
Memories of the Journey: My Past Travel Highlights - Dominican Republic

author:Leisurely courtyard life

最近我有点空闲时间,开始整理这些年拍的照片,同时回忆过去旅游‬的点点滴滴。 As the pandemic passes, I guess I'll start a new journey myself.

When I travel, I basically travel independently. Because I prefer to learn more about the local human history and visit the local natural beauty. During my travels, I have the freedom to explore new places and enjoy an uninhibited travel experience.

以下这组照片是我在多米尼加共和国索纳岛(Isla Saona)拍摄的,我‬报名‬参加了一日游。 Since there were very few Chinese to travel to the Dominican Republic at the time, I was the only Chinese in the entire small group. 我还和‬一帮‬人坐‬小艇‬到‬海中‬游泳‬,我们下水游泳的地方据说是北大西洋和南太平洋的交界处。

Memories of the Journey: My Past Travel Highlights - Dominican Republic
Memories of the Journey: My Past Travel Highlights - Dominican Republic
Memories of the Journey: My Past Travel Highlights - Dominican Republic

Isla Saona is a very beautiful place and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Dominican Republic. The island is distinguished by its beautiful coral reefs and endless beaches. The fine white sand and crystal clear waters, combined with the sky and the Caribbean sun, present different shades of blue. In these waters we can find marine life such as turtles, exotic fish and starfish.

As the only restaurant on the island, there is a cottage in Isla Saona that can be used as a dining room for visitors who are touring and offers lunch with coconut rice and fresh fish dishes.

In addition to the beautiful natural landscape, Isla Saona also has the unique charm of local culture, such as traditional dance performances and food. Whether you want to relax on the beach or explore the beautiful nature, this place will make you linger.

Memories of the Journey: My Past Travel Highlights - Dominican Republic
Memories of the Journey: My Past Travel Highlights - Dominican Republic
Memories of the Journey: My Past Travel Highlights - Dominican Republic
Memories of the Journey: My Past Travel Highlights - Dominican Republic
Memories of the Journey: My Past Travel Highlights - Dominican Republic

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