
What weapon does the queen use to hang the bird


Princess Fischer is the queen daughter of conviction, walking with Oz the Night Raven, working for the Adventurers' Guild as an investigator, so what weapon does Queen Fischer use? Here's what I've brought to you, so let's take a look with me!

What weapon does the queen use to hang the bird


1. Five-star weapons

[Sky Wings] Sky Wings is Fischer's strongest weapon configuration wing, which can easily hit high damage and bursts in damage, and as a five-star quality, Fischer can provide huge attribute benefits:

First benefit: underlying attributes

Fischer, the queen with Sky Wings, will get a certain amount of critical strike probability and attack power bonuses, which can greatly increase Fischer's output ability and hit high damage, and at the same time, it can be strengthened in the middle and late stages to increase the income of basic attributes, bringing corresponding bonuses

The second benefit: passivity

Sky Wings can provide poetry that echoes the long sky, its effect is to increase Fischer's critical damage, hitting the target can trigger an AOE range physical damage, which is an important reliance of Fischer, Sky Wings as a five-star weapon is also extremely difficult to obtain, can only be obtained by lottery, non-chieftain do not disturb

What weapon does the queen use to hang the bird

Second, four-star weapons

【Bow Hide】Bow Zo is Fischer's artifact to increase attack speed, the first-order Bow Hide can provide a 40% attack speed bonus, and the secondary attribute of Bow Zo is a bonus to attack power, and Oz can also be enjoyed.

What weapon does the queen use to hang the bird

Bow hide

【Absolute String】With the improvement of the character's life seat, Extreme String can increase Oz's attack power, because both Fischer skills are Oz outputs.

What weapon does the queen use to hang the bird

Absolute strings

【Steel wheel bow】The steel wheel bow has a very good panel value, the steel wheel bow can be forged and can obtain a higher degree of refinement, relatively close to the people, and the bow can only be obtained by drawing cards

What weapon does the queen use to hang the bird

Steel wheel bow

[Ritual Bow] is the most suitable weapon for Fischer, who is most suitable for the flow of tools, and as long as Fischer is present before the effect is triggered, then each attack of Oz will trigger a judgment effect, which is very suitable.

What weapon does the queen use to hang the bird

Ritual bow

3. Samsung weapons

【Slingshot】Fischer has a low-end physical output, suitable for early transitions, and the strength after high refining is also good

What weapon does the queen use to hang the bird


The above is the weapon suggestion of the queen Fischer, I hope it helps, thanks for reading