
Before and after Qingming, must eat "1 flower, 2 buds and 3 wild vegetables"! Clear heat and detoxification, nourish the liver and dispel dampness, just in season

author:Jin'er Canteen

Introduction: The ancients said: "During the Qingming season, the rain fell, and the pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls." "Spring temperatures are changeable, especially before and after Qingming, the temperature difference is large, and it is easy to catch a cold. Cough and other symptoms, in order to improve physical fitness, we should eat more "1 bud, 1 flower and 2 vegetables" to enhance resistance, clear heat and detoxify, delicious and healthy!

Before and after Qingming, must eat "1 flower, 2 buds and 3 wild vegetables"! Clear heat and detoxification, nourish the liver and dispel dampness, just in season

First: bean sprouts

Bean sprouts are the dishes produced by the germination of beans, which are rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, riboflavin and other nutrients, and have the effects of replenishing qi, blood, beauty, preventing high blood pressure, and enhancing immunity.

Recommended recipe: Fried bean sprouts with dried tofu

Before and after Qingming, must eat "1 flower, 2 buds and 3 wild vegetables"! Clear heat and detoxification, nourish the liver and dispel dampness, just in season

Ingredients: dried tofu, bean sprouts, leeks, cooking oil, light soy sauce, salt, chicken essence

(1) Clean the bean sprouts, dried beans and leeks with clean water, cut the bean sprouts into strips and the leeks into segments. Blanch the bean sprouts in a pot for 2 minutes, remove and control the moisture.

(2) Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, heat the oil at 8 to 8 heat, add green onions and garlic to fry until fragrant, add bean sprouts, leek segments, and dried bean strips and stir-fry evenly, add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, salt, chicken essence and stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot.

Second: Sophora flowers

Sophora flowers are found in most parts of the mainland, it is bitter and cold, has the effect of cooling blood and stopping bleeding, clearing the liver and purging fire, resisting bacteria, stopping bleeding, and enhancing resistance.

Recommended recipe: Scrambled eggs with acacia flowers

Before and after Qingming, must eat "1 flower, 2 buds and 3 wild vegetables"! Clear heat and detoxification, nourish the liver and dispel dampness, just in season

Ingredients: Sophora flowers, eggs, oil, salt

(1) Pick fresh locust flowers, wash them with clean water, put them in a pot and blanch for 1 minute, and control the water after taking them out and dry them for later use. Beat the eggs in a bowl, add some salt and stir with chopsticks.

(2) Boiling oil, oil temperature 7 into the hot pour into the egg liquid, when the egg liquid is about to solidify, pour in the locust flowers, stir well, so that the fried locust eggs are very elastic, delicious and delicious.

Three: mustard greens

Mustard greens are very popular vegetables in the mainland, it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, reducing substances ascorbic acid, etc., has the effect of refreshing the mind, relieving fatigue, enhancing resistance and so on.

Recommended recipe: stir-fried mustard greens

Before and after Qingming, must eat "1 flower, 2 buds and 3 wild vegetables"! Clear heat and detoxification, nourish the liver and dispel dampness, just in season

Ingredients: mustard greens, garlic oil, salt, sugar

(1) Soak the mustard greens in salted water for 30 minutes, then wash them, cut the leaves and rods separately with a knife, and then put them in 2 plates separately.

(2) Heat the oil, heat the oil at 8 to 8, add garlic and fry until fragrant, first pour the mustard stalk and stir-fry until it changes color, then pour in the mustard leaves. Add an appropriate amount of salt and sugar, stir-fry well, and you can get out of the pan.

4. Cabbage

Cabbage is a very common vegetable, it is delicious, popular with everyone, camelina has the effect of appetizing and hurting the lungs, coughing and phlegm, replenishing qi and nourishing blood, and enhancing resistance.

Recommended recipe: camelina tofu soup

Before and after Qingming, must eat "1 flower, 2 buds and 3 wild vegetables"! Clear heat and detoxification, nourish the liver and dispel dampness, just in season

Ingredients: camelina tofu, carrot, egg, salt, chicken essence, pepper, starch, sesame oil

(1) Clean the camelin, put it in a pot and blanch water for 20 seconds, pass the cool water, seal the water, cut it into foam with a knife, clean the carrot, cut it into foam, beat the egg into a bowl, and stir it with chopsticks. Dice the tofu and blanch for 1 minute.

(2) Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add tofu after the water boils, cook for 5 minutes, then add carrot foam, salt, chicken essence and pepper. Then pour in the water starch and egg liquid, in order to avoid the paste pan, be sure to stir with chopsticks all the time, and then sprinkle with camelina and stir it to get out of the pot.

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