
The trick of fried sugar cake, the skin is crispy, and the whole bag is hollow and does not flow sugar

author:It's time for dawn

Sugar cake is a very delicious snack, remember when I was a child, my mother was fried with sweet potato hot noodles, today I will share with you a simpler way, the skin is crispy, the inside is soft, sweet and not greasy, very delicious, the method is also very simple, only need to use boiling water to scald the noodles on it, very convenient, like to eat small snacks can follow the steps I sent below to try, zero failure. Ingredients: flour, sugar, oil, black sesame seeds, boiling water Step 1: Blanch the noodles with boiling water and let cool, slightly softer

The trick of fried sugar cake, the skin is crispy, and the whole bag is hollow and does not flow sugar

2Roll out into a rectangular shape, brush with oil and sprinkle with a layer of dry flour

The trick of fried sugar cake, the skin is crispy, and the whole bag is hollow and does not flow sugar

3. Wrap the dough again in plastic wrap and let rise for half an hour

The trick of fried sugar cake, the skin is crispy, and the whole bag is hollow and does not flow sugar

The ratio of 4 fillings, sugar, flour and black sesame seeds is 2 to 1 to 1

The trick of fried sugar cake, the skin is crispy, and the whole bag is hollow and does not flow sugar

5. Roll the noodles into long strips and cut into small pieces

The trick of fried sugar cake, the skin is crispy, and the whole bag is hollow and does not flow sugar

6 packs filling

The trick of fried sugar cake, the skin is crispy, and the whole bag is hollow and does not flow sugar

7. Pat: Round cakes thick in the middle and thin around the corner

The trick of fried sugar cake, the skin is crispy, and the whole bag is hollow and does not flow sugar

8 pots of oil boiled, 50% oil hot sugar cake, low heat slow frying and frequent turning

The trick of fried sugar cake, the skin is crispy, and the whole bag is hollow and does not flow sugar

9. Fry until golden on the outside

The trick of fried sugar cake, the skin is crispy, and the whole bag is hollow and does not flow sugar

10 crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, fragrant and sweet

The trick of fried sugar cake, the skin is crispy, and the whole bag is hollow and does not flow sugar
Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoxiao Shiyi. A single mother, love life, love to cook, I will send three meals a day from time to time, I hope everyone's praise and attention, I wish you and your family peace and joy!