
How to improve hyperlipidemia?

author:Lixian Media

In the discovery of their blood viscosity to pay attention, under normal circumstances, blood is in good condition, can flow smoothly in blood vessels, timely delivery to the organs and systems needed, once the blood is viscous, the flow speed becomes slower, but also may produce blood clots in the blood vessel wall, and finally lead to narrowing of blood vessels, blockage, cerebral infarction with a high degree of harm, myocardial infarction are related to long-term blood viscosity, and good methods need to be taken to improve.

How to improve hyperlipidemia?

Some people say that drinking more water can dilute the blood, is it true?

Water is the source of life, the human body must obtain enough water every day to ensure systemic circulation, good metabolism, but drinking water can not effectively dilute the blood, especially those whose blood has been viscous, simply by drinking water can not make the blood state return to normal, if there is such a miraculous effect, how to high blood lipids, to change the wrong lifestyle, if necessary with treatment.

However, drinking more water every day and mastering the skills of drinking water on the basis of good health can avoid thickening of blood. Because there is water, an important part of the blood, it cannot be improved by drinking water after the disease, but it can be reasonably replenished in daily life to avoid the blood from becoming thick from a healthy state.

How to improve hyperlipidemia?

How to improve hyperlipidemia?

1. Scientific use of lipid-lowering drugs

Already high blood lipids, the most important thing to thin the blood is to check first, understand the severity of high blood lipids, and if necessary, use lipid-lowering drugs to control the condition according to the doctor's guidance. The use of lipid-lowering drugs is appropriate, the dosage is appropriate, and the course of treatment is clear, so that the blood status can return to normal.

If the blood is already thick as porridge, and the need for treatment is afraid of side effects of the drug and is unwilling to cooperate, it may become more and more serious after the condition is delayed, and finally bring other complications.

2. Change wrong eating habits

Change the wrong eating habits, understand how to supplement nutrients to regulate blood lipids, this is to actively do a good job of blood status to return to normal. Many people's high blood lipids are related to long-term high-calorie diets, and excessive intake of sugar, fat and cholesterol will accelerate the arrival of blood clots.

It can stay away from high-calorie foods to ensure that basic nutritional needs are met, and it is not a problem to strengthen immunity, while staying away from chronic diseases. Of course, it is necessary to supplement important vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, in order to help regulate blood lipids.

How to improve hyperlipidemia?

3. Quit smoking and alcohol

Resolutely ensure that tobacco and alcohol are not stained, maintain blood vessels by quitting smoking and alcohol, and adjust multiple indicators, which is also effective. Many people in life are related to disease invasion and tobacco and alcohol dependence, and alcohol stimulation will accelerate vascular lesions and blood pressure fluctuations.

And always a large number of smoking, tar, nicotine intake affects lung function outside accelerated vascular atherosclerosis, accumulation may develop into cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. For health reasons, it is necessary to correct bad habits as soon as possible and ensure that tobacco and alcohol are not stained.

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