
Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!

author:Beiqing Net


on 21 Mar 2023


Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!

Today is the voice to accompany you

Day 1132

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"The spring equinox does not maintain health, the next year will give birth to illness", at the spring equinox, the weather is dry, the temperature changes, coupled with the increase of allergens, the lungs are vulnerable to external evils. In addition, the liver qi is vigorous and rising, and the liver fire is easy to flourish. At this time, the most important thing is to regulate the liver and nourish the lungs, how to do it specifically? Small circle, this will introduce you to the health secrets of the spring equinox solar term~

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!

Zhang Xia

The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine

Chief physician, Pediatric Hospital

How to eat equinox health?


Sydney: Clear heat and reduce fire

Sydney pear has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough, laxative and moisturizing, and can be used to relieve cough and phlegm, fever and thirst, dry stool, and skin maintenance.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Loquat: moisturizes the lungs and relieves cough

Loquat is rich in vitamins and lamygdalin, which has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and dissolving phlegm, lowering gas and relieving cough.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Silver fungus: nourishes the lungs

Silver fungus belongs to the lungs, stomach, kidney meridians, can nourish the yin and moisturize the lungs, can relieve fatigue cough, sputum with blood and other symptoms. Silver fungus also has the effect of nourishing the stomach, which can relieve symptoms such as thirst and stomach irritability.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Lily: Clear the mind and calm the mind

Lily cold, with the effect of tonifying lung yin and clearing lung heat, helps to relieve symptoms such as dry cough and less phlegm, dry throat, hoarseness, coughing up blood and other symptoms caused by yin deficiency and lung dryness. Lily sweet, into the heart meridian and lung meridian, can not only nourish the yin of the heart and lungs, but also clear the heat of the heart and lungs, and also have a certain calming effect, which can alleviate insomnia, palpitations, dreams, trance, bitterness and other symptoms caused by the disturbance of hypothermia. In addition, lilies also have the effect of nourishing the stomach yin and clearing stomach heat, which can relieve stomach pain caused by gastric yin deficiency and heat.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Honey: laxative

Honey has the effect of moisturizing and laxative, can regulate intestinal function, lubricate intestinal function, promote intestinal peristalsis, relieve symptoms of irritable bowel and constipation. In addition, honey can promote the secretion of saliva and respiratory mucus, and improve the symptoms of cough to a certain extent. There is also a certain amount of flavonoids in honey, which help to remove free radicals in the body, thereby helping to resist oxidation and anti-aging.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Shiitake mushrooms: Boost the size

After the spring equinox, the body's metabolism is vigorous and the secretion of growth hormone increases, which is the best time to grow a baby. Growing up is inseparable from vitamin D, shiitake mushrooms are rich in vitamin D, and dry products contain more minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Toon: Rational qi antibacterial

Toon can clear heat and detoxify, strengthen the stomach, especially its rich aroma, taste and nutrition are good.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Oil wheat: sleep aid

It helps sleep, cleanses the lungs and other effects, and is a low-calorie, high-nutrient vegetable.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!

How to drink Spring Equinox Health?


Coix kernel persimmon leaf drink: moisturizing lung skin care

Add persimmon leaves, coix seeds and comfrey to water and simmer for 15~20 minutes, then add rock sugar to taste after taking the juice from the filter residue.


Persimmon leaf: has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and laxative;

Coix seed: can make the skin smooth, but also diuretic, reduce edema;

Comfrey: It has the effect of cooling blood and activating blood, clearing heat and detoxification, and smoothing the intestine.


Hawthorn locust flower drink: clear fire and lower fat

After the hawthorn is pitted and mashed, put it in a pot with poria and cook for 10 minutes, filter the residue to take the juice, and then use this juice to soak the locust flowers and add rock sugar.


Sophora flower: has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood and moisturizing the lungs;

Poria: can clear fire and enhance immunity;

Hawthorn: has a lipid-lowering effect.


Fat sea luohan fruit drink: cough and swelling

Put the persimmon cakes in a bowl, cover tightly with a lid, steam for 15 minutes, cut into slices, and then put them in a cup with fat sea and washed and mashed monk fruit, and soak them in boiling water for 5 minutes.


Persimmon cake has the effect of moisturizing the lungs, fat sea and monk fruit have the effect of clearing heat and throat, and drinking after soaking in water has the effect of clearing throat and relieving pain, cough and swelling.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!

How to press the spring equinox regimen?


Cave in the gut

【Location】On the midline in front of the human body, it is located at the midpoint of the connection between the two nipples, that is, the middle point.

It has the effect of widening the chest and regulating qi, regulating the heart and lungs, and promoting qi and blood, and can be used to treat heart and lung diseases.

【Operation method】Use the tip of the index finger or middle finger to knead the middle point for 3~5 minutes, the strength should be moderate, not too heavy.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Lung Yu Point

【Location】The lung Yu point is located on the back of the human body, under the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebrae, 1.5 inches next to the posterior midline, one on the left and right.

【Operation method】Take the sitting or prone position when kneading, press and knead the lung Yu point with the thumb or index finger, and rub each side for at least 2 minutes, or with local slight fever.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Pound the heart

【Location】At the base of the palm, in the depression where the big fish and the small fish cross, flex the index or middle finger and pound it on the small heavenly heart.

【Operation method】Pound 50~100 times a day, can calm the mind and help sleep.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Neiguan Acupoint

【Location】Neiguan point is located on the palmar side of the forearm, 3 fingers up the wrist striae, between the palmar long tendon and the radial wrist flexor tendon.

【Operation method】Knead for 3~5 minutes every day.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Three Yin Points

【Location】The three yin points are located on the inner side of the calf, 3 inches above the tip of the inner ankle of the foot, that is, at the 4 horizontal fingers, behind the inner edge of the tibia, where the spleen meridian, kidney meridian and liver meridian meet.

