
Anger! [Anger] [Anger] [Angry] Someone actually attacked such a beautiful white egret, and it is still a national second-class protected animal, but it is too punishable! Recently, a woman was on a self-driving trip, passing by

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Anger! [Anger] [Anger] [Anger]

Someone actually attacked such a beautiful white egret, and it is also a national second-class protected animal, but it is too punishable!

近日,一女子自驾游,途经江‮上西‬饶望仙谷附近,看到2只漂亮的白鹇鸟从车‮飞顶‬过! 本打算拍照,留‮纪个‬念。 突然,两只白鹇一‮子下‬就‮到撞‬了‮边山‬的挂网上,一‮白只‬鹇挣扎‮跑后‬掉了,另‮只一‬被网子‮住套‬了,没跑脱。 Seeing this, a man in a hard hat let out a "hehehehe" laugh, and then picked up a rock and smashed it at the egret. Presumably, he wanted to take away the bird with smashing injuries.

Seeing this, the woman hurriedly stepped forward to stop it and called the police. In the end, the white egret bird was fine, otherwise the man would have been really tortured. 随后当‮的地‬公‮也安‬找到‮这了‬名工人,对‮进其‬行‮批了‬评教育。

It is reported that the white egret, also known as the silver chicken, belongs to the large chicken category and is a national second-class protected animal. The male and female birds of the white egrets are easy to distinguish because the color of their wings is different, the white wings are males, and the female with tan flight feathers can distinguish males and females at a glance.

In the incident, the white heron had white wings and was a male. The male is visually more beautiful than the female, and has a long tail, white and flawless! The male bird white egret, once it spreads its wings and flies high, has a sense of "pheasant turning into a phoenix", looks like a white phoenix, very beautiful.

To be honest, many animals in nature are protected animals and generally cannot be killed casually. In particular, those birds that look beautiful, nine times out of ten, are national protected animals, can only be appreciated, do not move your mind, otherwise you will be punished if you are not careful.

Anger! [Anger] [Anger] [Angry] Someone actually attacked such a beautiful white egret, and it is still a national second-class protected animal, but it is too punishable! Recently, a woman was on a self-driving trip, passing by
Anger! [Anger] [Anger] [Angry] Someone actually attacked such a beautiful white egret, and it is still a national second-class protected animal, but it is too punishable! Recently, a woman was on a self-driving trip, passing by
Anger! [Anger] [Anger] [Angry] Someone actually attacked such a beautiful white egret, and it is still a national second-class protected animal, but it is too punishable! Recently, a woman was on a self-driving trip, passing by
Anger! [Anger] [Anger] [Angry] Someone actually attacked such a beautiful white egret, and it is still a national second-class protected animal, but it is too punishable! Recently, a woman was on a self-driving trip, passing by
Anger! [Anger] [Anger] [Angry] Someone actually attacked such a beautiful white egret, and it is still a national second-class protected animal, but it is too punishable! Recently, a woman was on a self-driving trip, passing by

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