis, acute gastroenteritis and other diseases. As the saying goes, "February rest to skim cotton clothes, March there is pear blossom snow", so it is appropriate to adapt to the climate and moderate "spring cover". Spring cover is mainly to keep the head and feet warm, in addition to paying attention to "thin upper and thick bottom", because the heart is in the upper body, so the blood circulation in the lower limbs is worse than the upper part, and the pants should be worn thicker.

Go to bed early and get up early to go to spring sleepiness

"Spring sleepiness" is often manifested as drowsiness, lethargy, and late waking up in the morning, which is a normal physiological phenomenon that occurs when the seasons change. If you want to go to spring sleep, it is recommended to ensure sufficient sleep time, go to bed early and get up early. Adults should get about 8 hours of sleep per day, and children and adolescents should get about 9 hours of sleep per day.

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