
From ancient times to the present, the history of changes in traffic laws

author:Pin Wei Tang

"Red light stop, green light go, yellow light on wait", this is a well-known traffic children's song, but also straightforward let everyone understand the traffic rules, it is precisely because of the perfect traffic rules, our travel will become faster and more orderly. Rome was not built in a day, similarly, the traffic rules are not like this at the beginning, the continent, as a populous country with deep history and culture, as early as thousands of years ago, in ancient times, there were corresponding traffic rules.

From ancient times to the present, the history of changes in traffic laws

Since the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty unified the six countries, in order to facilitate management, many laws have been implemented, the most profound of which are "books with the same text", "cars with the same track", "degrees with the same system", "change the currency system", etc., which greatly improved social productivity and unity.

Among them, "car on the same track" refers to the original seven countries chaotic, each of them, at that time the mainstream means of transportation--- carriages, is also varied, various specifications, the road is also wide and narrow, each of them is convenient, now unified, different carriages driving on different roads, it is particularly inconvenient, so considering the actual problems in society, Qin Shi Huang ordered that the wheel base of all carriages be changed to six feet, and ordered to harden the road surface, unify standards, and remove many guanxi and fortresses that do not exist after unification, Many roads were built, the size of the road was 50 steps wide, and trees were planted every three feet on the side of the road, which was the prototype of the earliest national highway.

In the Tang Dynasty, traffic rules began to be taken seriously, and in the eleventh year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong of Tang Li Shimin ordered the promulgation of the "Tang Law and Etiquette Order", which stipulated: "Everywhere you go on the streets and streets, avoid the cheap, avoid the old, avoid the old, avoid the heavy, and avoid." "This is probably the earliest established traffic rule, which means that ordinary people should let officials go first; The younger should take the initiative to avoid the elderly; Cars with light loads should give way to cars with heavy loads; That is, those who go out of the city should let those who enter the city first. Ceremonial orders are not only reflected in the land route, but also have corresponding rules for ships, palanquins, etc.

At present, there are two types of road traffic systems in the world, one is the left-hand system, the other is the right-hand system, and in some movies we see that some cars have a steering wheel on the left and some steering wheels on the right, because of the difference between these two traffic laws. Our country adopts a right-hand system, which has also proved to be more in line with human coordination and habits in life.

From ancient times to the present, the history of changes in traffic laws

There is an interesting story about the origin of the right-hand system, it is said that in the cold weapon period, because most of the weapons equipped are spears, spears, etc., if the two teams of soldiers meet head-on, the spears, spears and other weapons they carry will accidentally hurt each other, in order to avoid this situation, both sides keep to the right, empty the left, let each other walk, over time, everyone walks in this way, it slowly evolves into a traffic rule to go on the right.

From ancient times to the present, the history of changes in traffic laws

There are many vehicles on modern roads, rain and snow weather, the road is slippery, it is easy to have traffic accidents, if there is a traffic accident, it is necessary to determine the responsible party in accordance with the traffic law, in fact, in the Qing Dynasty, there were traffic laws in this regard. The Great Qing Statute contains this provision:

If you hit someone on horseback on the road because of bad weather, you need to pay the corresponding medical expenses to the other party, and if you hit someone to death, you will also be sentenced to 100 boards, three years in prison, and pay funeral expenses for the family of the deceased, and so on.

From ancient times to the present, the history of changes in traffic laws

Today, traffic laws have been very perfect, and there are some people, because of non-compliance with traffic laws, resulting in serious car accidents, and finally car crashes and deaths, leaving broken families, so we should strictly abide by traffic laws and be responsible for ourselves and the lives of others.