
Spring equinox health season, what tea is good?

author:Prophecy Tea

The vernal equinox is one of the twenty-four solar terms, usually occurring on March 20 or 21 in the Gregorian calendar, marking the official beginning of spring, when the sun hits the equator and the day and night are of equal length, with 12 hours each of day and night.

In traditional Chinese culture, the spring equinox is an important solar term, and people will carry out some celebrations, such as tomb sweeping to worship ancestors, outings to the youth, tree planting, etc.

The equinox is also an important node in agricultural production, indicating the arrival of spring, and farmers can start ploughing and sowing crops for a new harvest season.

Spring equinox health season, what tea is good?

At the same time, the spring equinox is also a good time for health. Here are some tips for a spring equinox regimen:

1. Go to bed early and get up early: During the spring equinox, the sunshine time gradually increases, it is recommended to go to bed early and get up early to ensure adequate sleep and healthy life and rest.

2. Reasonable diet: During the spring equinox, the climate gradually warms, it is necessary to eat reasonably, eat more light, easily digestible food, such as vegetables, fruits, coarse grains, etc.

3. Drink more water: When the temperature rises during the spring equinox, people sweat easily, pay attention to drinking more water, replenish the water and minerals needed by the body.

4. Appropriate exercise: The spring equinox is a good time for exercise, you can choose outdoor running, tai chi, qigong and other sports methods suitable for yourself to improve the body's immunity.

5. Regulate emotions: During the spring equinox, the sun is getting more and the climate is getting warmer, you should pay attention to regulating your emotions, keep your mood happy, and avoid the impact of excessive emotional fluctuations on the body.

In general, the spring equinox is a good time to maintain health, pay attention to adjust your routine, diet, exercise and mood, maintain physical health and a good attitude.

Spring equinox health season, what tea is good?

Recommendations for drinking tea at the spring equinox:

The spring equinox is a good time for tea plants to grow, so many people like to taste new tea on the day of the spring equinox. Here are some suggestions for drinking tea at the spring equinox for health:

1. Choose high-quality tea: The spring equinox is a good time for tea to grow, and you can choose high-quality tea, such as green tea, white tea, Longjing tea, etc. These teas not only taste good, but are also rich in a variety of nutrients that are good for good health.

2. Control the amount of tea: Although tea is beneficial to the body, it is also necessary to pay attention to controlling the amount of tea, and should not be excessive. Generally speaking, drink 3-5 cups of tea a day, and the amount of tea leaves per cup of tea should not exceed 5 grams.

3. Do not drink tea on an empty stomach: drinking tea on an empty stomach is easy to stimulate the stomach and intestines, which is not good for the body. It is recommended to drink tea half an hour after breakfast, lunch or dinner, which is conducive to digestion and absorption.

4. Pay attention to the brewing method: during the spring equinox, the temperature gradually rises, and the water temperature of brewing tea should be controlled at about 80 °C, do not brew with boiling water, so as not to lose the nutrients of tea.

5. Relax when drinking tea: Relax when drinking tea, do not overwork or nervousness, and avoid negative effects on the body. You can find a quiet and comfortable environment, enjoy the aroma of tea and relax.

In general, drinking tea at the spring equinox is a good way to maintain health, pay attention to the selection of high-quality tea, control the dosage, pay attention to the brewing method and the environment and mood when drinking tea, so that you can better enjoy the aroma of tea, but also good for health.

Spring equinox health season, what tea is good?

Tea for spring:

The spring equinox is a good time for tea plants to grow, and drinking a cup of fragrant tea can soothe the body and mind and help the body and mind, which is conducive to good health. Here are some teas that are suitable for drinking at the spring equinox:

1. Green tea: During the spring equinox, the temperature gradually rises, drinking green tea can quench thirst, clear heat and reduce fire, suitable for health care. Among them, Longjing tea, Biluo Chun, fried green tea and other varieties are more suitable.

2. White tea: During the spring equinox, the temperature gradually warms up, and white tea is rich in tea polyphenols and vitamin C, which help clear heat and detoxify and enhance human immunity. Among them, varieties such as white peony and shoumei are more suitable.

3. Yellow tea: During the spring equinox, the climate is humid, suitable for drinking yellow tea, yellow tea helps to eliminate moisture, refresh the mind. Among them, varieties such as Junshan silver needle and Huizhou yellow bud are more suitable.

4. Pu'er tea: During the spring equinox, the temperature gradually warms up, the humidity is large, drinking Pu'er tea can eliminate moisture, which is conducive to regulating gastrointestinal function. Varieties such as raw pu'er and ripe pu'er are more suitable.

In short, there are many types of tea suitable for drinking the spring equinox, and you can choose the right tea according to your taste and physical condition, but do not drink too much, so as not to have a negative impact on the body.