
Do most of the mysterious events on Earth really occur at 30 degrees north latitude?

author:National style, literary history, ancient and modern

Legend has it that the vicinity of 30 degrees north latitude is the place where mysterious human events are concentrated. Whether it is the legends and myths of various ancient civilizations, or various shocking buildings, or various unexplained natural phenomena, they all frequently appear on this latitude line.

Do most of the mysterious events on Earth really occur at 30 degrees north latitude?


Several of the most civilized rivers in the world, the Yangtze River in China, the Nile River in Egypt, the Euphrates River in Iraq, and the Mississippi River in the United States, all enter the sea at the 30th parallel north. Ancient Egyptian pyramids, the mysteries of the sphinx, the "hanging gardens" of Babylon, the legendary sunken place of the Great Western Continent. As well as the "Bermuda Triangle" full of mystery and death, the ruins of the ancient Mayan civilization that amaze mankind, etc., are all concentrated around 30 degrees north latitude. The 30th parallel north is also the distribution area of various "devil zones", such as the famous Bermuda Delta and the Death Valley of Naples. Although the mysterious cloak of the Bermuda Delta has gradually been stripped in recent years, it still dominates many mysterious rumors. In the Death Valley of Naples, Italy, a large number of animals die unexplained every year, the number is as high as tens of thousands, covering birds, reptiles and mammals.

Do most of the mysterious events on Earth really occur at 30 degrees north latitude?

There is a mysterious natural area near 30 degrees north latitude in China - Shennongjia. Located in Shennongjia, Hubei Province, 30 degrees north latitude, the truth of the story of the mysterious wild man is still unknown, and in 1945, the Japanese 2,000-ton transport ship "Kobe Maru" sailed to Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province and wrecked for no reason, and the reason has not yet been found. There are also the Wenchuan and Yushu earthquakes, and the distance between them is also close to this latitude.

Do most of the mysterious events on Earth really occur at 30 degrees north latitude?


The Yangtze River basin is also in the range of 30 degrees north latitude and 5 degrees north and south, with a huge population and civilization, leaving too many legends and stories. In history, there have been two or three clear records of the Yangtze River breaking flow, and the rolling water of the Yangtze River has dried up in a certain area. Although the shortest drying time is only two or three hours, this unprovoked drying up is even more mysterious.

Historical records record: "In August of the second year of the Zheng Dynasty (1342), the water of the Yangtze River dried up overnight. "The most recent interruption occurred at 4 p.m. on January 13, 1954, when the Yangtze River stopped flowing again in the Taixing section, and there was no water in the river for two hours. People speculate that there are mysterious rifts underground, and some people immediately associate these with mysterious forces that have existed for a long time at 30 degrees north latitude.

Do most of the mysterious events on Earth really occur at 30 degrees north latitude?


At 30 degrees north latitude, is there really an invisible mysterious force dominating the creation of heaven and earth? The so-called "near 30 degrees north latitude" on the Internet sounds like a line, but the real coverage is extremely wide. Because when classifying various mysterious phenomena, almost all 5 latitudes above and below 30 degrees north latitude are classified as "30 degrees north latitude". In this way, it is not just a matter of 30 degrees north latitude, but everything from 25 degrees north latitude to 35 degrees north latitude. This area occupies one-sixth of the latitude of human existence in the northern hemisphere, and it is also the latitude where human activity is most frequent. The occurrence of so many mysterious events in this huge latitude span is just a matter of probability distribution. In addition, the legend of geographical latitude is far more than the topic of 30 degrees north latitude.

There is also 45 degrees north latitude, as the most central latitude in the northern hemisphere in the true sense, it is also cloaked in "magic and richness". As a temperate region in the mid-latitudes, it has unique advantages in agricultural development and energy mineral deposits, and is known as "45 degrees of gold". However, a closer search reveals that this has become the best advertising slogan for grain traders and dairy producers.

Do most of the mysterious events on Earth really occur at 30 degrees north latitude?


Latitudes like 30 degrees north latitude and 45 degrees north latitude may be found if you want. The reason is that each latitude is magnified, as little as one or two latitudes, and as many as 30 degrees north latitude, it is enlarged to 10 latitudes. In this way, it sounds like a narrow "latitude line" in name, but in fact it is a very wide "latitude belt". In such a wide area, as long as you have the intention to summarize, you can find something special. From this point of view, any latitude can be cloaked in "mysterious", "magical" and "golden".

Do most of the mysterious events on Earth really occur at 30 degrees north latitude?

But it's a bit of an exaggeration to really talk about, and it's fun to listen to as a story, so you don't have to take it too seriously.