【Operation method】Press and knead for 3~5 minutes every day, which can strengthen the spleen and blood, regulate the liver and replenish the kidney, and also have the effect of calming the spirit.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!

How does the equinox regimen work?


Pass the intestines: drink plain water

In the cold season just past, the yang qi is closed in the body, coupled with people's habit of winter supplementation, and the diet is mostly barbecue and shabu, resulting in the accumulation of heat in the stomach and intestines, and constipation is prone to occur during the spring equinox.


Through the intestines, drink plain water. It is recommended to drink 1500~2000ml of water every day.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Nose clearing: Wash your nose often

Spring blossoms, pollen and dust mites in the air gradually increase, and allergic rhinitis is also prone to high incidence.


People with rhinitis should minimize going out, wear masks, glasses, nasal topical filters or blockers, etc. when going out;

You can wash your nasal passages with 200 ml of warm water at about 37°C or something you feel comfortable with every day, or you can use a special nasal salt or nasal wash for better results.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Through the meridians: soak your feet more

In spring, yang qi arises, qi and blood circulation is vigorous, many important meridians of the human body originate from the feet, starting from the toes, all the way up, through the whole body, once the meridians are not connected, it will lead to various diseases.


Every day 1~2 hours before going to bed, soak your feet with warm water at about 40 °C for 10~20 minutes, so that the water level does not exceed the calf belly, which can help unblock the meridians.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!

How to exercise in the spring equinox regimen?

We should always take our children to do the right amount of outdoor activities, and the right amount of gentle exercise is the first choice. Sun exposure can promote the synthesis of natural vitamin D, facilitate the absorption of calcium in the gastrointestinal tract, promote growth and development, and enhance children's disease resistance. Outdoor exercise can improve the thermoregulation function, better adapt to the changing temperature, avoid the invasion of germs, and also regulate the body and mood, so as to facilitate the release of liver qi.

【Note】Avoid going to crowded places to avoid cross-infection. It should also be noted that the climate in spring is changeable, showing the characteristics of large temperature difference and strong wind, and attention should be paid to appropriate wind protection and cold.

How to dress for the equinox regimen?

There is a saying called "spring does not reduce clothes, autumn does not wear hats". After the spring equinox, do not lose winter clothes too early, because from winter to spring, warm and cold, temperature changes, premature loss of winter clothes, once the temperature drops, it is difficult to adapt, especially children, will make the body's resistance decline, bacteria take advantage of the invasion, causing a variety of respiratory diseases and infectious diseases, and the human body is prone to headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms after being cold, people with weakness should pay more attention, "do not be extremely cold, not too hot." In addition, spring clothing should adhere to the principle of thin and thick, especially the feet should be warm, it is best to sweat slightly to disperse the cold lurking in winter.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!

The equinox should do these 3 things


Cover your head and neck: your upper body is warm

During the spring equinox, the yang energy of nature and the human body is in a state of rise, pores are relaxed, and metabolism is vigorous. Combing the hair can stimulate many meridian points in the head, make the yang qi in the body rise and relax, unblock the meridian qi and blood, nourish and strengthen the hair, strengthen the brain and ears, disperse wind and eyes, and prevent headaches.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Cover your wrist: The heart is more comfortable

The spring equinox is the season of high incidence of allergies, and daily rubbing of the Yingxiang points on both sides of the nose is conducive to preventing the recurrence of old diseases such as asthma and rhinitis.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Warm food should be eaten

During the spring equinox, the diet should be mild, cold and hot, meat and vegetarian matching, such as when making bean sprouts, fungus and other dishes, add some warm ingredients such as green onions and ginger; When eating spicy leeks and toons, scrambled with eggs.

Equinox should not do these 3 things


Avoid spring sleepiness

The weather warms up, the blood vessels and pores of the skin gradually relax, the function of the circulatory system is strengthened, and the blood supplied to the brain is relatively reduced, making people sleepy.


Going to bed early and waking up early, taking proper naps and exercising, massaging the temples frequently, and basking in the sun can also help relieve spring sleepiness.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Avoid dust mites

Spring is the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases and infectious diseases, and dust mites accumulated in the home are likely to cause harm to the body.


Choose a day with good weather to clean up, open the window for ventilation first, and clean with a wet mop and wet rag to prevent dust; Thoroughly clean sanitary dead spots such as under the bed and sofa; Soaking the bedding in hot water above 50 °C for more than 10 minutes can kill most dust mites; Bedding and other fabrics are taken outdoors to dry.

Today's Spring Equinox Wellness Secrets You Don't Know!


Avoid wind and cold

The spring equinox is also the boundary between early cold and warmth, and as temperatures continue to rise, strong convective weather begins to increase. Especially in the north, the weather is cold and hot, and there may be a difference of 6 °C ~ 10 °C in a day.

How to maintain the spring equinox?

1. How to eat the equinox regimen:

Snow pear, loquat, silver fungus, lily, honey, shiitake mushroom, toon, oil wheat

2. How to drink the equinox regimen:

(1) Skin nourishing water: moisturizing lung skin care

(2) Fire dispelling water: clear fire and reduce fat

(3) Clear throat water: relieve cough and reduce swelling

3. How to press the spring equinox regimen:

Press the kneading of the middle point, press the lung Yu point, pound the small tianxin, press the neiguan point, press the three yin points

4. How to pass the spring equinox regimen:

(1) Through the intestines: drink plain water

(2) Nose through: often wash the nose

(3) Through the meridians: often soak the feet

5. Spring equinox 3 should be eaten: warm food, comb hair, rub nose

6. Spring equinox 3 taboos: avoid spring sleepiness, avoid wind cold, avoid dust mites

(CCTV Life Circle)