
Yu Qian, have you eaten?

author:Orange Heart 777

It's spring and March again. The spring of March is the season when the elm money is full of trees, and the elm money at this time is a gift from nature, and the taste is fresh and glutinous.

The efficacy of elm money is many. Elm fruit contains acidic substances such as niacin and ascorbic acid. At the same time, it also contains a large amount of inorganic salts, which can strengthen the spleen and stomach and cure loss of appetite. Elm fruit contains a lot of water, niacin, ascorbic acid and inorganic salts, among which calcium and phosphorus are rich, which have the effect of clearing heat and calming the nerves, and can treat neurasthenia and insomnia.

Niacin and seed oil in elm money fruit have the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, killing insects and reducing swelling, and can kill a variety of human parasites, at the same time, elm money can also reduce swelling by urinating. Yuqian flavor into the lung meridian, can clear lung heat, reduce lung qi, elm money seed oil has the function of moisturizing the lungs cough and phlegm, so it can be used to treat cough and thick phlegm. Eating elm money can clear the heat and extinguish the fire.

Yu money has the effect of clearing heat and calming the nerves, which contains a variety of nutrients, which can be digested and absorbed by the human body, and has a certain alleviating effect on the human brain's brain nerve diseases, especially in the spring of each year, is the best time to eat Yu money, often eat Yu money has the effect of dissolving phlegm, relieving cough and eliminating food. Women often eat has the effect of weight loss, if there is a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer patients should be used with caution, it may cause abdominal pain.

Yu Qian, have you eaten?
Yu Qian, have you eaten?
Yu Qian, have you eaten?

Elm money five-spice cake

1. Put salt in the elm money, soak for 10 minutes, and suck it clean.

2. Wash the elm money to control the moisture, beat the eggs, put an appropriate amount of salt, thirteen spices, and stir well.

3. Put oil in a frying pan, spread the mixed elm money flat pan, start to simmer for 2-3 minutes on medium heat until golden brown on both sides, and put it on a plate.

4. Friends who like to eat spicy, you can use elm money cake dipped in garlic juice and chili, spicy and delicious.