
Was Qin Shi Huang really a tyrant?

author:Mingge teacher

Qin Shi Huang was the first monarch in Chinese history to be called an emperor, and for thousands of years, people's evaluation of emperors has been controversial, some say Qin Shi Huang is a tyrant, others Qin Shi Huang is the eternal emperor in history.

Was Qin Shi Huang really a tyrant?

We all know that there was a split over the weekend, and this period in history is known as the Spring and Autumn Warring States. In an era full of wars, the reason why the Qin king was able to unify the six countries was indispensable to the solid foundation laid by previous generations of monarchs, which was inseparable from the talent of the Qin king himself. The King of Qin was only thirteen years old when he succeeded to the throne and became the Great King of the State of Qin, and at that time, the State of Qin could be summarized in eight, lying in the wild for thousands of miles, and the soldiers were rich in food.

Was Qin Shi Huang really a tyrant?

In 28 BC, it cleaned up the history of the state, dismissed Lü Buwei from the phase, and appointed Li Si and others. He solved the central political problem, and Qin Shi Huang created the honorific title of emperor. In ancient times, the emperor was the supreme god who ruled everything in the imagination of the ancients, and the two words combined to indicate that the supreme status and authority were given by God and centralized power was established, followed by the abolition of the division system throughout the country. Under the direct control of the emperor, from the central government to the counties, a complete set of bureaucratic restrictions was established, which was of great significance for ending the division of princes and maintaining national unity. The establishment of a power structure dominated by the Three Palaces and Nine Qings was the core of the centralized political system of the Qin Dynasty, which was subject to the emperor and the highest authority leading the emperor's government affairs. On the basis of the original laws of the Qin State, some provisions of the laws of the six countries were absorbed, unified laws were formulated and promulgated, and relevant decrees prohibiting the collection of weapons by the people were implemented. Militarily, he united the six countries, unified the world, and constantly opened up Xinjiang, the Xiongnu in the north, and the southwest, laying the foundation for China's unified multi-ethnic national pattern.

Was Qin Shi Huang really a tyrant?

From then on, the Qin army began to build a strong combat force and military strategy, after which the marching army began to be ready for call with better combat discipline, which played an important role in the peace of the Central Plains and played a protective role for the Qin dynasty and even later dynasties. Economically, the policy of pro-peasant anti-commerce was implemented, and the development of private ownership of feudal land was supported, and landlords and homesteaders who occupied land were ordered to be recognized and protected by the government as long as they declared their land to the government and paid taxes. Take the weights and measures formulated by trademarks as the standard, unify the national weights and measures system, and unify the national currency. In order to develop water and land transportation, vehicles are on the same track. The construction of material transportation and palace roads from Xianyang to Yan, Qi, Wu and Chu greatly facilitated Qin Shi Huang's control of various regions and also made it domestic. The economy was well developed, and Qin Shi Huang also established the post station system, which laid the technical foundation for the imperial state.

Was Qin Shi Huang really a tyrant?

In terms of cultural thought, based on the common script of the Qin state, policies were formulated and the writing and documents were unified, and Confucianism imprisoned the people ideologically and ideologically, and promoted ideological unification. He took Dong Zhongshu's advice and laid off hundreds of families. Respect for Confucianism has promoted military strength, natural sensing of mythical beasts, and a correct atmosphere in society, and established consistent ethics, morality and behavioral norms. In addition, in addition to Qin Shi Huang's series of policies to promote social development, Qin Shi Huang also became benevolent. Negative representation of the government and the people, yet his legislation strictly imprisoned the mind. Wrong decision was made.

The first of these mistakes is that the punishment is too severe. After the unification of the Six Kingdoms, Qin Shi Huang did not change the national laws, implemented new policies, still followed the formal legal system of Shang Martingale and imposed severe punishments.

Was Qin Shi Huang really a tyrant?

The second mistake was the construction of the Afang Palace and the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. Seven hundred thousand mausoleums were built over the decades, and Qin Shi Huang wasted a lot of human and financial resources for his own selfish desires.

Was Qin Shi Huang really a tyrant?

The third mistake was not to establish a crown prince, which led to the princes vying for power and throne, and the ministers formed gangs, causing Zhao Gao to take advantage of the opportunity and accelerate the demise of the Qin state.

Was Qin Shi Huang really a tyrant?

The fourth mistake is book burning. Qin Shi Huang listened to Li Si's advice and burned many precious documents. Therefore, in order to unify the minds of the people of the original six countries, Qin Shi Huang began to destroy the works of all nationalities except the Legalists. This is a disaster in the history of Chinese culture.

Was Qin Shi Huang really a tyrant?

We do not deny the fault of Qin Shi Huang, but Qin Shi Huang unified the six countries and saved the people of the world from the suffering of war. Moreover, in order to resist the Xiongnu, Qin Shi Huang built the Great Wall and protected China from foreign invasion for hundreds of years. Therefore, Qin Shi Huang's merits are far-reaching, and this is not a lie.

Was Qin Shi Huang really a tyrant?